By Gloria Dulan-Wilson
Hello All:
It is so wonderful to know that CEMOTAP is still keeping Black people informed and involved. This is going to be a stellar event. Make sure you check it out.
1A. Quotation Food For Thought:
"You will never be criticized by someone who is doing more than you. You will only be criticized by someone doing less." Origin unknown but attributed to Nipsey Hussel
On Wednesday October 7 at 7:00 PM you are invited to a Zoom forum on the topic: Should Black People Vote for either Candidate
Hear different views from the participants with a special 15 minute commentary by esteemed Elder, Dr. Adelaide L. Sanford who will speak on what she thinks Black People should do on election day and after..
Time: Oct 7, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
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New York Chapter of NAKO
In Conjunction with the
will host a
Adeyemi Bandele
Special Guest Speaker
(The creator of Kwanzaa, the Nguzo Saba & Kawaida
Executive Director, African American Culture Center (Us)
Professor & Chair, AFRICANA Studies, CSU, Long Beach
Chair, Organizations Us & Nat.l Association of Kawaida Organizations
Author of: Introduction to Black Studies;
MAAT: The Moral Ideal in Ancient Egypt; &
Odu Ifa: The Ethical Teachings
Welcome H.E. President E.D. Mnangagwa
to 2020 United Nations
The Secret Pandemic Among U.S.
Held Political Prisoners and P.O.W.s:
August 14, 2020 James C. McIntosh, M.D.
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kjiUSgy9SKAhURqx yKsbWTEJP4a8kR2rT6Z- EdsWUHlS8Qs
Biden Because Trump is The Evilest of Two Lessers?
After you read the next sentence, whatever you do, don’t say join the club. Listen everybody,
I cannot visualize November 4, 2020. I cannot see the day after United States election day.
I cannot see Trump saying, I would like to congratulate my opponent, Joe Biden on a race
well fought, etc. Neither can I see one of the world’s rare survivors of a ruptured brain
aneurysm, the oafish super senior Joe Biden, saying something similar. Imagine a guy with
his finger on the nuclear button who thinks that Trump is the first racist president.
The 12+ who owned Black people were not racist. Certainly Not George Washington, he
was just having a bad day and said I’m so pissed off, I’m gonna buy some Big N’s and
whip their butts for nothin’ for the rest of their lives, then sell their kids.
Master Blaster
No, I can’t see President Biden. I just can’t visualize it. On the other hand, I cannot see the
Portland clowns with no name tags and helmets and weapons from a video game on
November 4, 2020 blocking everybody from coming within a mile of Presidents Park or 1
6th Street ne Black Lives Matter Plaza as the Commander in Chief tells the Army, Navy,
Marines, Airforce, Coast Guard and the new Space Force, “Stand Down. There were millions
and millions of fake votes cast by millions and millions of fake voters. Remember I am still in
charge. We will have this sorted out by Inauguration Day where we will all celebrate and I will
have ten times as many people as Obama.”
Caught Between the Moon and Crazy town
I can’t see it, but my mind tells me that some variation of one of those things has to happen.
I find myself wondering if all the former cabinet members from the military, the naval seal
who headed the department of the interior, Zinke, or the general who threw himself on the
sword, Flynn, or the general whose motto was “Be polite, be professional, but have a plan
to kill everybody you meet,” James Mad Dog Mattis, were all just performing like characters
in a novel who peel off in the plot like Hans Solo, only to reemerge and save the day for the
protagonist. Certainly, that couldn’t be true of the former Chief of Staff of the White House
and former head of homeland security John Kelly who once said of Trump, “He’s an idiot.
It’s pointless to try to convince him of anything. He’s gone off the rails. We’re in Crazy town.
I don’t even know why any of us are here. This is the worst job I’ve ever had.” Flynn couldn’t
have been faking, could he?
Tbilisi on my Mind
Reader, do you get my point, I just can’t see it. I’m stuck between United States Civil War II
and Crazy town II. Maybe the guys in the storm trooper uniforms in Portland are just a decoy.
Maybe it will be Russians who will swarm the streets while over the loud speakers we hear
Donald Trumpkovich announcing I am the Greatest most wonderful and Biggest Mole of All
Times. On second thought I take it all back, it’s not that I can’t see these things which is the
problem. The real problem is that some variation of one of these things is all that I can see, ha,
ha, ha, barring anything unforeseen happening to a 74 year old guy who eats McDonald's
and Kentucky Fried Chicken at night and thinks he “aced” his cognitive exam or a 77
year old who is one of the rare survivors of a little teeny, tiny, ruptured brain aneurysm
and believes that President Woodrow Wilson a strong supporter of the Ku Klux Klan was
not a racist. SMH!
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++
Gloria Dulan-Wilson
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