By Gloria DULAN-Wilson
Hello All:
We have to call 2021 the year of Black financial empowerment - This upcoming event is testimony to our shift from poverty to positioning ourselves for prosperity. The next 7 days will definitely be worth gluing yourselves to the TV with pad and paper in hand as Black investors, educators step up and share their knowledge and techniques with you. Make a plan to maximize this info and apply it to your business and other relevant activities.
I loaded the whole thing because it's such a great presentation.
Make sure you sign up for this conference - it's the beginning of our goal to self empowerment!!

Black Entrepreneurs
from all over the world descend from
the perches of the most successful
and innovative black owned
companies in the world.
You’ve beento the other

and here’s
the truth.

Time to be around those who
understand the soul of a Black-
Time to be in a place where
your ideas are
set free
Time to be in a place where
you are celebrated not

here just
the Black,

And Built
For And

I knowwhat
going to
be there?
that ...
This is not

autograph fest

The only peopleyou will see on
our stage areCertified

Your Benjamins
I know what you are
thinking is this gonna
be another pitch
yeah about that……
Our speakers,
our trainers,
our facilitators
are already paid
their job is to
get you paid
Get Ready
to raise the bar andmake no mistake we’re
gonna do this the Black Way
for a marketing explosion
as you learn and
IMPLEMENT the techniques
in real time that take you
from looking for customers
to an overflow that hasn’t
been seen
since the days of
people standing
in line for an iPhone!
Who cares
if you hate sales?

so get ready for our patented
Sales Hyper Immersion System™.
Stop letting the world punk
you out of your profits
Yeah about that...We don’t care if you have
5000 facebook friendsor 20,000 Instagram
If you can’t turn your

If you can’t turn your

Our social media

in the social mediasystems that add
to your bottom lines
after all you didn’tget in business to
be popular
Ready for big time
good then it’s time for

How many times have youheard about some entrepreneur, somewhere who got some big
contract. All you know is that

Time to up your game with our Contract experts
who will walk you thru the process of
getting your 8a, MBE, RFP Mastery and
that’s just scratching the surface.
We don’t teach you how to go after the
contract, we teach you how to get the contract,
get paid, and get to your next level.
There’s a difference between theoretical successand tangible results

Slaves in the pastwere in chains; to-
day’s slaves are in

The Digital Marketers Bootcamp
No business can survive without great marketing. This day is focused on teaching the latest marketing
techniques. You will learn about building funnels,
facebook ads, youtube ads, course building, and
webinar launches all designed to help you survive in
the digital age of online business.
Iconic Revenue Day
This day is focused on developing the revenuechampion that exists in us all. You will learn how to
scale your business, how to procure government
and corporate contracts and how to do business
all over the world. This day also focuses on
developing sales teams, sales pages, and sales
BlackTie, Black Money, Black Power
On this day we celebrate Black Brilliance by showcasing some of the brightest minds in our industry from Dr.
George C. Fraser, Trevor Otts, E.R. Spaulding, Pasha
Carter, Khadijah Chapman, Myron Golden and many many
more Brought to you by the Black Millionaires
The BlackCEO Speakers & Authors Showcase
day features the most prolific speakers of our race alongside authors
of some the top bestsellers of the decade. As a bonus, you will learn
the secrets of becoming a successful speaker and author from the
likes of Andy Henriquez, Taurea Vision Avant and other
greats of the industry.
Unstoppable Black Woman Day
This is the day where we celebrate and honor
the achievements of Black Women from
around the world. This day is about
empowering the next generation of black
women leaders and black women CEOs
BlackCEO Mastermind Day
ready to collaborate and learn with and from other BlackCEOs in an
intimate environment. This day features hands-on instructional workshops
and business basedcertifications.
Workshops include: The Funnel Builders Workshop, 6 Figure Webinar,
Becoming A Certified Revenue Coach, The Power Of Facebook Ads, Write A
BestSeller In 30 Days, 25K A Speech Blueprint, and many many more.
Faith, Focus & Flow
Our faith as a people is very much a part of
everything we do. This day is for those whose
faith is the driving mechanism behind how they
run their business. This day is all about Mastery
of Faithpreneur’s Blueprint.
This year features the
BlackCEO Speed Dating &
Speed Networking event for
singles. You will love
meeting up with others who
have similar interest in
business. So whether you
are looking for a romantic
relationship or a new
business relationship you
will absolutely remember
this experience for the rest
of your life
Welcome to the BlackCEO
Networkers Cafe. A Black Entrepreneurs’ success is
predicated on his/her
ability to create beneficial
relationships. When we corporate one plus one
equals two, but when we
equals #11. Our technology
backed speed networking
event will help you build
lasting relationships that
grow your business.
equals two, but when we
equals #11. Our technology
backed speed networking
event will help you build
lasting relationships that
grow your business.
The number 1 problem
facing today’s entrepreneur
is an addiction to
our labor as the
primary mechanism
by which we generate revenue

Yeah about that….
Time to step intothe BlackCEO

we have put togetherthe ultimate automation
and artificial

They will helpyou automate
and use ai in every part
of your business

There’s more
money inwhat you
know than
what you do
what you
know than
what you do
- Trevor Otts

Learn to process

your brain power
and you will have no problem

processing their credit cards
features the baddest expertsin branding, marketing,
social media, government
contracting, automation,
accounting, and leadership

Let’s speak the truth, forget the hype. This is not the first conference to offer training and development but we are the first to offer..

Hear this,
give up the life of a solo ceo the world needs
your vision, your determination, and your ability to do the
impossible now.
Let the worlds best shape and
guide you in your destiny.
The BlackCEO Certification is the
Gold Standard of excellence designed to
position you to run a profitable empire to
rival Amazon, Apple and Tesla.
“See you at the top or from it”
Yourfuture is
waitingfor you
but even
destiny gets
for you
but even
destiny gets
When you
Campus you
will be
step into
the Black
urs Expo.
When we say

we mean it and we require it.
Every attendee is required to invest with at least 3 other BlackCEO’s

Do business withthe people who do
business with you
and you will always
do business
- Trevor Otts

We invest with each other

we network with each other,

we love on each other
Where ever love
shows up success
is on the way

You are going to

Speed NetworkinG
Mixer Connection and
real collaboration..
Because we knowentrepreneurship can be a lonely road and you need the support
of people who understand
We treat success like a religion and as part of our commitment to your success.
This years conference will feature a Black Authors ShowCase
and Book Store.

From the

Breakfast to the Growth
Dynamics Coaching Clinic
That provides on site no cost
consulting that every attendee
has access too

Great We’re not done
Gents pack your tux,Ladies pack you
ballroom gown
The Founders Ball is a

of black excellence, black beauty and black entrepreneurship wherewe announce the
Black Icon &
BlackCEO of the year
As BlackCEO’s we must be unapologetic
about the unique
distinction that we represent
in the marketplace.
We call ourselves Kings & Queens but where is our kingdom.
Stolen, pillaged, lost, Black
Entrepreneurship represent the
rebirth of that which has
been lost and we all have a
role to play

The opposite of wealth isnot poor its underdeveloped resources, poor is just a reflection of what we did with those resources.
Trevor Otts
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