Hello All:
In our 400th century since being snatched from our Motherland, there have been many trials and tribulation - but there have also been triumphs as well. And one of those that marks this period is the expansion of our capacity to tell our own stories and build our own communication systems. and connect with each other on issues of relevance, as well as entertainment that speaks to us culturally and educationally.
My brother/friend, producer Sparkie Martin forwarded this to me; so, I'm sharing this press release from Black On Purpose (BOP) with you. This should be of great interest to us all. I'm looking to sharing more and more wonderful breakthroughs with you as we move forward.
As of now, there are only nine Black-owned TV networks. But this won’t be the case for much longer! As part of the recent Comcast and NBC merger, a pledge was made to fund two new independent Black-owned networks. AFRO and CLEO TV will launch in specific Comcast markets in January 2019.
If you want to deck out your entertainment center with the latest tech while you wait, be our guests. Otherwise, here are the Black-owned TV networks that you can currently check out and enjoy.
1. TV One
TV One’s programing targets black communities and provides series, movies, documentaries, and concerts.
2. Bounce TV
The first 24/7 digital multicast network for African Americans.
Launched by NBA legend Magic Johnson, ASPiRE is an American network that celebrates black culture.
4. Revolt TV
A music-oriented network founded by Sean “Diddy” Combs. The network focuses on black musicians.
5. Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN)
Led by icon Oprah Winfrey, OWN features mainly scripted and non-scripted lifestyle programming.
6. The Impact Network
The Impact Network is one of the largest black-owned, faith-based networks. It’s available in the United States, the Bahamas, and a few different parts of Africa.
7. Soul of the South Network
This is a national network that airs black-centric news, dramas, comedies, and more.
8. Black on Purpose Television Network (BOP TV)
BOP TV is the largest black-owned streaming network in the world.
9. The Dream Network
The Dream Network is a multicultural arts and entertainment network. Audiences can access it at anytime, anywhere through DirectTV, Roku, and OTA distribution.
Contact: Michael Campbell, President & CEO
Company: Black On Purpose Television Network
Company Phone: (678) 653 3225
BOP TV, The World’s Largest Streaming TV Service Is Now Live And Is Proving To Be The Alternative TV viewing Destination For People Of Color. Currently Available Worldwide, It Is Already Being Viewed By Over 4.1 Million People In More Than 9 Countries And Growing Fast.
BOP TV Network launched its streaming service globally in 2018. “This is truly the beginning of a new global black-owned TV network,” said Michael Campbell, CEO/President of BOP TV. “With us, black consumers all around the world will be able to enjoy black TV shows and movies on demand.” With the help of various platforms and the Internet, consumers are able to watch TV programs, shows and commercials made by and for black people on a range of devices with Internet connection including Roku, Amazon Fire Stick, Smart TVs, Blue Ray Players, Tivo and more. Programs and entertainment can be watched conveniently on smartphones, tablets, laptops, personal computers, and game consoles.
Viewers can watch and experience BOP TV with a FREE 3-Day Trial Subscription. With a monthly subscription of only $4.99, subscribers around the world will be able to enjoy BOP TVs vast content of over 8,000 TV shows, dramas, documentaries, and movies. BOP TV has 16 channels (expanding to 24 in 2019) and will continue to grow with new stories and content from creators from all over the world.
Now’s the time to take advantage of the FREE trial offer!
About BOP TV
BOP TV is the world’s leading Black internet television network. Targeting an under-served group of top consumers, the arrival of this new TV service being made by BOP TV has already been welcomed by 1.5 Million viewers in already 9 countries watching around the world, a number that is expected to double in 2019.
Join the millions of viewers who are enjoying thousands of TV shows and movies every day, including original series, documentaries and feature films. Watch as much as you want, anytime, anywhere, on nearly any Internet-connected screen. You can play, pause and resume watching, all with commercials made by and for black people. The viewing experience is unlike anything else that’s being offered out there. It’s definitely an exciting time to be a BOP TV subscriber!
BOP TV’s CEO/President Michael Campbell, said: “BOP TV’s unique all-round ‘Black’ viewing experience is essential for our people to be seen in a positive light and I urge everyone to take advantage of this, especially now while we continue with our introductory 3-day FREE trial viewing opportunity.”
For more information visit www.boptv.com
For BOP TV 3-day free trial visit https://boptv.com/register/gold-membership/
For a discussion about this topic, investment opportunities, advertising and airing content on the Network, please call Michael Campbell, President & CEO direct on (951) 220-3605.
Contact: Michael Campbell, President & CEO
Company: Black On Purpose Television Network
Company Phone: (678) 653 3225
Email: info@boptv.com
Website: www.boptv.com
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