
GDW ECLECTICALLY BLACK NEWS BLOG: Message to T-Rump Junkies - Kick the Habit!

By Gloria Dulan-Wilson

Hello All

HABARI GANI - TODAY IS THE 4TH DAY OF KWANZAA - UJAMAA, WHICH MEANS COLLECTIVE ECONOMICS - It s derived from the Swahili word, "JAMAA" which means family.  So this message is dedicated to my FAMILY OF BROTHERS AND SISTERS: 

We are on the eve of the New Years - 2018!  And the spin doctors and propaganda machines are working overtime.  I just saw a post on FB with US Senator Claire McCaskill read the riot act to the repuglycons about the bogus tax bill that they shoved through, that is going to decimate most Americans, while lining the pockets of many of T-rump's cronies.  
   Truth be told, I've seen more CNN in this short time that I'm staying with a friend, while I'm home hunting, than I've seen since their inception. And I've got a few things to say in regards to this overdose of WFL (white folks lies).  To wake up in the morning to this and to hear it as the last thing you view at night is definitely not good for you.  You are not being informed, you are being programmed.  Truth be told to wake up and hear T-rump's name before I brush my teeth, or take a shower or go to the toilet, turns my stomach and sets me in a very negative mood.  And I am conscious of the crap.  Can you imagine what it's doing to the rest of us who are not aware, who have no filter, who think we are being informed.  I've heard people regurgitate ad nauseum things the ersatz news commentators have said, or what T-rump has said or done - and I've also seen people at each other's throats; I've seen the rudeness that has started to proliferate among people; I've seen the lack of respect we now evidence for one another, and can't help but think that there is  subconscious influence that s beginning to be prevalent among us.  
T-rump has said that the media will make it possible for him to be re-elected in 2020 - and he has every right to expect them to do so, since they gave him pass in 2016.  
So for all you T-rump junkies, who just cannot get enough of watching this epitome of evil and racism on TV; who wake up in the morning to his crap on CNN (the continuously negative news) and go to bed at night with the same; who think that you are being objective when you shake your head and comment on his crap in phony horror, while actually being subconsciously sucked in, it's time to make a serious resolution - quit cold turkey just sitting idly by being propagandized by bogus objectivity an start making a list of all the things that we need to do individually and collectively to block his crap - from mid term elections to sanctioning the news shows that give you more and more t-rump crap ad nauseum without intelligent analysis.
Despite the comments and opinions from my militant brothers and sisters, we still live here - and thus far I see no mass exodus either back to Africa, or to some other land that may or may not be more accommodative or respectful of our rights. So it looks like we're going to still be here for a good long time (of course unless a new 21st century Marcus Garvey comes forth and galvanizes us to bust a move out of this situation (I HOPE). This is our country - we built this along with the main stream who claim that they did it all by themselves - so we've got a lot to do to make sure they don't continue to try to legitimize edging us.  
That said, and dealing with the fact that every once in a while we're allowed to screw up as a nation, and the T-rump election replete with the vote tampering and the collusion with Russia, that put this cretin in the white house to begin with, we may have been out maneuvered, but it does not mean that we have to continue to stay that way. This may go down as the biggest screw up in American modern history. But now that we've made the mistake and recognized it - it's time to deal with it.  


If you had a boil on your behind, would you continue to allow it to cause you pain and discomfort?
Would you continue to cover it up with ointments, and only to find out that it only gets worse and actually spreads and brings more boils? No!! 
Well T-Rump is the boil on America's behind - and the rest of his administration are the cumulative boils that have gathered since he's been in office. Time to lance the boils and get rid of the pain. Not only must you vote, but you must make sure the media understands that you are not going to sit idly by as the talking heads pretend to do political analysis, while simultaneously giving T-rump free publicity . Mueller s being vilified while Kenneth Starr, who persecuted Bill Clnton during his entire administration did not receive the kinds of skids - in fact the Repuglycons continued to give him more and more funds to persecute Clinton; and Starr was extra vicious, and very public in his accusations and investigations. Perhaps this is what T-rump fears, that Mueller will likewise begin to give him the same treatment (which would be well deserved) that the repuglycons did to Clinton.
Whatever - my main concern here is that we stop being T-rump junkies. We have to immunize ourselves to his crap, and begin to develop the ant-T-rump antidote to heal us of this once and for all, physically, economically, spiritually, mentally and politically. It's time to heal America, and make it RESPECTED AGAIN.
Let's go into 2018 with a clear heads and clear consciouses as to what we need to do as a people. Demand that he leave the Mueller investigation alone; make a list of things we must do to not have this ersatz president wreck the US any further, and stop being hypnotized by the continuous diatribe that comes from the so- called news. It's not so much that it's "fake news" - with the exception of Fox News - but that it's the same thing over and over ad nauseum, with no definitive change - no one needs the news to come on at 4:00 AM - and No one needs the hypnotic over dose of crap - especially as to the ersatz president - if what it ultimately does is undermine the fabric of the well being of the country. We need to demand of our so-called Black stations - including TV ONE, BET, BOUNCE, OWN, and ASPIRE that we have BLACK NEWS THAT GIVE THE TRUTH FROM BLACK VIEWS, which means reinstating NEWS ONE with Roland Martin, or offering him a contract to be on not of the other media. We need the truth from out own filter, not the watered down white washed version. And even with that, at the beginning and end of your day, watch or listen to something fun, or loving, or spiritual, or uplifting so that your mind can be reprogrammed to one of optimism and creativity, as opposed to gloom, doom negativity and hostility. You have to do this deliberately and consciously - don't be too tired or lazy - make it your mission to see what you can come up with, and then share it so that we can all develop a can do/yes we can/get it done - done it mindset.
When T-Rump tells you something that he's not going to do, you can pretty much assume that the exact opposite is true. Also recognize that nothing he does means us any good - to be forewarned is to be fore armed. And we need to learn to be proactive, and not reactionary. We know there is an issue about our identification and voter registration, and they are doing everything they can to push us off the voting rolls; so start getting your IDs and your registration together now. WE know that they are trying to push us off of medicare/medicaid/social security - so let' ramp up now to protect it locally while or legislators are trying to rectify it nationally. We know that that there are several elections leading up to the 2018 Mid-term Primary, so we have to make sure we know who the candidates are and be prepared to back them sold lay (Democrats of course), just as Alabama did during the Moore v Jones election. The idea is to come out victorious no matter what this turkey does.   
We have to give T-Rump credit for being the catalyst for our coming together, dropping our differences, and realizing that we have a common enemy that is greater than any perceived difference we may have thought we had. We also have to recognize that everytime we invoke his name, either positively or negatively, we make this miscreant more powerful - because his ego is fed not by how much you like or dislike him, but how many times you mention him - he is just that warped. I think you could call him the worst possible of all things, and he'd be pleased because he was still number one on some level. You are dealing witha person with no consciousness and no compunction about walking over you - and that includes those who are closest to him (look at Melana, Ivana, and Eric) to get what he wants. In fact, the more you complain, the happier he is - which, by the way, is typical of most racists. The more you try to get them to be "reasonable" or recognize your humanity, or deal with the harm he may be causing, the more he feels empowered to see you grovel and beg. They only recognize and concede to power - and that's what we've been taught all along, "power concedes to nothing but power! It never has and it never will." So we have to consolidate our power and make it pay for us.
It's not rocket science - we are no longer bamboozled; we know the deal, we've been through this oh so many times. We have been the ten times smarter, more skilled, more intelligent ones who had to anticipate their every move ahead of time in order to survive 400 years of slavery and jim crow and KKK and racsm, and separate but equal - among other things- ff we hadn'twe wouldn't be here today. So don't act like we don't have the capacity to do it again. As Jerry Butler said, "Only the Strong Survive," and that''s us. So Kick the T-rump junkie habit, delouse yourselves, and begin to blaze a new path out of the crud and the mud that the US has become under this misguided miscreant, and continue to rise like the Phoenixes we are!!! We've got a lot to do in 2018, and we might as well get it started right now.

So to all of us, we not only have to stop being T-rump junkies, we have to stay woke - we have to stay active, and stay registered to vote; stay unified and
Stay Blessed &

Now that you know

What are you going to do about it?

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