Hello All:
I don't know if you're receiving these petitions, but I certainly am - and they're coming three and four times a day. So I might as well share the wealth - especially since the goal is to get 50,000+ signatures. What's all the hue and cry? The fact that the Supreme Court had the audacity, temerity and gall to equate corporations as being the same as individuals and human beings, it's been a feeding frenzy in the vote influencing game - and a scourge called Citizens United has been actively busy - given the carte blanche - wrecking democracy. Apparently America can be bought and sold after all, right from under the citizens who used their blood sweat and tears to build it.
Apparently "one man/one vote" only applies if you're worth less than $50 million dollars - if you're worth more than that you can buy all the votes you want. Citizens United is perhaps one of the most egregious attacks upon democracy by a judicial body that is supposed to protect the rights of their citizenry - well of course gutting the Voting Rights nearly tops it. Hey! Wait a minute - has some body invaded our country and kidnapped the members of the supreme court and replaced them with racist, subversive aliens? Did someone sneak in and change the Constitution of the US while we weren't looking? Are we being punked?? and don't know it?
Where did all this madness come from all of a sudden? Why has the supreme court and the repuglycons unleashed their version of "by any means necessary" on the US and its citizens?
It can't possibly still be because the most successful president of the US continues to be successful despite their efforts to undermine him - nah! No one could be that dumb. Don't they know that trying to destroy what he does, or block his efforts, also hurts the very constituents they purport to serve? Guess not -
I have included different versions of the petition - please sign, share and send.
I, frankly, am waiting for Americans to get tired of doing things by remote control - ie. petitions and news articles - and show up on the front steps of Congress and the supreme court and demand to have their country back. Instead of 50 thousand signatures - how about 50 thousand or move people swarming the supreme court and Congress demanding the immediate overturning of Citizens United, or nobody goes home!!
Oh well - please sign share and send.
Stay Blessed &
5,000 signatures needed: STOP Citizens United
Citizens United has opened the floodgates to millions of dark, unsourced dollars drowning out the voice of voters.
Enough is enough!
Sign your name to demand the end of Citizens United >>
Petition Signature: SIGN ON >>
Citizens United has left a ‘For Sale’ sign on our democracy.
Since 2010, billionaires and outside special interest groups have spent unlimited, undisclosed amounts of money through secret contributions.
In fact, the Koch brothers have already pledged to spend $889 million in the 2016 election.
Congress needs to pass meaningful campaign finance reform laws to make sure we free our democracy from unregulated, unlimited cash.
Click here to join Pete and demand Congress pass campaign finance reform laws to remove the shady money from our elections >>
Thanks for stepping up,
Texans for Pete
Paid for by Texans for Pete This message was sent to: gloriadulanwilson@gmail.com | Change or update your email address by clicking here.
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Thanks for signing on to stand with Senator Bernie Sanders and support his bill to overturn Citizens United!
Will you help us keep up our momentum by forwarding this and asking three friends to stand with Bernie?
Senator Bernie Sanders has introduced legislation which would begin the process for a Constitutional Amendment to overturn the Supreme Court's decision in Citizens United.Will you support Bernie's bill?
25,OOO Signatures Needed:http://act.endcitizensunited.org/bernie-bill
Thanks for standing up!
End Citizens United
1050 17th Street, NW Suite 590
Washington, DC 20036
PAID FOR BY END CITIZENS UNITED ENDCITIZENSUNITED.ORG AND NOT AUTHORIZED BY ANY CANDIDATE OR CANDIDATE'S COMMITTEE. If you'd like to donate to End Citizens United, please click here. Thanks for your support!
VOTE ALERT [!] <admin@endcitizensunited.org> wrote:
Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has introduced legislation that would begin the process for a Constitutional Amendment to overturn Citizens United.
Sign your name to demand the Senate pass Bernie's bill:*
ZIP CODEClick below to add your signature immediately: (Not you? click here.) *
Bernie Sanders has been fighting for a bill which would begin the process for a Constitutional Amendment to overturn the Supreme Court's decision in Citizens United.“Are we comfortable with an American political system which is being dominated by a handful of billionaires?
Are we a nation that prides ourselves on one-person, one-vote, or do we tell ordinary Americans you've got one vote but the Koch brothers can spend hundreds of millions of dollars?
Do we want a political system in which a handful of billionaires can buy members of the United States Congress?”
-- SENATOR BERNIE SANDERSWill you support Bernie's amendment to overturn Citizens United?
5O,OOO Signatures Needed:
1050 17th Street, NW Suite 590
Washington, DC 20036
Paid for by End Citizens United EndCitizensUnited.org AND NOT AUTHORIZED BY ANY CANDIDATE OR CANDIDATE'S COMMITTEE. This message was sent to: gloriadulanwilson@gmail.com | Change or update your email address by clicking here.
We believe that emails are a crucial way to stay in touch with supporters like you. If you'd like to receive fewer emails, you can click here.
Our campaign is powered by supporters like you. Your grassroots support is critical to helping us fight back against big money Republicans and end Citizens United once and for all. If you’d still like to unsubscribe from our emails, click here. If you'd like to donate to our campaign, please click here. Thanks for your support!
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