

By Gloria DULAN-Wilson

Now that the Repuglycons have done what they predicted they would do, and blocked the bi-partisan investigation of T-rump's instigation into the Assault on the Capitol, House Democrats can now mount a probe of their own into the January 6 US Capitol attack.  


I, for one, was so sick of hearing the lies and watching the machinations of the Repuglycons - all the threats, all the innuendos of what they would do if a panel was formed.  I was tired of folks trying to be "bi-partisan" with a group of turncoats who have already proven that there isn't a bi-partisan bone in their body.   In the interest of national security, integrity, and equality, it's imperative that the investigation of the January 6 T-rump instigated assault on the Nation's Capitol be held, without equivocation,  compromise, threats, cover ups, or the kind of kid gloves that would almost assuredly be prevalent in an ersatz "bi-partisan" tribunal. 

Ideally, in the pre-T-rump America, bi-partisan would have been the best way.  There would have been a show of unity and solidarity if both sides of the aisle had come together to root out the enemy.  However, since one half of the senate is sleeping with the enemy, getting paid to cooperate with insanity, too many of the original powers of the panel had been negotiated away - i.e. taken off the table - because it would offend/convict the original perpetrator, who obviously has their balls in his back pocket. 

It is admirable that the Dems won't let the issue go away - but now is not the time to continue to beg and cajole - They've shown you what they're about - trickery, lies, racism, deceit.  Time to get your backbone straight Dems; time to fulfill what the people elected you for.  To take it over and make it right - despite the bull shit threats of so called retaliation.

MSNBC ran a documentary on the seige of the Capitol, culled from cameras, cell phones, and surveillance equipment that captured - step by step - the entire sequence of events from the incendiary speech of the former ersatz president, through the charge to go down to the White House - through the seige itself - step by step phase by phase.  Documenting that it was not peaceful, it was no vacation, it was no tour - which is the line of lies the repuglycons have consistently tried to convince the world it is - but a life threatening invasion of America by traitors  that had been in formation for months - probably underwritten by T-rump dollars - to fulfill a threat he made years before where he said that even if he lost the election, he was not going to leave.  He has made this threat subtly over and over and over - so why it was ignored is beyond me. 

My issue, however, is this:  Why is the meanstream media trying to couch the vote against the investigative panel as a defeat for the Democrats? Quite the contrary! The repuglycons have literally shot themselves in the foot.  The Dems now have the power and all the marbles in their hands.  Nancy Pelosi can now appoint a select committee.  They now can send the FBI out into the farthest reaches to get the culprits and bring them to trial.  They can now subpoena people, no matter who they're related to, or what their party affiliation, and have them testify.  If the Dems are concerned about the panel being perceived as a Democratic dominated panel - tough noogies!  Accept it and get the job done.  Besides, you knew the job was dangerous when you took it.  I think the repuglycons secretly want the select panel to happen.  They want this stain gone as much as the rest of us; but they also want to continue receiving under the table money from T-Rump.  If it was really about it not being bi-partisan,  they should have stayed involved and voted to make the panel happen.  

If repuglycons think this panel will cause them to win in the midterms - not gonna happen.  See, Americans aren't that stupid anymore.  The revelations  coming from the witnesses are going to be pretty damaging to the Repuglycons and the former predator in chief.   No one wants more of the same. America is not going to sit on the sidelines this time and allow the repuglycons use every lie in the book to subvert and block out votes.   And this time we have changed - we are a more intelligent,  politically active voting America - despite the contrary efforts to quash and discourage and legislate us out of doing so. While they are pushing through to try to establish a dictatorship a la T-rump; we're pushing back just as hard to maintain our freedom and our voting rights.  We will show up for every opportunity to vote - from dog catcher, to school board, to state and local offices to Judges, Congress, Senate, and whatever else happens to "pop up" that requires a vote. 

In fact, this would be the perfect time for President Biden to issue an executive order re-establishing and expanding our voting rights - so we can focus on more important things.  While we are still signing petitions for the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, President Biden can make it happen via Executive Order and free our time and attention up to other issues that need to be dealt with.

The so-called Senate Republicans derailing, as enunciated by the meanstream media (CNN, MSNBC, etc), is nothing more than the unique, carte blanche opportunity for the Democrats to take the bull by the horns for real, and create the outside commission, probe the deadly insurrection, and probe those other major deliberate gaffs that have occurred over the past four years leading up to this debacle.

To Speaker Nancy Pelosi:  Please move immediately on creating that select committee, not as a fallback option, but as a high priority!!  We are the majority - so let's act like it and make it happen, immediately, if not sooner!  Make it your next move - immediately, if not sooner!!!   What more do you need to make it happen?  According to Texas Democrat, Rep. Joaquin Castro,  who was impeachment manager in President Donald Trump's second trial, the Senate could and should pass a bill creating the outside commission.

ALLOW ME TO REITERATE FOR THOSE WHO DID NOT GRASP THE FOREGOING:  If the House creates such a panel, it would give Democrats the power to issue subpoenas and schedule hearings and to drive an investigation into the causes of the attack and Trump's role behind it.   The repuglycons are threatening a backlash, but who the eff cares?  What have we been dealing with from them for the past 10 years? Their racist backlash began when Obama was elected president.  And all they've done is gotten worse, to the point that now we have a megalomaniacal fool running around the country, with his "psycho-phants" creating bogus vote recounts, passing repressive voter laws, and thumbing their noses at the honest voters - trying to punish them for having a mind of their own, and exercising their rights.  Let them try to paint the upcoming panel as partisan - and I say upcoming because I know that it's gonna happen, because Nancy Pelosi is not intimidated by any of their threats.  Just remind them of the fact that they brought it on themselves by not agreeing to establish a bipartisan outside panel composed of 10 commissioners, equally divided between the two parties - in bad faith, because the Dems actually conceded to every one of their demands - had the commission they agreed to after all the compromises been empaneled, it would have had no power anyway.  Much like the impeachment trials that were held for T-rump - where McConnell already said that they were going through the motions, but were not going to recall the miscreant in chief.

Of course House Minority leader, Kevin McCarthy doesn't want to see the select committee established: "I don't think a select committee is the proper way to go,"  He called it a "Pelosi select committee."

Pelosi, (D-California) was in favor of a bipartisan outside commission, but is also aware of the need for a select committee as an option. According to meanstream media, doing so might create a turf war with existing House committee chairs; but Democratic lawmakers on Friday downplayed that likelihood, given the desire among their caucus to mount a sprawling investigation into what happened.

In a statement on Friday, May 27, Pelosi stated: "Honoring our responsibility to the Congress. in which we serve and the Country, which we love, Democrats will proceed to find the truth."

According to CNN: "Republicans on Friday said they recognized this was a likely next step. Senate Republicans who opposed the commission said that if Pelosi goes that route, it would be easier to contend that such a probe would be geared at helping Democrats in the 2022 midterm elections.  Yet other Republicans said they were perplexed that their colleagues wouldn't endorse a bipartisan commission, arguing their party is ceding control to Democrats, who are almost certain to mount a headline-generating probe into everything that happened on January 6.
"Without this commission, there will still be an investigation," said Sen. Bill Cassidy, a Louisiana Republican who voted with five other Senate Republicans to bring the measure forward for debate. "But it will be a House-select committee set up by Speaker Pelosi -- the nature of which will be dictated by Democrats and would stretch on for years." (ACTUALLY,  IT SHOULD NOT AND MUST NOT DRAG ON FOR YEARS - IT'S AS OBVIOUS AS CHAUVIN'S FOOT ON GEORGE FLOYD'S NECK WHO THE GUILTY PERSON IS IN TERMS OF FOMENTING THE RIOTS, AND THE GUILTY PERSONS ARE FOR BREACHING THE WHITE HOUSE - IT REALLY SHOULD TAKE LESS THAN 6 MONTHS TO CULL THROUGH WHAT IS OBVIOUS AND ON CAMERA - SO THE BUREAUCRATIC BISHWA THAT PLAGUES SO MANY OTHER THINGS MUST BE DISPENSED WITH - I.E., CUT TO THE CHASE - LET'S GET THE PERPETRATORS BEFORE THEY AND WE ARE TOO OLD TO REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED - OR AS DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR SAID: JUSTICE DELAYED IS JUSTICE DENIED!!).

In the Senate, two separate committees -- the Rules Committee and Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee -- are conducting probes about the lack of security preparedness on January 6 and will issue a report the week of June 7. But those investigations are narrowly focused on the response effort that day, rather than the causes behind the insurrection.

On Friday, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer would not say if he believes his committee chairmen should mount their own investigation into the attack. (INTERESTING - CHUCK IS A NEW YORKER, BUT HE MOVES LIKE SOMEONE FROM THE SOUTH - NOT A GOOD LOOK - WAKE UP CHUCK THIS IS 2021 WE WON!!! MOVE LIKE YOU KNOW A NEW YORK MINUTE STILL EXISTS.  SO GLAD WE HAVE TISH JAMES AND CYRUS VANCE LEADING THE CHARGE). But the New York Democrat made clear that he thinks the House should move ahead.
"We preferred to do it bipartisan," Schumer said. "Every Democrat voted for bipartisan, but facts must come out," he said when asked whether the findings from a Democrat-led committee would be credible.

Last word:  For those who have not seen the documentary on MSNBC on the Siege; or for those who just prefer to be manipulated by the meanstream media, FAUX News, repuglycon cover ups, or blowhard ersatz presidents - WTFU!!   "You been took, you been had, you been hoodwinked! (Malcolm X)."  On JANUARY 6, 2021 there was a move to overthrow the government of the United States of America, started by the defeated megalomaniacal former president of the US; and thousands of his dissidents who had been training for at least a year, had maps to the entire Capitol, and encouraged - whipped into a frenzy  - by the defeated outgoing ersatz president of the US.  THE WHOLE WORLD SAW IT.  Just like they saw Chauvin's foot on George Floyd's neck.  WHO ARE YOU GOING TO BELIEVE - THE LIES OR YOUR EYES???


 Stay Blessed &
Gloria DULAN-Wilson



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