
Guest Post: Republican Governors Must Act Now to Expand Vote-By-Mail Option

By Gloria Dulan-Wilson

Hello All:

I just received this recent memorandum from the Center for American Progress Action Fund in reference to voting by mail.  Apparently there are several repuglycon governors who have decided to allow voting by mail in their states.  This is indeed positive news.  Of course, there are still those who are stuck on stupid - including the governor of my home state of Oklahoma - and are denying people their basic rights.   

For those of you in Ohio, the deadline for registering to vote and to sign up to vote by mail is SATURDAY APRIL 25 - yep! very short notice.  I actually just received the info myself.  Hopefully you've been apprised of this via your local news and community organizations - if not, they have made it possible for you to go online and sign up for it.  *(SEE INFO BELOW)

Also, just to throw more ish in the game, ersatz president T-rump has threatened to defund the US Postal Service, claiming that they are facing bankruptcy.  Look at it as another ploy to thwart voters from being able to use the mails to vote by pulling funds away from the US Postal Service the backbone of America, and the time honored institution that goes back to colonial times - please don't think he won't do it - remember who and what you're talking about - a miscreant who will stop at nothing - regardless of who it hurts, to get his way.  


TO BE FOREWARNED IS TO BE FORE ARMED - AND YOU ARE BEING WARNED - HOW MANY OTHER EGREGIOUS ACTS OF INHUMANITY, CHICANERY, TRICKERY, LIES AND DECEIT DOES HE HAVE TO COMMIT BEFORE YOU BEGIN TO TAKE THE APPROPRIATE MEASURES TO MAKE SURE HE DOESN'T GET AWAY WITH ANY MORE OF HIS CRAP?  We have to make sure our congressmen and women stop him from any further egregious acts against the constitution under the guise of funding issues or the pandemic - when in reality his intent is to disenfranchise the voting population.


RE: Republican Governors Must Act Now to Expand Vote-By-Mail Option
As the nation continues to suffer through the COVID-19 pandemic, it has become imperative that governors take decisive steps to expand the option for voters to cast ballots by mail in the remaining primary elections and the November general election. While some voters will need to utilize in-person options, having large numbers of people vote in person endangers the safety of voters and poll workers alike. We saw this play out in the Wisconsin election a few weeks ago, where thousands of voters were forced to wait for hours in line because voting by mail wasn’t sufficiently available.

Many Republican governors have recognized the importance of offering their constituents a robust option to vote by mail safely and securely – and some have already taken decisive action to do so. These governors have rejected President Donald Trump’s fallacious claims that voting by mail leads to fraud, as explained in a recent publication from the Center for American Progress Action Fund (CAP Action). Moreover,  Governors in the following states have made positive statements and/or taken actions to expand voters’ options to cast ballots by mail in at least some upcoming elections: New Hampshire, Nebraska, Arkansas, Idaho, Indiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, North Dakota, Ohio, and Vermont. CAP Action discussed several of these governors in a recent publication, which explained that voting by mail traditionally has not been a partisan issue, despite Trump’s attempts to make it so.
For example, New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu told his constituents, “Basically, if you feel more comfortable voting absentee because of the outbreak or your inability or nervousness about just appearing in person to vote, you can vote absentee….” And in Nebraska, Gov. Pete Ricketts defended voting by mail, saying, “It’s a great way for people to be able to vote….I’d encourage people to take advantage of that.”

Unfortunately, as detailed below, many Republican governors have refused to take action to expand voting by mail or tout it as a safe voting option. Their refusal endangers the health and safety of voters in their states, especially because in many cases, their states have onerous hurdles that make it difficult to vote by mail. Their refusal to act also ignores the popularity – even among Republican voters – of mail-in balloting. These governors must immediately tell their constituents about the importance of a vote-by-mail option, and they should start the process of amending their rules and preparing their infrastructure to accommodate a much higher amount of absentee voting by mail.

The following Republican governors are thwarting the expansion of vote-by-mail in their states:
  • Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey: Following in Trump’s hypocritical footsteps, Ivey said she believes that expanding absentee voting by mail would lead to fraud, yet she plans herself to vote by mail. Ivey’s views contradict the Republican secretary of state, who said that voters’ fear of contracting COVID-19 is a valid excuse for absentee voting.
  • Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey: Although Gov. Ducey knows the effectiveness and security of mail voting, given that roughly 80% of Arizonans vote absentee by mail without an excuse, he rejected his secretary of state’s request to expand mail voting options and has not disputed Trump’s lies about vote-by-mail fraud.
  • Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves: Gov. Reeves has repeatedly stated that “he does not see the need to address potential General Election changes at this juncture, meaning in-person voting will still be the primary method” for voting in Mississippi, unless people can present a permissible non-COVID-19 excuse to vote absentee.
  • Missouri Gov. Mike Parson: Despite the fact that county clerks around the state have asked him to make it easier for people to vote absentee by mail, Gov. Parson has refused, saying he does not believe COVID-19 is an acceptable excuse. He also cravenly claimed vote-by-mail is a “political issue … a Democrat-Republican issue,” which should not be debated now.
  • Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt: Gov. Stitt has remained silent on the issue of voting by mail, and although his Election Board has reminded voters that they can indeed vote absentee without an excuse, it has argued against removing an onerous notarization requirement that is virtually impossible to meet without violating social distancing guidelines.  This is why we need to reverse the Oklahoma Ruin of 1889 -
  • Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee: Gov. Lee has not discussed expanding vote-by-mail. To make matters worse, the secretary of state’s office expressed concerns about allowing more people to cast their ballots by mail, saying, “Tennesseans are in the habit of voting in person.”
  • Texas Gov. Greg Abbott: In March, Abbott claimed that all voting options are on the table for consideration – but he resisted lawmakers’ calls to support voting by mail. In fact, in April, *the state attorney general determined that Texans who encourage voters to use COVID-19 as an excuse to vote absentee by mail will be prosecuted, a decision that a county judge quickly overruled; several federal and state lawsuits are pending. The Texas Democratic Party has launched an online tool allowing any resident, regardless of political affiliation, to request a registration form or fill out the form online and have the blank or pre-filled form mailed to them with a postage-paid envelope already addressed to the proper county clerk. *The fact that Texas' Attorney General even made such a threat points out Texas' eternal redneck cracker roots - SMH
For more information, or to talk to an expert, please contact Sam Hananel at shananel.af@americanprogressaction.org, or 202-478-6327.
The Center for American Progress Action Fund is the sister advocacy organization of the Center for American Progress. The Action Fund transforms progressive ideas into policy through rapid response communications, legislative action, grassroots organizing and advocacy, and partnerships with other progressive leaders throughout the country and the world. The Action Fund is also the home of the Progress Report.

Absentee Ballot Application Deadline for OHIO is 4/25/2020
We are 4 day away from Ohio's 2020 April 28th Primary.
You still have time to get your absentee ballot.

"Now is the time to either print the form yourself at voteohio.gov, to call our hotline 877-SOS-Ohio and request an absentee ballot request form, or you can even make your own form just with a plain piece of paper and all of the instructions for how to do that are at voteohio.gov/makeyourown," said Secretary of State Frank LaRose

Voters can pick up an application at the local board of election until Saturday, April 25, but ballots will have to be mailed to voters.

You can mail your ballot back until April 27. It must be postmarked on or before April 27, or you can drop off your voted ballot at the board no later than 7:30 p.m. on April 28 in order for your vote to count.
Stay Blessed & 
Gloria Dulan-Wilson


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