By Gloria DULAN-Wilson
Hello All:
Well, we're now officially out of Aquarius and into Pisces - and things are starting off with a BANG!
Today is Sir Sidney Poitier's 94th Birthday!! He's just as handsome and erudite as ever. Please wish our trailblazing brother HAPPY BIRTHDAY and thank him for all he's done and tried to do using his talent, craft and love for Black people.
CEMOTAP - One of my favorite organizations on the planet, under the leadership of the great Dr. James McIntosh, is always in the forefront of activities to keep Black people active, alert, aware, informed, empowered, educated, and free! So whenever they send me info, I try to make sure I post it in its entirety - with just a few personal embellishments.
1 A. Quotation Food For Thought •The overwhelming power of the
white power structure and swift over-reactive tendency to punish Black
aggression, its control over resources, its sustained degrading of Black
self-confidence has produced in a very
large percentage of Blacks what is referred to as Learned Helplessness. The
very strong and largely negative control that the white establishment has over Black lives has produced among many Blacks such a degree of lack of self-confidence that a large
number of them do not believe that their personal and group status can be
improved, save through the help of whites. The utter dependence of Blacks on
whites for their social economic, political, educational, cognitive existence.
This type of apathy has helped to maintain black subjugation, ignorance, lack
of self knowledge, self love, self-confidence, self assertiveness, self
education. The situation has been such that when barriers are down many blacks
continue to respond as if the barriers still exist." Amos Wilson, “The
Developmental Psychology of The Black Child” 1. UNIA BLACK HISTORY EVENT Zoom Meeting
2. You are invited by Operation Power to a conversation between The Honorable Charles Barron and Dr. Cornell West on Black Radical Politics, Malcolm X and the Impact of the Biden Administration on the Black Community on Saturday February 20, 2021 at 12 Noon 3. On Wednesday February 24, 2021 at 2:00 PM, Brother Raymond Dugue, The Second Assistant President General and High Chancellor of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League under the leadership of The Honorable Michael Duncan will join James McIntosh, M.D and Richardeanea Theodore, RN, CNS, MA, MPA on The MIND FIELD show on WBAI FM 99.5 NYC / The Topic is "The Psychology of Dr. Amos Wilson" whom Brother Dugue has termed "The Ultimate Garveyite." The half hour goes fast so tune it at 2pm sharp. 4. Black Panther Brother Shep Olugbala joins CEMOTAP Music Forum On Saturday February 27th CEMOTAP NY and CEMOTAP OHIO are sponsoring a forum asking the question, " Is the Music Murdering Our Minds" The other questions implied in this title are Is the Music Murdering Our Youth and Our Future. Activist Kwabena Sadiki Jijaga Rasouli of the Clear the Airways Project says that the issue of Black youth murdering each other is at an all time high. He feels that rap music which promotes murder, disrespect and misogyny are not helping the issue and maybe encouraging the values that exacerbate the issue. At this forum Scholars, Activists and Community leaders with speak about the issue as well as actions that can address the issue. YOU MUST RSVP TO ATTEND ABOUT THE SPEAKERS BY TEXTING 347-907-0629 OR Emailing 5. Three Dynamic African Women Speak for CEMOTAP'S Black Women's Herstory Month Program on Zoom at 2:00 PM 3-27-21. Admission is Free but you must RSVP at call, text or message at347-907-0629, or by emailing ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 6 . If you asked your doctor. Have you taken the COVID 19 Vaccination you will get a different answer depending on whom you asked. The same is true if you ask the members of our panel in Part 3 of our ongoing discussion on Optimal Black Health Care During The COVID 19 pandemic. Find out why at this free forum sponsored by CEMOTAP NY AND CEMOTAP OHIO on Zoom on Saturday MARCH 28, 2021 AT 2 pm. RSVP by Calling or Texting 347-907-0629 or emailing 7. 50+ actions across the country
| Agenda Sat Feb 20, 2021
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