

By Gloria DULAN-Wilson


For those of us who have had the privilege of having had a real education - prior to the destruction of quality education in the late 1970s - we are more than familiar with the history of World War II and the rise of Adolf Hitler and the NAZI party.  Though we may not have said it aloud, in the  backs of our minds we remember the lessons surrounding Kristallnacht, and other egregious acts of aggression engineered by Adolf Hitler that turned Germany into the most heinous nation of murders, genocide, and atrocities ever in modern history. Because it happened nearly 80 years ago, perhaps many have developed a convenient form of amnesia, or are just plain ignorant, so the signs may go completely over the heads of many Americans.

The fact that the opposition to T-rump's Hitlerian shock and awe and don't give a shit for anybody tactics, coupled by his effectively fanning the flames of hatred and racism against all who were non- repuglycon - can see the parallels clearly in practically everything T-rump has done and is doing before, during and subsequently to his tenure as predator in chief.

The insult to injury is that the news media persists in calling this walking vermin "the president," when there never was ever anything presidential about him.  It boggles the mind why they would persist in this deceptive nomenclature.  The oaf has been the oozing carbunkle on the backside of America from the day he browbeat the repuglycon party into making him their candidate.  The tragedy is that the repuglycons - and by extension many of the Democrats - have yellow streaks a mile wide down their backsides, have been either paid off, or sufficiently threatened into acquiescence or browbeaten into submission.

And, every time the media and our elected officials continuously say “only Donald T-rump could” stop the mob; Donald T-rump caused this, or refer to the menace of his ersatz supporters, they are feeding his perverse narcissistic ego. 

T-rump is a textbook case for the "authoritarian personality" - and yes, there is a book of the exact same title that describes this perversion.  I know there is, because I had to study it when I was a Freshman Student in Hampton Institute. 

He takes great pride and pleasure in destroying or threatening or intimidating people. 

This should be obvious to intelligent, sentient beings - While folks were being chauvinistic towards Hillary Clinton and believing the BS propaganda spread against her, she was actually telling the truth about who he is and what he's about. Our not listening to her is why we're suffering the consequences of this misceant today.

And now, while folks have been watching this walking disaster destroy everything and everyone he touches, there is an evile smirk on his face as he watches people writhing in pain, ignorance, agony trying to figure out why he is doing what he does.  There are those who try to appeal to a reason he does not possess.  There are those who write books warning about the kind of evile he is and has been from birth through whatever the stage of human development he currently occupies.

Years ago I said that T-rump was a megalomaniacal, sadistic, mendacious cretin - who should have never been allowed to even run for president, let alone be allowed to take office - notice I did not say "elected" because he was not elected, he colluded with Russia who materialy changed the number of votes - and, whe Hillary had still won the popular vote, was able to use his own personal billions to buy or intimidate the (s)electoral college.  In fact, one of the members of the electoral college faced so much pressure stepped down rather than stand up for the truth. 

Narcissistic, socio/psychopath T-rump gets pleasure and feels powerful either way - if you are suffering because of his actions - he's happy; if you're praising him or sucking up to him because you're afraid of what he might do - he's happy.  It makes him feel powerful.  It makes him feel that he has the power of life and death over you.  He made the statement that he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and not be arrested and walk away from it free to move around with impunity.  He meant it.  January 6, 2021 is his test of that statement.  It is his knowing that the US senate and congress are so feckless and spineless that they won't do what needs to be done to punish him.

In retrospect, the entire time of the debate with Hillary, T-rump was not debating her, but talking to his base - sending a message that he was not going to abide by the rules - he has never ever addressed nor abided by, nor adhered to anything that was remotely presidential.  He has always shown his backside to America - from the day he took the oath of office, through the lie about the number of people who came to his inauguration, through the internment of young children, his ersatz wall, his friendship with Putin, his pseudo- enmity with China, when he has more deals with China under the table than anyone else - is clear that he has no regard for America, Democracy, presidency or people in general.

And when Joe Biden made him look like the fool he really is, he feigned a COVID attack, and went into the hospital rather than debate him again, for fear his base would see him for the fool and the idiot he really is.  It was a slick, "sympathy for the devil" move!  It almost worked - Biden actually had said he would do no more attack ads against him while he's convalescing.  There were so many devious things he is able to get away with trickery, lies, deceit - and deflect while pretending to bumble through.  

He's a master genius of delusion.  He says things, supposedly in jest - while at the same time plotting and trying to figure out a way to make it happen.   The dismantling of the postal service - which he announced he would do, the rest of the world was flummoxed when he actually found a fool to make it happen.  The calling together of the different underground vermin - The Proud Boys, etc., the not leaving the White House, not conceding after Biden won - all things he said he would do.  His total lack of respect for any semblance of decency - even in his own family - are his m.o.  And it's an embarrassment to the US, when the rest of the world sees this and sees that we are so lacking in courage and power, that we allowed this crap to drag out for 4 years.  

The  party of Lincoln, the original Republicans, were already hijacked in 1965, when the Democrats took them over in order to punish Lyndon B. Johnson for passing the Voting Rights and Civil Rights Acts, and the Great Society - things that benefited Black people - those dixiecrats were pissed.  They took their evil with them to the Republican party, and it became the Repuglycons - just as vile and negative - but now even moreso.  When they sold their souls to the TeaParty in backlash against President Obama, it was clear they were really consolidating their heinous, hostile control over the government - first under Boehner, then under McConnell.  But, this current iteration of the Repuglycons - now called T-rump's Repuglycon party, made even Joe McCarthy look like a picnic.  Had his miscreants gotten their way, no doubt, Mike Pence would be swinging from their home made gallows in plain sight.  This is the kind of intimidation that energizes and excites T-rump - a walking terrorist.  That he can garner his own army and make America bend to his will and domination.

Consider the events of January 6 T-rump's as his proof that he can do just that - this was a power move.  This was a sadistic move. This was an act of treason. His defiance of the rules is to prove that white america has no guts.   They're good at shooting Black people in the back, they're good at incarcerating us on "suspicion" but have no guts when it comes to doing the same thing with a mendicant who would have been ecstatic had the Capitol been brought down in shambles - it was a testimony to his power.  It made him in his demented mind, a demi-god (actually he thinks he's a god - LOL)  It makes him think he's uberpowerful - like Hitler - who can cause people to do his bidding and the minions can do nothing to stop him.  They are all going through a form of mental masturbation - trying to finesse the info hoping the right wingnut repuglycons, who have already been bought and sold, would actually grow a pair and and get a heart, and actually turn the ice in their veins back to human blood and rebuke T-rump.

And, while I believe in miracles, it would take an act of God to make it happen.  However, at this point, Impeachment is a good symbology - And, when T-rump comes goosestepping back into DC with his redneck brigades - just remember, you were warned.

What really should boggle all the minds of America is why is this criminal being allowed to live free in Mar A Lago, instead of having been tackled to the ground  by the police, handcuffed, and carted off to jail for inciting violence and riot.  Why was he allowed to fly off scott free, while the Capitol stood in ruins? 

January 6 was a power move - he is flexing his muscles.  He is saying to the Democrats and the rest of America "can't touch this!"  And, if all they do  is have an impeachment hearing - win or lose - all they've done is given him the opportunity to do what Hitler did in Nazi Germany - given him a second chance to build an even bigger base of thugs to come back and really overthrow the government.  He will continue to recruit lowlife bogus "patriots."  He not only has to be impeached - he has to stand trial and be incarcerated and made to pay for his crimes in the same way any other individual who had done the same would do.

His ersatz lawyers are not professional.  They are vapid and weak. They are only there to pretend to defend him.  The repuglycons have already decided to  stonewall the Democrats, and  as the impeachment proceedings go on, they are going to vote for acquittal.  They are going to try to pretend the constitution has not been violated.  They are going to try to wash their hands of the whole thing. This is what he's anticipating here at the hearing, which is why they have not brought on any high powered lawyers.  They don't have to defend him, they don't have to prove anything - they are anticipating the fact that impeachment will fail.  So the lawyers don't have to be good, they have to be warm bodies that can form sentences - not necessarily coherently - because he is still the puppet master for the repuglycon party. 

Frankly, I consider T-rump armed and extremely dangerous.  So why is he not under house arrest?  He's like a walking ak-47 - and if you're in his gunsites, he may not necessarily pull the trigger himself, but has caused others to do so - ask the Governor of Michigan about how she was targeted by T-rump's miinions as they stormed the capital and demanding she be locked up.  It was his test case for he ensuing storming of the Capitol.  He has been threatening to send militia to different states to take over where the governors did not fall lock step with him. Notice, that he got the eff out of New York because Tish James and Governor Cuomo were not playing.  They were ready and willing to expose him, read him the riot act, and throw him under the jail.  To avoid that, he changed his residency to Florida. But that may prove to be his undoing if Floridians perceive his toxic presence to be a menace to their toney society.

January 6 was T-rump's Kristallnacht:

"Over 100,000 Jews fled Germany for other countries after Kristallnacht. The international community was outraged by the violent events of November 9 and 10. Some countries broke off diplomatic relations in protest, but the Nazis suffered no serious consequences, leading them to believe they could get away with the mass murder that was the Holocaust, in which an estimated 6 million European Jews died."  - Google

If we don't arrest this maniac - this maggot - not merely impeach him.  If we don't try him in a court of laws for high crimes and treason - it shows we have not learned the lessons of history; we are stuck on stupid, and if this is so, we will get what we deserve - in spades.

So my questions are these:

When is a President not a President?

What are the character traits of a president?

What are the moral characteristics of a president?

What makes us decide this individual, not that, is trustworthy enough with the future and wellbeing of America, and our lives, to be given the accolade?

What is our criteria for president - is it money, ethics, intelligence?

Or have we come so far away from any standard of quality, we will let any miscreant hold the title.

Make no mistake, Americans prize our rules in sports higher than we do the person who is given the responsibility for running the most powerful country in the world. You can be ejected from a game if you are caught cheating.  You will forfeit the game and all games you've won previously for not following the rules.  Yet we will allow an underhanded, foul mouth degenerate to be the president of the US and spend the next four years talking about how awful and ignorant he is - but not do a damned thing about it.

This is the chance - This is our responsibility.

We have absolutely no excuse for not doing so.

God  is watching us - trying to wake us up!  He's already given us COVID, economic downturn, a massive fall from grace - this is our chance - our responsibility to show that we've learned the lesson and will now DO THE RIGHT THING.



 Stay Blessed & Stay Strong

Gloria DULAN-Wilson

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