
HANDS OFF MAYOR ERIC ADAMS!! Time for New Yorkers to take a stand for their MAYOR!

By Gloria DULAN-Wilson

Before I get to the heart of this article – allow me to say that off the top of my head this so called indictment of MAYOR ERIC ADAMS IS Racist through and through. I have been watching carefully the woven web of lies to indict him has been brewing from the day he took the oath of office. 

Eric Adams - Mayor of New York


As a New Yorker – and I am a New Yorker no matter where I am on the planet – I am totally aware of the not so subtle racism that goes on on a daily basis – particularly when someone manages to get elected to the upper echelons of power – i.e. the Mayor of New York City – which is second only to President of the US – and the real issue is they don't want them both to be Black!

With Kamala Harris as President, and Eric Adams as Mayor of New York, the earth may actually start turning around in the opposite direction on its axis.

Now if you think my conspiracy theory is off the chart, take a look at the accusations of Mayor Adams getting a kick up from regular to business class on the Turkish airlines – as though there were some serious violation of protocol. Or how about his allowing the Turkish businesses some time to rectify their fire hazard issues, while allowing them to open their doors early. Really?? Is Turkey part of Russia? Last I checked TURKEY IS PART OF NATO AND IN CONCERT WITH THE US IN TERMS OF COALESCING TO WARD OFF ENEMIES.

So what the Sam Hill is going on here?

Let's review some facts:

Eric Adams is a former member of the NYPD (New York City Police Department for the uninitiated) – and served in that capacity for 20 years, retiring at the rank of Captain. During his time as an officer of the law, he has neither broken then law, nor colluded to break the law. Additionally, he was a member of the Grand Council of Guardians, later called The 100 Blacks in Law Enforcement Who Care – who not only looked out for those BLACK police officers who faced discrimination within the NYPD, but also Black citizens who ended up being falsely arrested. I'm sure it didn't make him or his cohorts particularly popular amongst the caucasoids who routinely tried to block their progress among the ranks.

Interestingly enough, there was that little scandal where it was discovered that the NYPD tried to block the elevation of the ranks of those who took the officers exams, alleging that the Black officers “cheated” because too many of them aced the test. So there has always been the not to subtle ugly head of racism along the underbelly of the NYPD and the judicial system (not to mention many of the institutions) when it comes to African Americans in and around the law and judicial systems.

Mayor Eric Adams made it plain that he had political aspirations. He felt the call to serve New Yorkers in a greater capacity than just being a part of the police department. So when was later ELECTED TO THE NEW YORK STATE SENATE from 2006-2013 – representing Brooklyn's 20th District, he served with distinction and dedication. Now, mind you, there were some issues that I differed with the State Senator on – especially in the realm of education. However, he later expanded his understanding by doing the requisite research to see where many of our New York City youth – and adults – had been underserved by the system with the deliberated dumbing down of many of the programs in the school system.

He later became the FIRST AFRICAN AMERICAN BOROUGH PRESIDENT OF BROOKLYN – for two terms! During his tenure, Brooklyn flourished in ways most people hadn't thought possible.

So when Eric Adams was elected Mayor of New York in 2021, he was an awesome change from his predecessor, Bill DiBlasio. DiBlasio was actually handed a pile of crap from the corrupt Bloomberg administration - who stole a 3rd term - and never really had the chance to get his legs under him.

NOTE: ANY DEMOCRAT WHO COMES INTO OFFICE BEHIND A REPUGLYCON ALWAYS HAS A PILE OF GARBAGE TO CLEAN UP! Not being able rectify many of the problems meant that so many tasks were passed along to Mayor Adams – who has a reputation of getting the job done, and not stopping until he does!

From Day One the hostility came out in full force. Not unexpected. It's also a fact that New Yorkers – especially Democrats - can also throw their own people under the bus! I don't know why but they seem to be more bent on cannibalizing their own, than standing by their man. We really need to look at that penchant for dumping on our own.

However, when Adams became Mayor, he came to the office with a sterling background, and an excellent track record, and a full grasp on the issues facing New York City. However, as per their usual M.O., the detractors began trying to find fault and sniff out, or contrive issues against his tenure.

To say that Eric Adams had more than a passing understanding of the ills that permeated New York, would be an understatement. It is also quite possible that he's not exactly the person you want to mess with if you're trying to do something under the table. And that may be the crux of this little ill advised, cooked up conspiracy to try to get him out before he actually does clean up New York and make a critical difference.

I am laughing myself silly at the statement made by the Southern District of the FBI (or whoever is behind them) about not seeing “color” and only going on the merits of the charges. Just the fact that they had to make that statement means that's exactly what it is. Throwing shade on Eric Adams during a crucial election period, when they need to be focusing on uniting and coalescing with all the voters in the greater New York Metropolitan area smells to high heaven!

The charges are spurious and contrived to cast doubt on what has been – and continues to be – a stable, positive administration.

Complaining about whether or not he received a bump up in status on a Turkish Airline is so petty it's nausiating. It reminds me of when David Dinkins became the first Black mayor. His assistant purchased pink and green furniture for her office – and the news media went wild! (She was a member of the Divine Nine and decorated her office to be reflective of this.) The New York Time, the Post, and Daily News made this their headlines for days!

So now, Mayor Adams is accused of using Turkish Airlines “exclusively!” I has no idea it was a crime. Is it? Does his getting his status upgraded to business class on a Turkish Airlines – so does that mean they would not be upset if he had taken Boeng or one of the other less than stellar airlines? Also, does this mean that none of the American or British planes would give him the respect due him by offering him the same courtesy? In fact, I've often seen that courtesy offered to individuals who either have celebrity status, or have a disability that would have made it difficult to ride in a cramped setting.

In either case, it's not such a big deal unless you're looking at it through the eyes of caucasoids who are now manipulating a situation to make it look worse than it truly is.

This accusation of Adams soliciting contributions from a foreign country is equally hilarious – especially in face of the fact that these morons made T-rump president even after they found that he had conspired with Russia to alter the outcomes of the votes by using Ai in the 2016 election. Not only was it revealed before he was sworn in, and through investigation, they found it to be true, but they still put him in office. This has to be far more serious than any perceived donation from Turkey. Even more spurious is that Turkey is being characterized as though it was an enemy empire – as opposed to an ally of the US – a member of NATO, and working longside with the US to prevent war, as well as assisting those in Ukraine and other countries who are currently under the gun of the Russians perpetrators.

What proof do they of Turkish contributions to Adams fundraising actively being solicited by Adams.

Did he do direct solicitation, or was it one of his fundraisers? The article stated: “For nearly a decade Adams sought and accepted improper valuable benefits, such as luxury international travel from wealthy foreign business people .” Seriously?? So, are you saying that Eric Adams, with his entire background in law enforcement, state law and as borough president of Brooklyn, suddenly developed convenient amnesia and forgot all the protocols and rules? Not bloody likely.

However, it's not so far fetched to see that the continued and concerted effort to “hang” Eric Adams is mounting – as the election gets closer, and people are more focused on the machinations of T-rump and Vance – fewer people are focused on what's happening in their own city. I suspect collusion on the part of the Southern District – which makes me wonder who is at the back of these accusations. I also wonder why it is that there is an ongoing effort to sabotage the stellar Administration Eric Adams has brought together to remedy the mounting ills New York City suffers from. While I have little to no admiration to this current iteration of Repuglycons, I do admire the fact that they do back each other to the wall – right or wrong. I find it quite off putting that Dems have a bad habit of putting the skids under each other. SMH! Consider the evidence – look at what happened when Senator Menendez was indicted for having gold in his closet – while the orange faced fool walks free for having confidential, classified documents in his private collection.  Somebody should tell Chuck Schumer that you don't have a sufficient majority to allow the right wingnuts to pick off our incumbents.  You should be as vehement about standing with our elected officials as they are for standing with them.  When you don't, we have to do a double take and try to figure out who really is the enemy.  (Which is what we're going through right now with this sham accusation against Mayor Adams.  I wonder who paid Giuliani's way when he was being "America's mayor after the 911 attack - when he was really hiding out in a bunker under NYC). 

T-rump was allowed to spend millions of dollars trying to dispute an election that he lost, allowed to hire an ersatz postmaster general (Dejoy) to destroy the United Postal Service in order to prevent voters from voting by mail in 2020; and packed the subprime court with dissidents (who may or may not have been paid) so that women would be deprived of their right to make decisions about heir own bodies – while Adams is not only trying to get rid of rats in NYC, elevate the education, provide superior housing, make a comeback from the Pandemic, but also trying to make sure others knew that New York City was still the best city in the world.

So why was T-rump being overlooked for something far more serious and egregious than anything Eric Adams could ever have done? And when it comes to taking funds from foreign powers – let's start with Russia, and work your way up.

Let's also look at how they're leaning on those who were brought on board to elevate New York City to the leader in education it once was. It's clear that no one wants to be leaned on by the feds or by the law. Particularly when they can get more things wrong than they do right, and they're slow to rectify a situation once they screw it up. I am particularly focusing on how long it took them to deal with the January 6, 2021 effort to overthrow the government by T-rump, and many of his perpetrators are still walking around, holding office, being paid and protected – the top of the heap being T-rump himself. Somehow they can't seem to bring him into court, bring him to justice, as well as his henchmen.

On balance, let's look at the positive things that have benefited NYC since Eric Adams election:

Mayor Adams determined that a large percentage of NYC students had undiagnosed dyslexia and were being required to learn from methods that were not helpful to their success and their future. He worked with educators and educational specialists to remedy these and other issues – and brought in one of the top experts in education to oversee the process. Children's math and reading scores are up across the city, and teacher morale is up – especially with contracts finally having been negotiated that provides them with salaries and benefits that were long overdue. Additionally, nearly 30,000 new units of affordable homes have been provided under Adam's administration.

Statistically speaking, the crime rate in NYC has been down for the past two years since Adams had taken office; the streets are cleaner, despite the rats, and the lights are even brighter. The subway system is lighter and brighter, though the NYCTA needs to still do some upgrading in terms of their training and some of the stations' appearances.

Even with the governors of Texas and Florida illegally dumping innocent aliens seeking refugee onto New Yok City streets, Mayor Adams and his administration has been working tirelessly to make sure they have a haven, while not depriving New Yorkers of their homes or jobs, or other amenities due them.

BUSINESSES are now experiencing expanded profits for the first time since the pandemic, which hit New York more seriously than any other city (or state). New York now has gotten back to near pre-pandemic tourist levels; and with the assistance of President Biden and VP Harris, have received requisite stimulus funds to rebuild and expand their businesses and entertainment centers.

Of course I could offer more detail, however it's easy to document it in the most recent edition of www.nyc.gov / https://search.app/9rjNK3XJRHxeSVpL7 or call (212) 788.2958 to get the comprehensive information on most definitive turn around since the pandemic.

In the meantime, if you allow them to railroad Mayor Eric Adams with a bogus indictment against him for riding an airplane and getting a bump in status – then you - New Yorkers -  are the biggest losers – not to mention the most stuck on stupid constituents ever. The intimidation of competent professionals who have been instrumental in turning the city's declining system around, shows you yourself are truly the ones who, once again, the biggest losers.  

This is when prosecution really is persecution. When trumped up charges are lobbed together to make it look as they are insurmountable. While they are focusing on Mayor Adams, they are also ignoring even more egregious transgressions, and simultaneously using the meanstream mediocre media to hype the lies.

Trying to force Eric Adams out of office in order to handle these spurious accusations may well backfire – and I hope they do. Because it's looking more and more like conspiracy than accuracy.

I, and hopefully other righteous BLACK JOURALIST, BLOGGERS, AND INVESTIGATORS, will be following closely this web of lies that they are trying to throw up against the wall to see what sticks.

Interestingly enough - given the track record of the subprime court which has made it their focus to rule against the best interest of Americans (especially BLACK AMERICANS) while supporting the most spurious of low life repuglycons; and the mounting practice of people being found guilty before they are innocent - this so called "Federal indictment" has all the earmarks of a new form of legalized lynching.  

In the interim, if Mayor Adams continues to do his duty and help New York City make the turn around it has been doing for the last two years, I truly hope New Yorkers will WTFU and stand with him against the mountain of madness that reeks to high heavens of repuglycon conspiratorial machinations – writ large. It's always amazing that we are supposed to go along with the okey doke, while at the same time we watch the so-called legal system drag their ass when it comes to the egregious transgressions that are routinely kicked down the road, and the culprits get a slap on the wrist - or gets to run for president!

To those of Mayor Adams administration - those experts who were hired because of their expertise, knowledge and dedication, I totally understand your feeling the pressure and dropping away for fear of your freedom.  However, if you stand your ground, persevere and continue to stand on the principle of truth and fortitude (something most of these detractors don't understand); if you can stand up to the bogus intimidation, you will come out on the other side unscathed.  It's asking a lot - I know.  No one wants to have these insensitive, insipid, invidious invaders poking through your life; especially when they know from that you are innocent until otherwise proven guilty.  But if you can, and muster those around you for whom you've likewise dedicated your professional  lives, I think you will come out on the other side complete vindicated. 

There is no trust in this indictment, as long as these and other inequities exists and continue to be practiced on a routine basis against our Black elected officials, then it is equally incumbent on our legal and civil organizations to provide the backing and representation they need to protect them against being railroaded out of their jobs, homes, city.   And, unless they are paper tigers, only giving lip service, but stepping back when the chips are down, they will step up to make sure the truth comes forth.  Likewise, for the Black journalists who can't seem to write the kind of copy BLACK people need to read that counters the invectives that are being promulgated by the rightwingnut media, and meanstream mediocre media, then it's time to understand what BLACK MEDIA truly means.  

We also will be watching closely who really backs Eric Adams as he deals with this effort to re-dismantle New York City, and undermine his efforts to restore it to the "crown city" - the EMPIRE - it's always been.  




Stay Blessed & 


Gloria DULAN-Wilson

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