

By Gloria Dulan-Wilson

Hello All:

Hope all is well with you as we begin to rev up for this major challenge to our freedom.  

As I mentioned to you previously, one of my Lincoln University Classmates told me about Souls to the Polls and their efforts to get out the vote in the southern areas.  I am sharing the information they forwarded to me in reference to their upcoming events - they are putting the pedal to the metal and ramping up.  I think there are some concepts we can appropriate for VOTER MOBILE - 

So please look at it as inspiration for what we can accomplish here in Pennsylvania - as well as other areas.

The featured event is sponsored by the NORTH CAROLINA BLACK ALLIANCE, who apparently have no compunction about making it known they are Black.  

I hope this inspires you in terms of what we can accomplish here in Philly and the tri-state area and beyond.  

If you are aware of other organizations that are currently working to provide transportation to the polls, please invite them to the Zoom Meeting which takes place on Tuesday, September 8 at 11:30AM - you've received the invitation under separate email.  

We are in this together, and working together we will win - GDW

Stay Blessed

See Souls to the Polls activity below.

From: North Carolina Black Alliance <marcom@ncblackalliance.org>
Sent: Sunday, September 06, 2020 8:30 PM
To: hlanc@lancastercraig.com
Subject: Events: 2020 Census Mini-Grant, RWCA Candidate Forum, Divine 9 Call to Action and More!

Adopt-A-Tract Mini-Grants for 2020 Census
Deadline: September 8
There are less than 30 days remaining in the 2020 Census operation. North Carolina’s current 2020 Census self-response rate is below the national rate and below where our state was in 2010. Join the final push to make NC count by adopting a low-responding census tract through NC Counts Coalition’s Adopt-A-Tract program. NC Counts Coalition invites organizations to adopt-a-tract to increase self-response rates among historically undercounted populations to ensure a fair and accurate Census.

This program is a part of NC Counts Coalition’s Get-Out-The-Count campaign. Grant amounts will be between $1,000 - $2,500. Collaborative proposals for up to $3,500 will be considered. Funds will support direct contact tactics in NC communities at risk of being undercounted, also known as hard-to-count (HTC) communities. Up to $150,000 in grant funds will be disbursed through this program. 

The Formerly Incarcerated & Convicted People and Families Movement (FICPFM) is a network of over 50 civil and human rights organizations led by policy experts, subject matter experts, organizers, thought-leaders, artists, healers and attorneys who also have conviction histories or are family members who are closely involved with people living with conviction histories.

This year's virtual conference theme is: What's At Stake. You're invited to join us September 9-10, 2020 for programming that features the voices of FICPFM members. Together, we'll explore a diverse set of topics within the criminal legal system.

NC Black Alliance DBA Alliance of North Carolina Elected Officials (ANCBEO).

North Carolina Black Alliance | P.O. Box 27886, Raleigh, NC 27611
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