
Sign the Petition to Fire DeJoy from the USPS - but Use Executive Orders to undo Trump's Executive Ordders immediately

By Gloria DULAN-Wilson
Hello All:

Of the top five people who should have been already doing time in Leavenworth - T-Rump, McConnell, Pence, DeVos, Cruz, Graham - Louis DeJoy should have been thrown under the jail.

His destruction of the US Postal Service, and continued destruction must be stopped immediately if not sooner.  It's a federal offense, as well as a violation of our rights as Americans.

1 year ago, in May 2020, when it became apparent that T-rump hired him deliberately to destroy the postal service, and to mail in voters, I tried to circulate a petition to stop him from doing so.  However, it was apparent that Move-On, the organization through which I  circulated it, was not on the same page with me; so  I didn't get the support they promised to promulgate the petition in time to stop him from appointing his own personal hatchet man.  SEE BELOW:  As I had predicted,  under T-Rump's orders, DeJoy immediately set about dismantling the United States Postal Service.

What I don't understand is why it's taking more time to get rid of T-rump vermin, than it did for him to put them in place.
Why can't we kick him to the curb?  Why the debate?  Why the so-called due process in putting him out, when there was none when he was hired?

In point of fact -  we Dems must stop dancing to the repuglycon's music and tune, and be much more aggressive in ridding ourselves of these problems -

Arrest T-rump for trying to over throw the government, and continued subversive activities.  Why all this foot dragging!

President Biden - issue an executive order to re-establish and strengthen the VOTING RIGHTS ACT - we can still do a symbolic vote for John Lewis Voting Rights Act; and George Floyd Police Reform, etc.

Do an executive order to undo any and all executive orders instituted by T-rump - and get the FBI and State Department to drag any and all individuals who are complicitous with his nefarious efforts to destroy and overthrow America.  Stop allowing them to throw monkey wrenches in due process - something we would not be able to do when the situation was reversed.

Stop playing 'Mr. and Ms. Nice Party/guy/gal!  The Ball's in our court - play to win. When you ask for my contribution, I want to make it's being used to get rid of the muck and dreck left by the former Predator in Chief.

And let's stop putting Americans through torture and bogus medical procedures.  Make it possible for Stem Cell procedures to be covered by MEDICARE AND MEDICAID - so that Americans can stop being violated by big Pharma, and be able to heal from such deleterious diseases as Arthritis.  The rest of the world is using the procedure.  Must we always be on the late show with modern medical technology and coverage? 

We need you to listen to us little people - not the pundits and so-called authorities.

That said - by all means sign the petition - and any and all petitions that speak to the dismantling of any and all things left behind by T-rump; but demand the pols get up off it and get the job done.


USPS Update: The Senate voted to confirm two of Biden’s nominees to the Postal Service Board of Governors

Louis DeJoy is unapologetic about his attempts to undermine the Postal Service amid nationwide mail delays. With millions relying on the USPS to get essential resources, we need real leadership in place.

So, Gloria, we need you and 37 top Democrats from PA to submit your response today:

Should Postmaster General Louis DeJoy be replaced?


Please submit your response to represent PA by midnight tonight.

First: Louis DeJoy, the GOP mega-donor Trump appointed Postmaster General, put forth policy changes that have slowed down mail delivery, raised prices, and undermined the USPS' most basic services.

Then: DeJoy started taunting Democrats, promising to put a decade-long plan in place that would further slash through essential USPS services and claiming he can't be removed. But that's not true, Gloria.

Now: the Senate voted to confirm two of Biden’s nominees to the Postal Service Board of Governors – the only governing body that can FIRE Louis DeJoy! Now, President Biden needs to fill the third and final board vacancy. This is the last step in the process of putting the board in Democratic hands, allowing Democrats to finally remove DeJoy, and putting a stop to widespread delays in mail delivery.

With millions of Americans relying on the Postal Service to get groceries, medicine, and other vital resources during the pandemic, we can’t afford to lose this vital institution – especially not now. That's why we need 15,000 grassroots Democrats to speak out before it's too late – including you, Gloria.

Before 11:59 p.m., please let us know:

Should Postmaster General Louis DeJoy be replaced?

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---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Gloria Dulan-Wilson <eclecticallyblacknews@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, May 27, 2020 at 2:57 PM



I just signed the petition "SAVE OUR USPS - HANDS OFF THE  POSTAL SERVICE" and wanted to ask if you could add your name too. 
We are looking for co-sponsors to help take this nationally - whether you are a member of a religious, civic, or local community organization; fraternity or sorority, union or an employee of the United Postal Service - please pitch in and make sure this is circulated widely.

This campaign means a lot to me and the more support we can get behind it, the better chance we have of succeeding. You can read more and sign the petition here:


Thank you!
Stay Blessed,
Gloria Dulan-Wilson

P.S. Can you also take a moment to share the petition with others? It's really easy – all you need to do is forward this email or share this link on Facebook or Twitter:
Stay Blessed & 
Gloria DULAN-Wilson


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