

By Gloria Dulan-Wilson


My Name is Gloria Dulan-Wilson 
Many of you have seen my Blog, ECLECTICALLY BLACK NEWS - 
My mission in starting this blog was to keep Black people informed and involved in their own self-empowerment.  

I will keep this short
Many of you have heard president T-rump make threats against the United States Postal Service, alluding to the fact that they are facing a financial crisis.  A financial crisis not of their making - but one that has been engineered deliberately by the repuglycon party.

He has threatened that the USPS would be bankrupt by June 2020.  
We must not let that happen.  And when I say WE, I mean all Americans - regardless of race or nationality or ethnicity.  This is a tragedy and a travesty not to mention possibly treason - that has to be thwarted.  

 I just started a petiton   
"SAVE OUR USPS - HANDS OFF THE  POSTAL SERVICE"  in Conjunction with MoveOn.Org, and am asking you to add your name.
We are looking for co-sponsors to help take this nationally - whether you are a member of a religious, civic, or local community organization; fraternity or sorority, union or an employee of the United Postal Service - please pitch in and make sure this is circulated widely.

The more support we can get behind it, the better chance we have of succeeding. You can read more and sign the petition here:


Thank you!
Stay Blessed,
Gloria Dulan-Wilson

For additional information, or to co-sponsor this petition, please contact me at

P.S.  Also take a moment to share the petition with others!! 
Thanks so much 
Stay Blessed 
Gloria Dulan-Wilson

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