Hello All:
The sudden and unorthodox dismissal of the most effective and charismatic leader of the African Union, Ambassador Dr. Arikana Chihombori-Quao, recently has set off a firestorm of shock and disbelief, followed by anger and consternation throughout Africa and the Diaspora. I personally have had more than 700 messages on my WhatsApp in less than 3 days.
Petitions are being circulated demanding her reinstatement as Africans, African Americans, and other interested entities have come together to send a signal that they are not going to countenance the continued abuse of power by former european colonizers who have interfered - hopefully for the last time, if they get their way - in the business and well being of Africa.
As more and more African American expatriate to the Motherland, and Dr. Chihombori-Quao speaks truth to power, the predators who have been draining Africa's resources for over four hundred years, are become more and more apprehensive of losing their stranglehold over the continent.
It is theorized that Dr. Chihombori-Quao's speech about France's draining french speaking African countries of their resources, and forcing them to pay exorbitant taxes was the motivation for forcing her removal.
Such luminaries as former Ghanian president, Jerry John Rawlings, immediately weighed in on the transparent move to censor her and silence any Africans who stood for the independence and autonomy of Africans.
In less than 3 days since her dismissal, more than 100,000 and counting have signed the petition for her reinstatement to her post, immediately, if not sooner. This dismissal may very well be the straw that broke the camel's back.
At her request, I will be a guest on Dr. Efaye Williams talkshow, WAKE UP AND STAY WOKE, at 10:00AM today, October 16, as we discuss the impact Dr. Chihimbori has had during her tenure, and the necessity for her continuing in the position of leadership. We will also discuss what Africa will lose if she doesn't begin to close ranks on outside interference in her destiny and choice of leadership.
Tune in to WPFW/Pacifica Radio, 89.3fm; wpfwfm.org; @ WPFWDC
Every Wednesday, 10 am Eastern Time--"Wake Up and Stay Woke"
to discuss what is happening to A. U. Ambassador CHIHOMBORI call (202/678-6788.
There will also be opportunities to sign and circulate petitions to have her reinstated to her post immediately - if not sooner!!
These wise sayings are the hallmark of Dr. Efaye Williams Philosophy:
"It is through our struggles that we gain our victories." Dr. E. Faye Williams, Esq.
"Do you think the Indians celebrate Columbus Day on Indian Reservations?" Dick Gregory
the last tree is cut down, the last fish eaten, the last stream
poisoned, you will realize you can’t eat money." Native American
"It is my duty to protect those I love." Black Panther
Until the lions tell their own story, tales of hunting will always glorify the hunter. -- African Proverb
*COLONIZING AFRICA IN PERPETUITY: The New Twist in French π«π· Strategy*
_In 1958, France physically removed their portable Gypsy homes from Guinea-Conakryπ¬π³, Guinea-Bissau π¬πΌ, and Mali π²π±, to leave them without even chairs in their Presidential offices to sit on. Let alone desks to write on._
_*The British-colonized Africa like Ghana π¬π, Nigeria π³π¬, Kenya π°πͺ, Tanzania πΉπΏ, etc sought for collective decision making and smoother transition of supervised indigenous rule. The French-colonized Africa remained under existential bondage. The colonized, oppressed, marginalized, and perpetually enslaved African did not see anything wrong and accepted their conditions as normal, and even thought they were better than the other side. The enlightened and better educated ones like Senegal πΈπ³, The Guineas, Mali π²π±, and Burkina Faso π§π« erected stiff opposition to France π«π·. And so, France targeted the hapless African colonies under its control, educated few to avoid the Senegalese impasse, and manipulated them big time. No foreign news report whatsoever permitted in them other than the Agence Francaise Presse (AFP). French apartheid education was strictly controlled by and within France.*_
_It is extremely unimaginable to have Goukonni ouadeyye’s ChadianπΉπ© product, Moussa Faki Mahamat, strategically placed at the heart
_*We need to fight the new French menace. If We Don’t Fight it Now, When? If I Don’t Have The Right to Do it, Who Will? Take on France π«π· in the language she understands!*_
_This is Kwadwo Fordjour, Old Soldier!_
This is just a sample of the over 700 posts I'm receiving nearly every 5 minutes on my WhatsApp - This is the beginning of the consolidation of African energies to bring on the new autonomy and break the yoke of post colonial domination. The age of African apathy is gone - there is an air of activism and autonomy forming, as the push back against those who have complied and compromised with oppressive forces, while Africa's wealth, health, intelligence, creativity, and culture are exploited.
Reach out to your fellow African Brothers and sisters and offer your assistance in getting the petitions signed and helping Africa wake up and shake loose the chains of oppression.
Stay Blessed &
Gloria Dulan-Wilson
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