

By Gloria Dulan-Wilson

Hello All:

As I promised at the beginning of the long trail to the election, I would be posting or forwarding relevant information to you via ECLECTICALLY BLACK NEWS.

As you know, I receive a ton of communications throughout the day - it's difficult to filter through them all - but what I do try to do is post, or re-post, info of relevance to us.  We can't sit idly by and complain about the predator in chief and his cronies and not also be actively supporting someone to knock him out of the White House.  We can't be disgusted at Mitch McConnell and the rest of his ilk, and not also be supporting those people in his, or their constituency area who are running against them.  This is a time when we all have to pitch in and stand together - regardless of the Novel Coronavirus Covid19 pandemic or anything else that may be going on at this time.

This is not a spectator sport.  T-rump is really hoping that we'd be so isolated and so socially distant that we don't register, we don't vote, we don't do our primaries.  He'd like nothing better than for us to go limping into November 3, totally discomboberated and unable to function.

That said, I'm sharing Joe Biden's newsletter with you, in case you haven't seen it yet.  He's honoring the laws and campaigning from home during this pandemic.  But that does not mean that he's not reaching out to people as well.  

And anyone who thinks it doesn't take money to keep a campaign running and provide for the necessary outreach that has become the norm in an age of Citizens United, is not paying attention to what's going on around them.  Until or unless we get Citizens United overturned, big businesses will be allowed to underwrite and influence campaigns, while rank and file citizens can't.  It's interesting, though, that charitable organizations can't make contributions or endorse candidates - they'll lose their funding.   I wonder who engineered that one?  Any guesses?  How about the repuglycons - the same pariah who give us the gremlins we currently have ruining our country (notice I said "ruining" - not running).  

So when you're asked to donate $5.00 or more - in mass - to help the campaign, it's so that those of us who aren't well heeled with deep pockets, can also have a part in helping the process.  Community groups have gotten together and pitched in $5.00 a piece and sent it as a lump sum contribution.  Some individuals have had it deducted on a weekly basis as an ongoing contribution.  There are so many ways we can make a difference - whether it be on the presidential level, or on the local level.  We can't do everything, but everybody can do something - and when we do it together, it's something awesome!  

I wanted to use this time to send you some of my thoughts, things I'm reading, and to answer some of your questions, so I'm starting this newsletter for us to stay in touch.
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This is our first of regular newsletters we will be sending around to Team Joe supporters from Vice President Biden. We hope you find this entertaining, informative, and a place to connect with the VP and our team.

We hope you’ll interact with us by sending questions, thoughts, and ideas here.
Hey Gloria, it’s Joe Biden. I’m writing to you from my home in Delaware. If you’re home, too, thank you for joining me in listening to public health officials as they work to keep us safe. And if you’re out working to keep our communities safe, delivering life-saving care or important supplies -- I thank you greatly and our nation thanks you.

I wanted to use this time to send you some of my thoughts, things I’m reading, and to answer some of your questions, so I’m starting this newsletter for us to stay in touch. I hope to send it out regularly and I hope it can help us stay connected.

Let me know what you think! My team and I will collect feedback, questions, and messages on this form here >> 
What I’m Reading This Week:
My finance team wouldn’t be pleased with me if I didn’t take a quick minute to remind you that our funding to pay staff, make videos, do outreach with voters, and plan out our path to taking down Donald Trump comes from online donors like you, Gloria.

If just 5 percent of people chip in today, we’ll stay on pace for our daily fundraising goal. I understand if you can’t chip in today, Gloria, but if you’re in a position where you can power the campaign for everyone else, will you consider donating $5 today?
Hey, Joe!

I’ve been getting a lot of mail this last week. Here are some questions you’ve sent in that I’d like to answer.
  1. Question from Kelly in Baltimore: What would you say to the American people this week?
    Stick together, lift each other up. We need each other now more than ever. The American people are capable of extraordinary things, and we will rise to this challenge as we have many times before. But we have got to stick together. We can’t let anyone divide us, not this president, not anyone. So look out for each other and let’s get through this the right way.

  2. Question from Jamie in New Orleans: What movie should I watch this week?
    You may already know this since it’s no secret, but my favorite movie is 1981’s Chariots of Fire. It’s a true story from the 1924 Olympics of two runners. It has sports, religion, some big questions to think through, and ultimately a really uniting take about how small our differences really are. Give that a watch!

  3. Question from Ben in Des Moines: How is Dr. Biden? Is she staying safe and what has she been up to lately?
    She’s great. Probably tired of being around me so much at this point.
Spread The Faith

Speaking of lifting each other up, I wanted to use this space to share some of the ways that our communities are coming together in times of darkness.

The Angeleno Campaign in Los Angeles, led by my friend Mayor Eric Garcetti, is a great example of that:
The Mayor’s Fund for Los Angeles today launched the Angeleno Campaign to raise $10 million to provide cash assistance to LA families most in need of income during the pandemic. As soon as next week, families will be able to apply for assistance that will be distributed via designated Community Centers across Los Angeles through no-fee debit cards enabled by Mastercard’s City Possible network. Up to 20,000 Angelenos are targeted for assistance by the Angeleno Campaign, which was seeded with a major contribution from native Angeleno and NBA superstar Russell Westbrook, who also posted a video about the campaign on his social media channels. Click here to watch his video.
Note From The Doc

I have a team of advisors, Rebecca Katz is one of them, and I wanted to have her share her thoughts on this moment with you.

Cases of COVID-19 are rising at an alarming rate around the world, with approximately 40,000 additional cases documented in the last 24 hours. In the United States, more than 46,000 people have tested positive, and we expect as many as ten times that number have contracted the virus but are yet untested. Our case counts are doubling every two days, and it is fair to say that we can expect the numbers to get significantly worse in the coming days and weeks.

We are in the midst of an unprecedented public health emergency, which requires immediate action by our government and sacrifice by our population. We need a coordinated, national effort to direct everyone in the country not performing an essential service to stay home. It will not be easy, but taking country-wide coordinated action now will save lives.

Rebecca Katz, PhD MPH
Professor and Director, Georgetown University Center for Global Health Science and Security
What’s Coming Up

What To Expect From The Campaign This Week

As you can tell, I’m still getting used to this virtual world we’re campaigning in. Our campaign is trying a whole lot of new stuff. But some overall things to look forward to this week:
  • Young Americans Roundtable -- I’ll be doing a roundtable with some folks to talk about how COVID-19 and the economic trouble we’re finding ourselves in is affecting young people. I think I have some good solutions, but I want to hear from people. It’ll be tonight at 6:30.
  • New podcast -- My team and I are working on a new podcast! It will be a program to share some more of my ideas and plans and to bring on some experts and people I’ve worked with in the White House. Look out for more information to subscribe and follow along!
Let us know if you liked this format. I enjoyed writing it. Looking forward to continuing this conversation with you, however virtual it may be!

Keep the faith,

Gloria, thank you so much for supporting Joe Biden’s Presidential campaign.

Change occurs because the conscience of a country begins to rise up and demand — demand change.

This isn’t the time to be complacent. If you are ready to fight for the soul of this nation, you can start by donating to elect Joe Biden by clicking the button below.


We know we send a lot of emails, and we are sorry about that. The reason? We are relying on grassroots supporters like you (we’re serious!).

But Gloria, we don’t want to bother you. If you’d like to only receive our most important emails, click here. If you'd only like to receive volunteer emails, click here. If you’d like to unsubscribe from our emails, you can click here.

To make a contribution by mail, click here for instructions.

We sincerely thank you for your help and support.
- The entire Joe Biden for President team
Paid for by Biden for President

Stay Blessed &
Gloria Dulan-Wilson


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