
ICYMI: Dear White Women - Repuglycons & The Subprime Court Hate You - and Black/Latina/Asian Women of America Too!

By Gloria DULAN-Wilson

Hello All!

Now that I have your attention, it's time  to clear the air!

DONALD T-RUMP, MAGA, SUBPRIME COURT, AND THE REPUGLYCON PARTY HATE WHITE WOMEN in particular and WOMEN - BLACK, BROWN, RED, YELLOW, GREEN, PURPLE - whatever other segment of the rainbow you identify with - in general. 

DEAR WHITE WOMEN White men and the subprime court hate you!! (Note: I posted this picture during the 2020 Election - It epitomizes the way many of the misogynists in Congress, and certain corporate moguls see white women - gagged, caged, and rendered incapable of standing up for themselves - How grusome! It must not happen! GDW

DEAR WHITE WOMEN White men and the subprime court hate you!! (Note: I posted this picture during the 2020 Election - It epitomizes the way many of the misogynists in Congress, and certain corporate moguls see white women - gagged, caged, and rendered incapable of standing up for themselves - How gruesome! It must not happen! GDW

It's time to alleviate the delusion of their just "having a bad day", or being stressed out, or T-rump behaving like a "toddler" - which, by the way, is an insult to Toddlers the world over!! BTW: We who are Mothers must stop them from making such insipid and inappropriate comparisons. Our children/toddlers are not malicious or evil or conniving - They are babies doing what babies do best - getting our attention, because they depend on us.  They just want/need  and deserve our love and attention. And not to be categorized with someone walking with dementia.  By the same contrast, T-rump is a walking clown show (which also gives an undeserving aspersion on Clowns who have brought us many reasons to laugh - I actually grew up on Clarabell the Clown and Howdy Doody, but there was never anything that indicated that we should make him a president - especially like the mendicant in chief).  

By now you should clearly understand that when the Repuglycons were joking about the "battle of the sexes,"  and calling you "the little woman," they were deadly serious and conspiring to relegate you to some sort of subservient menial role throwback to the 50s.  A time where you would only exist for their pleasures, while sacrificing your own.   

Your first clue that T-rump and the subprime court hates white women came across graphically after the 2022 overturning of Roe v Wade.  It was clear when the red states began to double down on making the rules even more punitive and egregious.  And  even more heinous when the former predator in chief began to brag and take credit for depriving you of your rights, that T-rump and his menials absolutely HATE WHITE WOMEN.

When maga menials determined that white women - like Dred Scott - had absolutely no rights that Repuglycons were bound to respect,  it totally caught you off guard, didn't it?  Even with the  warning through a security leak  prior to the edict going out from the courts,  you basically rationalized: They wouldn't do that us!" Right?  You believed that under the Constitution, you were protected, that "WE (white women) HAVE RIGHTS!  You thought they don't dare deprive us!" Interestingly enough, while the Boeberts, MT Greens, and other self-hating females, think they are exempt because they're doing their bidding, had better watch out, because they, too, will be relegated to the margins. 

However, as you now have seen, they really did mean it!  And not only did they mean it, but they have moved to deprived all of us women in America - White, Black, Asian, Native American - all of us  of our rights without compunction. They did it with a cold, hard, steely eyed, disinterested in the devastating effects it was having on you, your body, your consciousness, or your future.

Overturning Roe V Wade was not only a slap in your face, it was a total betrayal by a branch of US government we've been raised to respect and trust.  Apparently they have now crossed that line from justice being blind to justice tipping the scales for their own personal and political gain.

By the time they get through passing inhumane laws, we will all be walking around in shrouds.  At this point in their schemes for the future, where America is saying Heil Trump, you will be relegated back to subservient roles - obedient housewife, maid, cook, baby makers (FWWO - for white women only).  If you don't watch out, the way this subprime court is going, Black people won't be the only ones who have lost their right to vote!  IJS


Grass Roots and Class Roots came together and raised campaign funds in less than 3 hours! We are READY!

To myDear Black Sister/Women, the subprime court and the repuglycons  really really really hate you/us even more than they hate their own white women!!  As far as they are concerned,  we are to be relegated to having no opinion whatsoever, even when it coincides and corroborates with theirs.  So watch out Candace Owens, and Condoleezza Rice they're coming for you too.  And, if you don't believe me, just ask Omarosa Manigault.

I hate to spread such negativity amongst us, but we should definitely not take anything for granted during what could either be the end of America as we know it; or the beginning of a new, more perfect union because we woke up and took action in time.

T-rump and his hand picked menials are systematically working to deprive us of our independence, our rights, our education, our intelligence, our money and our sanity.  We definitely can't dawdle around thinking someone else is going to take care of it.  Even though T-rump spread money among his menials like cow manure to get them to inveigh against us,  we can't be intimidated, or fall for their lie!  We are now at a point that we realize - individually and collectively - that united we stand, divided we perish!  

I know that in many cases I'm preaching to the choir, but I still have "A DUTY TO WARN"  each and every one of us - regardless of who you are, how rich or poor; how educated or illiterate; whether or not you're a Democrat or a repuglycon.*  As they say in NYC:  "If you see something, Say something!"   

NOTE: *Repuglycon is an acronym I concocted nearly 30 years ago during the Bush Administration - after it became clearly evident that they were not the party of Abraham Lincoln:  

Rep = repulsive; Ugly = ugly inside and out, mentally, spiritually and physically; Con = con artists, contrarians, and felon:  RepUglyCon!  There are so many other terms to describe what the current RNC has become - but I made this up under the Bush administration and I'm sticking with it. GDW

So I am definitely saying something! Right here, right now!  Right in the middle of our highest level of euphoria in having President Joe Biden anoint Vice President Kamala Harris as our next President. Right in the middle of a nationwide groundswell  Many still don't believe this is truly happening, and see it as a joke, while the rest of us are trying to make sure we mobilize and motivate us all to get registered, get ready,  get it together, get busy, and get out the votes.  

We have to make sure our peers and counterparts (male and female) know that



 She is not some "DEI hire" the detractors are trying to maker her out to be.  She has come up through the ranks, and worked hard to do so.  Her experience across the board means she has the wisdom, knowledge, understanding, guts to get the job done.  She is our candidate for 47th PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES 2024 - and perfect FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS!

WE ARE ALL RESPONSIBLE FOR GETTING OUT THE VOTE!  No matter how much money the other candidate spends on his campaign of buffoonery and lies, the bottom line is that PEOPLE VOTE - NOT MONEY!

There are many Americans who are not totally familiar with her; who she is and why she is the best possible choice moving forward.  They have to know the issues, not be deceived or distracted by the meanstream mediocre media's misinformation and  VOTE!  

While they try to tie us up, cut us off, and bind, block or destroy any and everything (or anyone) that helps us, things we believe in, that uplift us and our children, we can't let them get away with it!! 

Many of us already know when we stand together, when we unite, we render useless anything they try to do to divide or destroy us!

To my Asian and Latina Sisters, you are definitely a major part of this equation.  But the repuglycon misogynistic plan is to use you as leverage against the rest of us, not knowing that we are all women, and that what happens to one of us, will eventually befall the rest of us!  The "Divide & Conquer" modus operandii  they use to keep us at each other's throats, suspicious of each other,  and undermining our own efforts to unite was beginning to take its toll on women across the US.  They were well on the way to making bamboozling many of you into thinking that we Black women didn't like or respect you, your culture or your accomplishments in your own right as Women of Color and Culture!  Thank God you did not drink the kool-aid of poison information.  

The Repuglycons (maga maggots, and other incarnations of evil)  had stacked up a mountain of propaganda and lies against President Biden and VP Harris. even to the point of trying to put lipstick on the pig of the Russia (Tucker Carlson), something in our collective WOMEN'S INTUITION knew it wasn't right.   They were effectively using Fox Faux False news to lie to each of us.  Sadly there were many who had fallen for the lies, pointing fingers of blame at each other, making allegations that were echoes of ignorance foisted on us by the meanstream's corporate media (most of whom are T-rump's running buddies.  

And, with the arguments raging about whether or not President Biden would step down  or remain i the race, we kind of found ourselves adrift - not knowing which way to go, or what to do next.  Many of our  active women's groups continue to host regular "get by meetings," where they would be lucky to have half of their membership and interested participants show up.  

You could say the future looked bleak in our efforts to bring together the forces and resources we are definitely going to need to defeat T-Rump on November 5, 2024!  In fact, one of the organizations to which I belonged had decided to not meet again until July 28, having just wrapped up a zoom meeting on July 14, 2024.

But on July 21, 2024, somebody flipped the script!! 

Actually, President Biden flipped the script in a way only a few of us had anticipated.  After being disparaged and hounded by his own party, he made the announcement that Sunday afternoon, around 1:15 PM, while many of us were just getting home from church (well, at least in the Black community) that he was stepping back as a presidential candidate left the world stunned, saddened, bewildered, and angry. 

PRESIDENT BIDEN STEPPED DOWN AND PASSED THE BATON TO KAMALA HARRIS - we owe him respect, honor, gratitude for his wisdom, knowledge, and bold moves in dedication to those of us who live in the USA!

Democrats and Independents, and some well-intentioned former repuglycons,  who were ready to ride or die with president Biden to make sure he won in November, felt betrayed, let down, and momentarily devastated. There were many who were already pointing fingers of blame at the Democratic party. Others just threw up their hands in despair!  Now what!!??

It was bad enough that the repuglycons were closing  our libraries, banning Black books from schools, firing Black (and white) teachers who taught Black history (in much the same way that Hitler -one of T-rump's personal heroes) had done in the 1930s.  While they were trying to demoralize us through  undermining Fani Willis via Georgia's racist legislature;  while Marilyn Moseby faced incarceration for "using her own 401K" to buy a home! The subprime court worked diligently to undermine every right women had to bodily autonomy - even down to being incarcerated for going across state line to get help with abortions in Texas, and at the same time giving the predator in chief the rights to practically kill impunity - and suddenly we were all faced with 
Now what? 



While they applauded President Biden's valiant, elegant gesture - a wise man/president who took on the T-rump maggot mob,  running for re-election, presiding over NATO, rebuilding the economy in America from the bottom out and the middle up, and, at the same time running the country, had decided that running the country was much more important than running for re-election.  Even thought it appeared that a substantial number of Americans hounded  him, and  being targeted targeted by repuglycons and his own party; ignorant ageists deemed him too old -- President Joseph R. Biden  passed the baton to Vice President Kamala Harris. 

Talk about a definitive moment - we were on Zoom rejoicing President Biden's anointing Kamala Harris as the President of the United States - GOD united 44,000 Black Women for such a time as this!

It was such a bold move! And America and the whole world collectively held their breath - not totally understanding what this all meant, or how to take it all in.  Is he serious?  He's putting a Black woman in to be the front runner of the Democratic party?  Seriously???  Would she accept? Is she capable, competent, winnable?  

The Answer is YES!

Then suddenly America went wild!  Not only had President pulled the fat out of the fire, but he had put a little spin on it.  He would only step down if Kamala Harris accepted.  Would she become the  First African American/Caribbean/Asian WOMAN to hold such a high post in America!  

Throughout the US there were many of us who were already answering the question for her:


On Sunday, July 21, year of our Lord 2024, history was made in America in a way no one could have anticipated nor predicted.  And The WOMEN OF AMERICA,  have decided that enough is enough!  and are standing together for KAMALA HARRIS FOR PRESIDENT!! 

The first group of women to come together to do so "WWBW", held what they thought was going to be their regular weekly zoom meeting - which usually had 300 to 400 zoom members, suddenly found themselves hosting 45,000 Black women from across the country.  There were so many who were excited to immediately go to work to help Kamala Harris succeed.  They raised $1.5 million in less than three hours from people who had never made a contribution to a presidential election in the past!  Not from big buck corporate contributors - but from Black women contributing anywhere between $3.00 to $1,000 or more!  An indication that the Grass Roots were also 10 toes down backing Kamala Harris for President.  

Below is the link to Black and Brown Girl Donation - because freedom is not free! 


Regardless of whether you contribute a dollar, or Ten Dollars, or Fifty Dollars or more please do!

And, despite all the lies, propaganda, trying to convince Black men that we Black women don't love, or need them,  or vice/versa, our Brothers knew the truth, and stood up, shoulder to back Black women and Kamala Harris,  making it plain that: "there ain't no more divide and conquer days like that!"  

The following evening, July 22, 2024, Roland Martin hosted nearly 24,000 Black men and raised over $1.5 million.  Within days, White Women for Kamala Harris had a zoom of 200,000 - called together by Shannon Watts, founder of  Moms Demand Action; white women who raised a substantial amount to contribute to the campaign.

No doubt about it, ever since President Biden stepped down and anointed Vice President Biden to go forward and make it happen, we've all been of one accord.  Sunday night, July 21st we made history as some 44,000 came together and donated in access of $2 million in less than 5 hours. I had to pray my way onto that Zoom - that went from 1,000 participants, to 3,000 to 10,000 to 20,000 and finally 50,000 - with more than 45,000 of us signing on.  I was near tears at the thought of not being able to be both an eye witness and a participant in HER-STORY!  

When President stepped down and passed the baton to Kamala Harris, he stepped up for women throughout the US - Black, white, Asian, "Native American," who have become the targets of the Repuglycons and subprime court - When he stepped down, he made it plain that he knew, understood, supported, and protected all women and our rights! 

So, because of and in spite of the fact that repuglycons and subprime court hate us Women - individually and collectively - we are now coming together to make sure they and their menials and the e-vile orange faced former predator-in-chief don't return to the White House, Congress, the Senate, or the subprime court to do us any further harm.  We Women (and our Brother voters of the US)  are taking it even further to maintain our involvement in our government of the future so that our rights and the rights of our children are not trampled on any further.  

We know that we are on the brink of fascism, nazism, (and yes, I deliberately did not capitalize "nazism" - they don't deserve it),  racism and a reversal of the progress we've made over the past 60 years - Not only will we NOT GO BACK, but we are MOVING FORWARD!

Some things we can do to make sure we win big time in 2024 we have to do the following:  

1. Register your family, friends and neighbors to vote - if they have not already done so

2.  If you want to mail in to vote - please make sure you send in for your mail in ballot

3.  For those who have children who are turning 18 before the national voter registration deadline, give them a blank voter registration form inside of their birthday card, and after they fill it out tell them they will only get their gift after they mail the form off

4.  Host voter registration block parties in your neighborhood

5.  Host after-service voter registration parties at your church -

6.  Participate in door knocking and setting up registration tables near your favorite supermarket, stores, etc.

7.  Make it your priority to watch vp Harris, President Biden, Janine Jean-Pierre, and other white house activities to become more familiar with issues that affect us (and guess what, they all affect us in some way).

8.  Tithe a certain amount of funds to contribute to the campaign funds so that candidates are competitive ($4.70 to $47.00 to $470.00 to $4700.00 - no amount is too small or too large - it's the consistency that matters)!   Note  the Repuglycons have millions being contributed to them via mega buck corruptors, as well as funds being filtered to T-rump via Putin.  When we pool our resources, no matter how small, we make it possible for our candidates win

Click below to donate:


And that's the BIG WIN WE, THE PEOPLE NEED.  We must stop the conspiracy of a demented megalomaniacal fool, and save  US from being sent back to the 19th century - where women had no rights, and Black people definitely had no rights or recognition, there were no decent health programs, Social Security did not exist, and pensions were pennies on the dollar (if at all) - with no recourse in sight.  Where our children were forced into labor, and environmental pollution threatened our lives because the greedy had no regard for the needy.  

It's going to take us all, voting straight Democratic and Independence ticket to make sure we never have a renegade, racist, misogynistic, unethical subprime court ever again.  I've actually been asking for term limits on the court since they railroaded us with Clarence Thomas.  

The awesome thing is now that we Women and Americans are waking up to the nightmare they are being pushed into by T-rump, and, in doing so, regaining our power!  We are exercising our right to make our own decisions, our sense of self preservation, and, coupled with strategic consolidation of power with our men, are putting the skids on T-rump by electing Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States!

The message is WE WON'T GO BACK!! Is so powerful and resonates to us all regardless of what level we are on!

The Every Growing List of Vice President Kamala Harris' Accomplishments


Supported the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) through specific Policy measures


Expanded healthcare coverage


Passed initiatives for debt-free college education


Hosted a STEM event for women and girls at the White House


Championed criminal justice reform


Secured passage of the bipartisan assault weapons banExpanded background checks for gun purchases


Supports reparations


Increased minimum wages through specific policy actions


Implemented economic justice policies


Traveled extensively throughout the world – Africa, Japan, the Caribbean - meeting with ambassadors and heads of state in behalf of President Joseph Biden and the people of the United States


Secured funding for affordable housing


Launched the “Justice is Coming Home” campaign for veterans' mental health


Strengthened the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau


Interfacing with people of all races, faiths, economic standings with a professional standing as well as a congenial manner that leaves them charmed and appreciated


Secured investment in early childhood education


Launched maternal health initiatives


Since this list is neither comprehensive nor exhaustive, your homework is to add to this list and get the full scope of Vice President Harris' accomplishments: Google, Politico, Quora, The Philadelphia Tribune, Sunday Sun, as well as the New York Times, and LA Sentinel are great resources for Vice President Harris' many accomplishments..

Get your neighbors, friends, children, wives, husbands, peers out to vote.  If you are voting by mail, make sure you receive it in time.

Double check your voter registration status to make sure you are still registered - many people are being purged illegally from the polls - don't take it for granted that your rights are being protected. 



Gloria DULAN-Wilson -




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