
GUEST POST: Angry Protest Over George Floyd Death Sparks Rebellion - Harlem Patch

By Gloria Dulan-Wilson

Hello All:

The hate that hate produced was a documentary about our reaction to white racist assaults on Black people nearly 60 years ago, and featured an interview with brother Malcolm X. 
Here we are in 2020, and white people are as clueless now as they were back then. And as cruel.  White delusions of superiority and supremacy has actually contaminated their minds.  Somehow the ersatz law enforcement thought they could do anything to Black people and not face consequences. They actually had the audacity to really they could abuse (read murder) our people, and they are so white with a predator in chief racist in the white house, they would just get a slap on the wrist and walk with impunity.   How many times can you watch that horrific scenario and not be infuriated by what you saw!!??!!
They have become so inured with their depravity they actually brazenly panned for cameras while perpetrating their violence against Black people. However - not this time. Ain't no more days like that. That said, a race war and riots benefit nobody. Yes, we vent our anger, show our outrage, tear down a few buildings, kick some behinds - but what is our end game?
We are in a error of T-rump who would love nothing more than to use this as his fulcrum for further egregious acts. He's already manipulating it behind the scenes. His mannerisms show what's really going on. Even to the hired red neck provocateurs who deliberately broke out the windows of the Auto Zone store to set the riots in motion. 
I have no answers at this point - only concerns. I've lived through several riots (or rebellions) and the aftermath depends on who you're dealing with, and what you're demanding. 
One of the main things is that Black people had better not continue being the target practice for depraved white cops and backwoods rednecks. 
The second thing is that all four police in Minneapolis be charged with first degree murder and depraved indifference for humanity; and that the Floyd family be compensated big time. The same goes for brother Ahmaud Arbery's brutal murder in Georgia, and other areas where redneck racism has reared its ugly head and we've been the brunt of it. 
Third revisit cops who killed Black victims either through choke holds, shooting them in the back and transform those administrative leaves with pay to jail time and heavy fines and compensation to the families who have been deprived of loved ones. 
Make it a crime to call in false reports on Black people going about their daily routine of living - call it the Cooper Liar Law.
Societally, we have to begin leveling the playing field, for real - educationally, economically, medically, socially.
And the killing has to stop on both sides of the line - but the perpetrators stop first.
OUR BLACK LIVES MATTER - now and always - and police killing unarmed Black people should be elevated to murder - not administrative leave so they can get their lies together.

Riots/rebellions - regardless of what you call it, it's our people taking their anger to the streets after having been pushed too far for far too long. It can be contagious - and those who are in it's path are vulnerable. It cuts both ways. I just hope our brothers and sisters begin taking that power and that anger and begin building the kind of community and society that is autonomous to the meanstream society that surrounds us.
We have always been a spiritual people, and I'm praying now that that spirit of resilience that has brought us through 400 years of hell can now be applied to our stepping beyond this madness. 

I am hoping that we are not going to get sucked into a LONG hot summer - if you know what I mean - we've already lived through that a few times - I know the repuglycons would love nothing better because it makes their case for re-electing the predator in chief - which is why they're planting provacateurs at the rallies to push people into negative actions. We have to be smarter than this. So, while I agree with the fact that there has to be a reckoning - I think we have to really hold the line on being reactionary - if they know the buttons can be pushed, they will most certainly push them. 
Stay Blessed - and watch out for yourselves and each other!
Stay Blessed, Stay Woke, Stay Healthy, Stay Well, Stay Safe &
Gloria Dulan-Wilson 


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