

By Gloria Dulan-Wilson

Hello All:

For the uninitiated, May 25 is a special day of observance among conscientious Black people.  Whether you call it Black Solidarity Day, African Solidarity Day or Africa Day - It's a special day for the observance of the achievements, issues and concerns about Black people.  It's also been known as African Freedom ay and African Liberation Day - and was started in May 25, 1963 by the original Organization of African Unity (current the AU) under the great Kwame Nkrumah.

In another three years we will celebrate its 50th Anniversary.  And at no other time is it essential to celebrate and focus on things and issues Africa - at home and abroad.  

Generally we celebrate it around the world - but I can only speak for New York, Philly and New Jersey - and generally, we go all out! 

May 25, 2020 at 6:00 PM
Can be viewed at December 12th Movement  Facebook Page
Webinar ID 834 8882 4116


H.E. Ambassador Neville M. Gertze , Permanent Representative to the U.N for the Republic of  Namibia

H.E. Ambassador Petronella Nyagura, Deputy Permanent Representative to the U.N for the Republic of Zimbabwe  (Make sure you ask why they gave the land back to whites after all the work Mugabe did to liberate it and put it in Black hands)

H.E. Ambassador  Fatima Kyari Mohammed
African Union Permanent Observer to the United Nations
Be sure to ask if she is supportive of H.E. Ambassador Arikana Chihombori-Quao

The Webinar is free and open to all Black people - 
Make it your business to log on and be prepared to take notes.
Africa is under siege; and at the same time at a pivotal point in history.
While the Euro/Chinese neocolonists are trying to rip her up, this time African and African Americans are gathering together in solidarity to make sure that this does not happen, and that Africa emerges as her own power.


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