
GUEST ARTICLE: Imagine A World, by Dr. Efaye Williams, Esq of Wake Up & Stay Woke

By Gloria Dulan-Wilson

Hello All:

Welcome to 2020 - and we've got a lot to do starting right  now and moving forward.  No one is exempt from the project of the salvation of America's soul.    I will of course be dealing with this throughout the year, and featuring relevant guest articles as well - notice I said "relevant."  Dr. E. Faye Williams article, Imagine a World, is the first in a series of Guest Articles.  Of course, as with all my other previous guest articles, I reserve the right to agree, disagree and comment on them - and would also appreciate your feedback and commentary as well, which can be sent to me via eclecticallyblacknews@gmail.com.  

Please enjoy Dr. Williams commentary - there is so much to learn, share and take action on, and we, as ECLECTICALLY BLACK PEOPLE  of the SIXTH DIASPORA OF AFRICA, must not shirk our responsibility.

IMAGINE A WORLD By Dr. E. Faye Williams, Esq. 01/10/2020

TriceEdney – We have an impeached president in our country because he has done so much destruction 
to our country. He has even destroyed who others believe we are! Many Americans have lost faith in 
who we once thought we were. I’ve heard Americans talk about being embarrassed to travel abroad 
because they have no way to defend what has happened to our country. 

Now, as a result of the extreme actions taken by the man in the White House, we have the added 
reason of fear to travel abroad. Once we’re identified as Americans, we are fair game to those who 
want pay back from America for what the occupant in the White House has done without a logical 

The Administration held a briefing to explain why the occupant of the White House started the ground 
work for a war without authorization from Congress. Even our top military officials who stood behind 
Trump as he tried to justify ordering the killing, it was obvious they were thinking about the former Beatle, 
John Lennon and Yoko Ono's song “Imagine,”* with another Commander-in-Chief.   
*(See lyrics and link to song below)

Senator Mike Lee (R) is definitely not known as one who would likely vote for anything with 
which I agree. But, Wednesday he came out of the briefing that was intended to justify killing Iran's
Major General Qasem Soleimani - at this time while in Iraq, not in Iran - speaking in angry words and 
proclaiming it to be the worst military briefing he’d heard since coming to Congress nine years ago! 
Senator Rand Paul stood with him before Democratic Senators began their assessment.

Democratic Senators described the Administration’s explanation as “Incredibly without facts, deeply 
concerning, unacceptably vague, thin on facts, deeply dissatisfying” and insulting! The descriptions 
went on and on.

With that kind of criticism, I’m reminded of former Secretary of State John Kerry’s question when 
he asked, “How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?’  So many voices today 
indicate that no matter how badly we think of Iran or its dead General, Secretary of Kerry said, 
“Trump’s unilateral actions have brought us to a point where we are at greater risk than we had before 
killing Iran’s General.  Now there is no way at all the world and the U.S. are safer with the steps Trump 
has taken.”

Vice President Mike Pence’s speech on this matter was mysteriously cancelled!  Now I am wondering 
what he would have said.

I’m a Dick Gregory disciple which says I’m anti-war. I know when you identify as anti-war, you’re 
called some awful names by those who I suppose would rather be “pro-war!”    I am unapologetically 
pro-peace. Some of us have paid dearly for being pro-peace. In April of 1980, my good friend Dick 
Gregory went to Iran in an effort to protest the Iranian hostage situation. He did it while reducing his 
meals to water and fruit juice and vowed to do it until the hostage situation was resolved peacefully. 
He returned to the United States on September 9, 1980. He never stopped protesting injustices. 
In September of 1968 he went to Marquette University and spoke on behalf of anti-war activists who’d 
seized and burned draft cards from a Selective Service office in downtown Milwaukee. In the late 60’s, 
he became friends with John Lennon and together Dick Gregory and he made an anti- war anthem called 
“Give Peace A Chance.” Trump has violated that.  War is still not the answer. We are less safe as we have 
a President who seems determined to rule by war. We’re not safe so long as Trump is in the White House 
continuing to act irrationally. Let us “Imagine A World” without him.

(Dr. E. Faye Williams is National President of the National Congress of Black Women.  
She’s also host of “Wake Up and Stay Woke” on WPFW-FM 89.3 radio.)

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace
You, you may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you will join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Source: Musixmatch
Source: Youtube
Stay Blessed &
Gloria Dulan-Wilson

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