

By Gloria DULAN-Wilson

Hello All:

You know how much I love sharing good news, and THE BLACK LOVE CHANNEL is good news.

I met the husband and wife team who started this channel three (3) years ago (2018) at an economic development conference we held in Philly in conjunction with the then single Dr. Boyce Watkins - economics guru, extraordinaire.  He felt it was as important to have sound marriage/partnerships, as it was to have investments, and so featured their workshop as a major part of the conference. 

What an eye opener!  At the time, they had begun repurposing Valentine's day so that it was more than just a few cards, flowers and chocolates.    They had already embarked on a project to help Black people consciously reinstate the loving feeling and respect that saw us thru the hellacious era of slavery, jim crow, discrimination and all the things that make up America  - but this time  how to love on purpose.  


But in the time in between, especially during this era of pandemic/Covid/insanity in DC/murder on TV/ etc - I had totally forgotten about them.  Well, not totally - I actually did think about their Valentine's Day initiative - briefly.   So, when I received this link from them, I was so blown away. Needless to say, I am so happy to see that they are now a channel!!  We need to support them!!

WHY?  you might ask?

Because We Black People,  are far too many of us, falling by the wayside, as we allow outside negative meanstream messages, movies, shows and visions get inside our consciousness, subvert our relationships and destroy who we are, thereby undermining our future and our families.

I hope you'll support THE BLACK LOVE CHANNEL - whether you're currently in a relationship, looking to be in a relationship, are an old married couple; newly weds, teens just beginning to date - seniors looking for loving companionship for the rest of your golden days.

Interestingly enough, Economic guru, Dr. Boyce Watkins sent out invitations to his wedding, which was broadcast live on Friday, May 23rd.  I think it's wonderful!!! 

I'm so sick of seeing Black couples conspiring against one another, dissing each other and calling each other  ugly names, unnecessary backbiting.  TV and movies are full of such genres - I won't and don't watch them.  We are poisoning our own water with these negative stories.  Our children don't know how to react to each other.  We call it keeping it real - and i say we are definitely doing that - keeping it real negative, real ugly, real hostile.

The Black Love Channel may well be able to turn the tide on this trend.  Not that everyone has to get married, but at least we should be in much more demonstrable loving interactions with each other - and not call it sexual harassment.  We've so muddied the waters based on a caucasoid narrative that we don't know how to talk to each other. 

We no longer trust each other because subconsciously we are resonating to the depictions we see on TV and the movies.  We tend to mirror these behaviors because we think it's cool.  SMH

Now, don't get me wrong.  I'm not against our talented Black actors - they are truly gifted.  I just think it's high time we demand that some of the scripts be slanted more towards our loving each other to life, instead of hating each other to death.  We  need to have more stories with outcomes that are more about empowering Black love triumphing, than the hate we are engendering.   Demand they change the script; and if they don't change the script -  we change the channel.

That's precisely what I do.  I think that is why I was able to make it through the pandemic.  Being stuck in an apartment with no access, I think I would have lost my mind if I had watched that steady diet of negativity that was constantly presented on TV.   Not only were we watching Americans - especially Black Americans - die by the thousands; but then  for "entertainment?" watching people on TV at each other's throats - Black people, calling each other the most heinous names.   
I refused to watch 99% of the crap they fed us.  I'm not going to specifically name any shows - unless I'm forced to do so - but understand that there is a reason why more of us  who were sequestered were binge watching GIRLFRIENDS, EVE, ALL OF US, THE FRESH PRINCE, MY WIFE AND KIDS, THE COSBY SHOW, and other positive Black shows, than some of the more contemporary, hate filled shows that depict us at our worst.  And I'm bougie and Black enough to be tired of both the ghetto/drug/thug depictions; or the uber "highbrow" rich families, who should be loving and enjoying their largess, but instead are seething with hate and avarice that we are being fed, ad naseum.  
It's one of the reason that I'm a HALLMARK junkie!  Though most of the romances are caucasoids, I love the idea of happy endings, of working out the problems, of walking off together into the sunset. They have a smattering of Black romances as well; seen through white lens, not nearly depicting who we are.  But they are not trying to be documentaries, or realities - they are the ideal against the harsh real - and I like it.  There are some "regular" Black people who manage to make it, have good educations, fall in love, raise families, have fun - who also like it.

We who claim to be the original people of love, tenderness, creativity, nurturing and other wonderful attributes, truly need to look at what we are feeding our minds and hearts about each other.  What are we feeding our children?  I brag that I come from a family where there have only been 3 divorces in our entire family lineage - one of them was mine.   I have the feeling there are some of us also remember being around  family members who loved each other - "whether times were good, bad, happy or sad" - and have made it past 25 years or more.  You gotta wonder why it's not the same now, in this era were we are smarter, have better technology, are more "evolved," "liberated."  Why has our intelligence gone up, and our relationships gone down?

Back to my original statement:  I love Black  love.  We deserve to have happy endings. We are the ones who make that happen.  Yeah, it might be a little syrupy, and too sweet - it's something that we haven't had in a long time.  But enjoy the fantasy and meet it somewhere in the middle.  We could all use a little pampering, nurturing, affection in this panache of animosity and hate.  Black Love Matters.

The Black Love Channel is going to try to show you how - it can be the very "therapy" we need.   if you're open to it, give them your support: 



Stay Blessed &

Gloria DULAN-Wilson

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