
In Loving Memory of Lou Wilson - Love of My Life - 7 years with the Ancestor Angels

By Gloria Dulan-Wilson

Hello All:

7 years ago today, my entire world was turned upside down, inside out and backwards - when I was awakened with the news that Lou Wilson, the love of my life had died suddenly, and without warning of cardiac arrest. He was 3000 miles away in California. I was sleeping peacefully in New York, with my headsets on listening to meditation music. My children had been trying desperately to reach me as soon as they got the call - but no one could reach me because I had my phone on mute. By the time I spoke with my youngest daughter, Adiya, and was getting ready to go into “prayer” mode, Lou had already made his transition to the realm of Ancestor/Angel.


I was devastated, distraught, and riddled with guilt that I was not there for him. I still have flashbacks to that morning. It took me three years to come out of the gloom and guilt and bereavement. It took me 5 years to be able to listen to Mandrill without crying - so for that reason, I didn’t play their wonderful music - as much as I love it - because it was all Lou’s work - the lyrics, the music composition, the arrangements. 

It’s been a serious journey. So last night, January 6, while I was attending the free concert sponsored by Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney, when the Urban Guerilla Orchestra played their version of Mandrill’s “Can You Get It/Susie Caesar,” it was the first time I listened to it and actually enjoyed it without tearing up.  UGO actually did a great job by the way. 

It took a lot prayer to get to that point, though - and being around special messengers who kept me looking for the blessings in the lesson, instead of dwelling on the grief and sorrow.   It's one of the major reasons I have such a deep appreciation for the messages of Joel and Victoria Osteen, Pastor John Gray, the wonderful music of Israel Houghton ("It's Not Over - When God is In It"), a good friend, Cathy Jones, who let me ugly cry my soul out on her couch for a whole week, and my Oklahoma Homie, Brenda Neal, who pulled me out when I had gone into a cocoon -  I'm grateful to them for getting me through the hardest, most tragic episode of my life.   Osteen's message about Staying in faith, and not putting a period where God put a comma, were some of the things that I have learned to apply to my life. 

So today I’m dedicating my time to the positive memories of all the wonderful things Lou and I shared  -  like our trip to Venezuela and  Guatemala;  our weekend clambakes in Harlem; jamming with his many admirers, among other things!!  

I'm immersing myself into his music - especially his lyrics - in homage to his greatness of soul and talent.  I don't promise not to cry.  But I do promise to enjoy the memories. 


Knowing Lou, he’s up there with the Ancestor/Angels, doing what he loves to do most - Jamming and coming up with wonderful new sound concepts. 

I have Lou to thank for our two beautiful children, who are now adults, and carry every bit of his talent and caring DNA; and our five beautiful grandchildren. They each also carry a piece of him. I invite you to please do me a favor and listen to at least one MANDRILL song today in his honor. 

Here’s to the memory of Lou Wilson - the Love of My Life. 

Much Luv4U - 
GloDu ❤️🙏🏾🥰

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