

By Gloria Dulan-Wilson

Hello All:

I received this from the Daily Kos today. Needless to say, T-rump and the repuglycons have no compunction about stepping on the backs of Americans and they are making sure that they play every trick in the book to deprive us of our rights to vote, and to live happy, equitably and free.

This is egregious and disgusting!  Not to mention illegal.  The Daily Kos is asking for contributions to help pay these "taxes" and I'm not going to say no.  But I also want to tell Black Floridians to not take it lying down.  Make sure that, if and when you pay these bogus taxes, that you DEFEAT EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THE REPUGLYCON CANDIDATES BY MAJOR LANDSLIDES, AND SEND NOTHING BUT DEMOCRATS TO DC, OR TO THE STATE LEGISLATORS OR MAYORS OR SCHOOL BOARDS OR DOG CATCHERS - or whatever else!  

There is no way that the wishes of the majority can be ignored and disrespected and dismantled by the minority.  It's time to dismantle  that evile empire with swamp rats in Mar A Lago and their surrounding areas.   Make them pay for the hell they're putting you/us through!  Defeat each and every one of them.

Additionally, for those of us who have friends, relatives, associates in Florida, please help them out in this measure - of course, verify first - and make sure they aren't caught short.

To my friends who are there - rally your troops.  Draining the swamp is not only necessary for DC, but you need to the the Repuglycon boot off your necks there as well.  

Be advised - we are all in this fight for our rights together - and if you thing that what happens in Florida - a repuglycon stronghold - doesn't affect you, guest again!  Remember the Al Gore fiasco where they literally dumped Democratic votes into the ocean.  These are the same evil ones.  It cost us the election and we ended up with Bushwacker !! and later the World Trade Center, and, and - as they say, the rest is a a tragic history!!

As always, the writing in yellow highlights are mine - and I also highlighted several passages in red for even greater emphasis.  ### GDW


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