
EMERGENCY EVENT ALERT: Medgar Evers Students to Hold Sunshine Rally Monday, May 16 at 11:00AM

By Gloria Dulan-Wilson

It is clear by his inactions, and by the blatant disrespect shown to students who presented a petition with more than 500 signatures demanding audience and answers from him, that William Pollard, ersatz president of Medgar Evers college, has no intention of meeting with them in an open forum. He’s probably hoping that, since it is near the end of the school year, that time will simply run out and students will lose interest.

Fortunately, that is not the case with this group of students, who have ratcheted it up a notch by calling for a rally in front of Medgar Evers Monday, May 16 at 11:00 am to demand the dismissal of William Pollard and Howard Johnson (provost) from Medgar Evers College.

The number of signatures on the petition, which includes 31 questions they want answered, has not grown to nearly 1,000.

Among their demands are the following:
Answers to the students’ Sunshine Petition - openly disclose what’s going
on at Medgar Evers.
Restoration of staff to student support services to ensure
academic excellence.
Restoration of the direct enrollment policy at MEC.
Adherence to academic freedom and faculty and staff contract rights.
Support for the college’s centers and community programs.
Redistribution of resources that allocated to ouside
consultants, and the sifting of those resources to student
support services.
Gender Equity in the President’s cabinet - top level
administrative positions.

The Mission of Medgar Evers College as a Communiversity is under attack, and the puppet strings lead back to the CUNY head President Goldstein, who was at the campus last week for a closed, amen corner, by invitation only dog and pony show - blatant and lame attempt to put a smiley face on a serious situation that the Brooklyn community is becoming increasingly aware means them and their students no good.

If you are in New York - not just Brooklyn - this concerns you. If you are of African heritage - African, African American, African Caribbean (aka West Indian), African Cuban, African Puerto Rican, African Dominican, Black, please make it your business to be there in support of this rally. - because this impacts you directly.

If you’re 18, 10, 60, 50, 90 years old - this still affects you, and you need to be there, because this is happening in your community, to your people.

Get the word out. Form a phone tree - tweet, face book, and all the means by which we communicate when something important is jumping out. Get the word out. Get there, get these perpetrators out and let’s get on with the business of getting a Black President and administration in place at Medgar Evers who knows their first allegience is to the students, community and the culture that made it possible for them to be there in the first place.


Now pass it on.

Stay Blessed &
Gloria Dulan-Wilson

Medgar Evers Students to Hold Sunshine Rally Monday, May 16 at 11:00AM


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