
God Put Us on a Time Out - Now Go And Think About What You Did!!

By Gloria Dulan-Wilson

Hello All:

I was going through some research for an interview I'm getting ready to conduct, and just had a flash on what GOD must be thinking right about now, looking down on us - especially with T-rump, McConnell, and the novel coronovirus - and I could just hear Him saying - as Mary Shelly did in her book, Frankenstein: 


 It's a good thing He's in charge, and not us - We humans, His creations, with our free will,  would have long ago destroyed the earth and wiped each other out to a man/woman! We pontificate a lot, but we don't really have a true sense of our own mortality, so we don't see the harm we're causing each other. 

Nothing is more true than the predator in chief in the White house and the Repuglycon party, his MAGA Maggots, as well as  his other sycophantic  cohorts in crime and treason.  

Joel Osteen says that nothing that happens is a surprise to GOD.  So that means that He knew we were going to do some thing stupid and that our solutions to that would result in something even more ignorant, and so on, and so on until we've pretty much destroyed each other.

We've been given the power and capacity to create, and what we've created is confusion and catastrophe - from our music, to our relationships, to our families, to our government.  We know the right thing to do, but ignore His guidance and promptings and continue to do anything but - and rationalize it with some of the most ignorant excuses and rationalizations.  

We've shown, that after over 2000 years of civilization and evolution, and so called modernization, that we know no more than we did, really, when we began to stand up on two legs, instead of walking around on all four. 

We have technology, and practically every modern convenience known to man - at least some of us do - but are no more developed in our humanity than when we emerged from our cages.  And, in this pivotal year - 2020 the decade of "insight and wisdom,"  we haven't a clue, and are looking to others who are even more clueless than we are for leadership and guidance.  

I am not so naive as to say that this pandemic is some kind of "wrath of God" phenomenon - but it should give us serious pause - what in the world is going on?  We're on the brink of becoming a totalitarian society in America, and still have not taken appropriate measures to curtail it.  We've watch children be abused and snatched from the arms of their loving parents and have done no more that write some terse phrases on our social media as if that was really going to take the place of stepping in and protecting them.  We had so put our families on remote control that we thought if we saw them on these devices, we were truly making contact - parents and youth are as guilty of this one.  Parents languishing at home, while their children are thousand miles away, "keeping in touch" on their cell phones, as if that takes the place of the hugs, eye contacts and human interaction they need.

We are now scrambling for solutions, pointing fingers of blame, but really haven't learned anything.  The fact that in three short years, the US could be pushed to the brink of destruction by the unchecked acts of a megalomaniacal fool who appears to be untouchable because he holds the title of "ersatz president,"  shows that we're stuck on stupid - or don't have enough of the human quality of self preservation to stand up for ourselves and each other.

God may not have created the monsters who we've become, but you can best believe, this is not how He originally designed us.   We're like the kids who asked for additional freedom and responsibility - and once we had it - ran amok.  And now we have to deal with the consequences of what we've done. 

So GOD, THE LIVING SPIRIT ALMIGHTY has given us a "TIME OUT" so to speak, like any good parent;  go stand in the corner and look at what you did! And when you come out this time, get it right.

We've got a lot to mediate on while we're sitting in our homes being "socially distant."  Is this what we want for our lives? For each other? For our children?  HELL NO!!  So go home and think about what you did and tell me what you're going to do differently so you can be trusted again with this wonderful world GOD gave us to live in.

Stay Blessed, Stay Healthy, Stay Well, Stay Loving &

(c)Gloria Dulan-Wilson


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