
The Lincoln University Board of Trustees Cannot be Trusted

By Gloria Dulan-Wilson

Hello All:

Whenever I have had to write something negative about my own people, it's with great reluctance.  Generally when it gets to that point, the individual(s) has done something egregiously harmful against other Black people.   And while we are human, and therefore flawed - there apparently are those among us who have made a practice of perfecting the fine art of backstabbing. Such as current members of Lincoln University's Board of (un)Trustees.   

As it turns out, there was at least one Trustee member who saw fit to make her concerns known, and put them in writing.  This was in response to the petition being circulated among all the Alumni by Charles Latta for the signing of Dr. Brenda Allen's Contract. It was apparent that the BOT was looking to let it atrit out.  

Other rumors had surfaced about some hostility (beef) between the board chair and President Allen - which will not be mentioned here because it's almost too ghetto to deal with - but also pointing to the lack of professional acumen on the part of the Board chair.  

It has devolved into a situation that is absolutely untenable - and I want to go on record in stating that the executive members, and a few other minions, must be removed from the Board of (un) Trustees immediately, if not sooner, for the benefit of Lincoln University and the student and faculty. 
Below is a letter from Ms. Rosalie Hornbuckle, a former Board of Trustee member who has the courage and integrity to shed light on the systematic undermining of Lincoln in an effort to effect a hostile take over, even to the extent of trying have a former chairlady declared interim president.  I am sharing her letter - the annotations in red are my comments - otherwise the letter is just as she presented it. 

After you read it, I'm sure you'll agree, this evil cannot stand.

Date: Fri, May 29, 2020 at 1:26 PM

Dear Lincoln Alum,
The petition below was shared with me recently and while I agree with all the points laid out in the petition and signed it , I don’t think it will have the impact needed in order to support President Allen.

While many of you may become upset with me, with what I am about to say, I have weighed my decision to do so against my love of our alma mater, and my love of our alma mater and the long term viability of Lincoln University takes precedent.

As you may know, I spent a short stint on Lincoln’s Board of Trustees, when I lived in Pennsylvania, as Governor Wolf's appointee, representing his interests. I resigned from this position when I relocated for an assignment in Maryland and no longer qualified due to the residency requirement of the appointment  

During the short time spent on the Board it became apparent that the Chairwoman of the Board and her executive committee were gauche, and lacked understanding of the business of Higher Education.  They were combative with anyone who questioned their tactics, were not collaborative with Dr. Allen, members of the Faculty and Administration; and continually failed to place the priorities of the institution over their desire for control;
The Chairwoman, lacking business acumen violated the bylaws of the university; violated the Sunshine Laws of the State of Pennsylvania, and led in a manner that was secretive, manipulative and lacked transparency.  

Every member of the current executive team follows the Chairwoman unquestionably in manipulative schemes against the interests of the institution and the President.  Alumni, Board Members are vetted through the lens of allegiance to the Chairwoman, and newly appointed university and alumni board members align votes with the chairwoman and executive board members to create an agenda of control.

Board committees are stacked with members of the executive team who fail to follow the bylaws of the University, and in the case of the evaluation committee, unilaterally redefined performance expectations for the President and ignored the President’s Contract that originally defined her expectations as called for by the bylaws.  

Instead the committee in executive session determined new performance expectations, voted on them, and failed to recognize the bylaws, which calls for ratification by the full Board.

The Chairwoman manipulated the term of her appointment by switching her appointment to that of an Alumni Trustee in order to extend her tenure on the Board and Chair appointment.  Her election to Chair may have been unanimous, as she claims, by a vote of the executive committee, but was opposed by many members of the full Board.  At or around this time, the Chairwoman was utilizing attorneys at great expense to the University to understand rudimentary issues involving the bylaws; and made efforts to have the bylaws changed, by stacking  votes (filling open Board positions with individuals with allegiance to her).

The President’s last evaluation was conducted in secret by the executive Board.  The former Vice Chair woman  of the Board, who opposed the tactics of the current and former chairwoman, was held in abeyance while the executive members of the Board voted to provide a less than stellar performance evaluation for Dr. Allen.  The chairwoman and executive members of the Board (with the exception of the former vice chairwoman) created an atmosphere of hostility towards other members of the Board who questioned their antics and at times hostile treatment towards Dr. Allen.  Dr. Allen was continually micro-managed by the Chairwoman. At one point the Chairwoman explained to me that she required daily updates from Dr. Allen on every meeting and call she made at the end of each day.

To my knowledge executive committee decisions, or votes regarding the President’s evaluation were never brought to the full Board for ratification as called for by the Bylaws.

Middle States is the accreditation body for Lincoln University (similar to Joint Commission for hospitals).  

One of Middle States Standards is Governance, Leadership and Administration (standard Vii).   
 “The institution is governed and administered in a  manner that allows it to realize its stated mission and  goals in a way that effectively benefits the institution, its  students, and the other constituencies it serves. even  when supported by or affiliated with governmental,  corporate, religious, educational system, or other  unaccredited organizations, the institution has  education as its primary purpose, and it operates as an  academic institution with appropriate autonomy.”
Lincoln University passed Middle States Accreditation in every area with the exception Standard VII, Governance. The middle states report is available on the University’s website.

Recently, the Executive Committee unilaterally cancelled the April Board Meeting, again the Bylaws does not give the Chair or the executive committee unilateral powers without ratification (or a vote) by the full Board. In fact the Bylaws determines the schedule of meetings required.  

While we can all understand the need to cancel in person meetings, at this time, other University Boards that I am a member of cancelled face to face meetings and have substituted teleconference, Skype or Zoom meetings in their stead.

Again while I feel that the petition is a good show of support for Dr Allen, I feel that it will lack the efficacy needed without highlighting some of the behaviors of the Board.  

I agree with the writer of the petition who calls for the removal of the chairwoman; I would go further, the entire executive team should be removed and censored from ever holding office in any capacity with Lincoln University again. 

Not only would I encourage you to sign the petition, I would encourage you to: 
pay your dues, so that you can vote or run for Trustee;
Attend Board Meetings regularly, or at least read the Board minutes; (NOTE: After witnessing the recent debacle of a BOT meeting held on June 10 2020, I wouldn't trust the board minutes either - clearly there is incompetency and collusion on the part of the secretary who is obviously paying deference to a corrupt Chair)
vet the members of the Lincoln community running for Board appointment; and
Ensure that those running are competent and once in office demand to know where they stand on issues vital to our institution; and Know how they vote on each issue (Make sure they know the bylaws and what they mean)

We need to stop assuming that great classmates, lifelong friends, roommates, fraternity brothers and sorority sisters qualify for these positions just because of affiliation. 

While we all seek to deal with Trumpian tactics in our national politics, we should all work harder to ensure that these Trumpian tactics are not condoned at our Alma Mater. 

“Do what you feel in your heart to be right, for you will be criticized anyway.”  Eleanor Rosevelt 

Best regards, 
Rosalie Hornbuckle, 83’


Oust the Former and Current Chairladies,  and those ersatz board members who practiced the "George Floyd" syndrome of watching ongoing egregious actions take place and doing nothing about it.  New Yorkers say "If you see something (wrong or suspicious), say something." 

Stay Blessed & 

Gloria Dulan-Wilson


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