
Open Letter to Congressman John Lewis: Get yourself healed, please!

By Gloria Dulan-Wilson

Hello All:

It's Saturday - a day when I usually make it my business to sleep as late as I want to - when I binge watch classic Black situation comedies on TV, and leisurely catch up with some chores.  But I couldn't do that this morning.  Try as I might, I had someone on mind, and he would not leave - and that person was Congressman and hero, John Lewis.  

Congressman Lewis kept walking into my subconscious to the point that I found myself talking to him, admonishing him about his situation with the pancreatic cancer.  I recently posted a statement in FaceBook strongly suggesting that he go to Germany and get healed.  My understanding is that there are several physicians and oncologists, in Heidelberg and other hospitals, who have a positive track record for excising and curing pancreatic cancer through the use of Nanoknife technology.

Now, we may not be familiar with the technology, but I learned about it when my dear friend, the late Tom Feelings, artist/activist/author  of the great book, Middle Passage," was diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer in the 90s.  He found out about nanoknife technology which was being used in Germany even then.  He tried to raise the funds to be able to go to Germany and have the surgery.  This was before the days of crowd funding, and certainly before the days when Black people used medical vacations to be healed.  Unfortunately, we were on the late show, we didn't trust our friend, we didn't have a frame of reference for pancreatic cancer or crowd funding and our friend died. We were devastated.

Here we are now in the 21st Century, in the age of Google, social media, and medical vacations - and we have just lost Congressman Elijah Cummings, who succumbed after a "medical procedure" that he underwent that was supposed to rectify a series of illnesses.   We now suddenly have Congressman John Lewis diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and everyone praying for him on the one hand, and measuring him for a coffin on the other.

I remember thinking how thin and frail he looked when I saw him at the 2019 Congressional Black Caucus Phoenix Awards Banquet.  It looked as though he had shrunk at least 2 feet, and lost at least half his body weight.  He was wearing an African djelaba (robe) in honor of the trip he took to Africa with several other Black congressional caucus members and speaker Nancy Pelosi.  

Having interviewed and taken pictures of Congressman Lewis on several occasions, it was a bit of a shock - but I kind of chalked it up to his aging - he'll be 80 on his next birthday, February 20, 2020.  But that shouldn't have caused him to shrink in stature so suddenly.   
Now that I understand what he's going through, I think it's time for "The Talk."  And that consists of this:  Congressman Lewis, we love you dearly, and have a great deal of respect and honor for what you did for us when you laid your life on the line during the March on Selma and so many other times.  You have stepped up for Black people again and again, whether it was in Atlanta, or via the Congressional Black Caucus, and in so many other issues where principle and integrity were being trampled on by people who couldn't measure up to your shoelaces.  So I say to you, with all due respect Sir, Please don't die without doing everything you possibly can to get healed - and that means going outside this country to either Germany or other countries where they have medical superiority, and GET YOURSELF HEALED.  THERE ARE COUNTRIES WHERE PANCREATIC CANCER IS NOT A DEATH SENTENCE, BUT A MERE MEDICAL PROCEDURE THAT TAKES LESS THAN 30 MINUTES TO PERFORM, BUT GIVES YOU BACK THE REST OF YOUR LIFE.  AND I ASSUME THAT WILL BE A LONG AND PRODUCTIVE ONE.  

You are a hero - you should not be a martyr to ill health when you have the power and capacity to do something about it.  There are many who cannot afford premium medical treatment, but you're not one of them.  Nor should you waste it on medical procedures at the so called finest medical centers, when it has been proven that the finest medical centers here in the US, are far below most medical centers in such countries as Germany, Great Britain, Japan, Thailand, and Cuba.   The study was conducted during the beginning of the legislation for the Affordable Care Act.

The one thing he stated, and I concur, is if the procedure isn't healing you after a specific amount of time, then it's time to go to another physician and try a better protocol.  And this is what I'm saying to you.  America doesn't have a good track record for NanoKnife Technology and for the healing of pancreatic cancer, Germany does.  You have to go where the healing is, sir.  You are not stuck here.  And if there are those who object to your taking a medical safari to another country, you might want to consider whether or not they want you healed.  

I remember vividly when former San Francisco Mayor, Willie Brown, was keynote speaker at the New York State Black and Puerto Rican Caucus.  At the time he had recently undergone critical surgery and addressed us on how important it was to not become a political casualty.  He had us laughing so hard as he regaled us with his experience, and his choice of physician.  He vetted his surgeon on the racist scale of 1 through 5, Five being worst,  and One being least, with Three being borderline.  He said he had several friends, relatives and a special physician  accompany him to the hospital for surgery: 
 "I didn't want there to be any slip ups or accidents.  I'm well aware that there are many who want to see me dead; who are tired of my stance, and who could be persuaded to zig when they should have zagged, so I was taking no chances!!  I didn't want any news reports that I had died on the operating table, or after a long convalescence.  I had too much to do, and was determined that I was going to be healed so that I can continue my purpose in life.  So I say this to all you political leaders, check everything out, but don't allow yourself to die when you have the advantage of medical miracles to keep you alive.  It's an insult and affront to all who have placed so much faith and confidence in you.  You have to be the example of how to live, how to survive.  People are looking up to me.  So I had the responsibility of not letting them down by dying prematurely."  

While he made light of the surgery,  and we laughed ourselves silly, the message was not lost, and we knew he was deadly serious.  Willie Brown, who is now 85 years old, is a major influence in Californian and national politics.

And I'm equally serious, Congressman Lewis.  The we need you to live and survive this and continue the wonderful work you've started.  So I'm taking this time to write this to you - but I'm also hoping that others who read this, will also follow my suggestions and take the medical safari to another country to be healed.  It would be a profligate waste to have the funds to do so, and not do everything you can to be healed. 

Countries with the best healthcare systems in the world have scores between 90-96.1. The Netherlands holds the highest score of 96.1.
Based on the latest report, the following countries were found to have the best healthcare:
  • Germany.
  • Hong Kong.
  • The Netherlands.
  • Switzerland.
  • Singapore.
  • Luxembourg.
  • Japan.
  • Sweden.
NOTE:  Not included in this count is Cuba, which is reputed to also have a very advanced medical system.  

The issue and concern,  however,  is that the United States is no where in this list.  And after you are healed you can return and push for the establishment of the protocols here in the US so that others might be healed as well.  But let's deal with you first.  
  Please don't over research this - your time has already been compromised.  And while we continue to pray for your healing, I am mindful of the Biblical saying, "God helps those who help themselves." Please don't be so embarrassed that you don't help yourself, and get the proper healing and medical care you need.  
Below are two links of several, where others have going to Germany and had the procedure that healed them of pancreatic cancer using the nanoknife technology:
Oct 12, 2016 - About 4,800 Canadians are diagnosed with pancreatic cancer each ... to meet later this week to discuss a plan to study NanoKnife technology ... Colleen Walters similarly travelled to Germany this year to have the ... 'You violated, objectified, embarrassed me': U.S. reporter groped on ... All rights reserved.
Jun 17, 2017 - But Hy Elmas, 69, does not have the luxury of time. ... of Health is preparing for clinical trials on a promising treatment for pancreatic cancer — a ...
I hope you accept this open letter in the spirit of love and concern in which it is written.  I also hope that some of my other friends who are likewise suffering under major illnesses are reading this and looking at options of taking medical safaris (or medical vacations) to countries that are actually doing the work and providing the cure.  Do not let the arena of public opinion stop you from taking care of yourself.  
We will pray for you, for the doctors, for your complete recovery and continued health - but I also pray that you will not overlook this opportunity, and heal yourself by getting the medical treatment you need.
And to the rest of my friends who are reading this - and you know who you are - let's get you healed.
Sincerely submitted - 
Stay Blessed & 
Gloria Dulan-Wilson 

PS:  I'm going back and get the rest of the sleep I missed, and will be envisioning you completely and totally healed.  SB&EG - GDW


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