
Corona Virus in America - Foresight and Hindsight are 2020 -

By Gloria Dulan-Wilson

Hello All:

It's amazing to me that every time there's a life and death crisis facing America, it's usually either caused by the repuglycons or presided over and mismanaged by the repuglycons.  And it is patently true in the case of the pandemic known as the coronavirus or Covid19, which seems to be sweeping the world from continent to continent - nation to nation.
While other parts of the world - China, Korea, Japan, Italy, etc., have taken the necessary precautions of shutting down businesses, schools, and other public places and forums, America is just getting into it.  And we're not taking it very well - really.   Broadway and all of New York have gone dark.  Our regularly broadcasted shows - Saturday Night Live, Trevor Noah, Stephen Colbert, as well as Lakewood Church with Joel and Victoria Osteen, have had to go without audiences or congregations to prevent contamination. 
New York City is so dark and isolated, it's absolutely frightening.
Most of the live streaming shows are geared to those of us who have had to remain home in order to not contract the virus. 
While we're definitely interested in being well and surviving this pandemic, we're not very good at social distancing over prolonged periods of time.  There have been rumored threats that the "predator in chief" plans to call out the militia to enforce curfews for a pandemic he said didn't even exist.  There have been threats to close down polls so that primary elections will be curtailed, rather than allowing voters to vote online - truly dangerous in light of who would be calling those shots. 
And, with no accurate means of testing available to the broad population, and no real way of recognizing the symptoms, we are following the overflow of information and misinformation about Corona Virus, it's causes and preventions with no real proven way of keeping it from invading and infecting our homes and environment.
And, while we do appreciate the precautions that have been leveled at we who are senior citizens, we really don't want to be stigmatized as prime targets for death because of our age.  Most of us were raised to wash our hands for more than 20 seconds with soap and warm water after using the toilet and other tasks, and, thanks to our upbringing, know to wash up after ourselves- and have been doing so all our lives.  Unlike many of our younger brothers and sisters whose parents apparently missed passing on those lessons. 
 I'm reposting this from an original piece that was shared on FACEBOOK by  sister/friend Dianne Washington.  It makes so much sense in light of the needy vs greedy government we currently find occupying DC.   Make sure you share it with others:
"What I have been saying the whole time.
COVID-19 is showing you the facts that American capitalism has lied about. It’s showing how many of you support socialism when it’s convenient for you or the people you care for...
Children could’ve gotten laptops & free wifi this whole time.
Wifi could’ve been a utility this whole time.
Stores could’ve been allowing seniors to shop for one hour assisted.
Stores could’ve closed earlier to give stockers & cleaners proper time to stock & recover this whole time.
College students could have a frozen interest rate on student loans this whole time.
Pregnant women, disabled people & single parents could’ve worked from home this whole time.
Abandoned federal buildings could’ve been used for homeless people.
Students could learn from home instead of being suspended for a lack of transportation to school this whole time.
Bill payment could’ve been furloughed this whole time.
Evictions for hard times could’ve been delayed this whole time.
Co-Pays & other out-of-pocket health provider fees could have been waived.
Not turning someone's electricity or water off in desperate times so they can survive could’ve happened this whole time.
Airfare could’ve been cheaper this whole time.
Sick people could have been encouraged to take time off & given paid time off to care for themselves.
The bottom line is...
Humanity could’ve been humane this whole time."  - Dianne Washington - FB


CARE BEYOND, number one leader in Cannabinoid infused health products for health, healing, energy and wellness, etc., has produced a detailed video, narrated by CEO, Tim Taylor, entitled "BOOSTING YOUR VIRAL IMMUNITY - The Body's Defense Against Corona Viruses and Other Pathogens,"
Which maintains that, while By now,  washing your hands and staying away from other people, is good advice; it's necessary, but not sufficient for the prevention or eradication of COVID19. 

 "You've heard from the "it's doomsday" and the "it's no worse than a cold" people all over the news and internet. You've probably heard about drugs that are being tried, and vaccines far in the future. It's all enough to confuse anyone!  BUT HERE'S THE POINT....There is more to being prepared for this than just washing your hands and staying home. Those actions are important, but they are just half of what we each really need to do. The other half is ALL ABOUT BOOSTING YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM."
If your immune system is weak, if you typically get a cold or flu almost every year, if you have pre-existing medical conditions of any type...... you are on the upper end of the risk scale. BUT....THERE IS A LOT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT, AND THE ACTION STEPS NEEDED MAY BE EASIER THAN YOU THINK.  Listen in as Dr. Kristin Miller, MD and natural health professional Tim Taylor share simple, proven and effective methods for massively boosting your immune system FAST. It's time to pay attention and prepare. Please share this information with others. 
Note: anyone interested in obtaining CBD products, for this or any other issues with your health, immune system, energy or strength - be sure and contact me via email: 2gloriadulanwilson@gmail.com / Put CBD in the subject line.  We are offering health package discounts.

Cleveland Congressional Candidate Shalira  Taylor posted:
Listed below are food places and sources in local school districts:


CLEVELAND, OH Takes on Coronavirus

In an earlier news broadcast, it was learned that Africa is finally taking a stand and blocking  landing rights to any planes from any of the effected nations; and simultaneously sending those who are affected back to their countries - in much the same way when the over touted Ebola outbreak occurred on the Continent. 

Dear Africa.com Community: 

Africa has stunned the world by not taking a leading role in the headlines about the global crisis we are now facing with the Coronavirus pandemic.  There are numerous theories as to why this is so, ranging from Africa’s experience with epidemics, which has better prepared its countries to isolate victims of highly contagious diseases, to speculation about the disease’s ability to survive warm weather, to the disease has simply not arrived in large numbers, yet.
I was traveling in Africa during February at the time that the Coronavirus was making its way from Wuhan, China to the rest of the world.  When I landed in Mauritius, I had to fill out a detailed public health survey while still on the plane, and before I could go through passport control, nurses wearing masks took every passenger’s temperature with a laser infrared temperature gun.  Any passenger with a fever was pulled aside, and taken into quarantine. When I landed in South Africa a week later, government staff greeted all arriving passengers with a similar laser infrared temperature gun, as well as thermal cameras that detect elevated body temperature on a large display screen. Passengers with fevers were taken aside and screened further.  When I returned home to the United States several days later, there was no screening whatsoever, and anyone with a fever could waltz right into the country.
We should give Africa credit for the excellent job its ministries of health, and the Africa Centres for Disease Control, have been delivering when it comes to highly communicable diseases.

In this special edition newsletter, we bring you many important stories from varying viewpoints including the following:

We will keep you updated on the impact of the virus on Africa in the coming days and weeks.
As always, we value your feedback.
Kind regards,

Teresa Clarke
Chairman and Executive Editor
New York Governor Cuomo, and Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf have both issued curfews, and closing of non essential businesses throughout the city.  However, the question is what constitutes "non-essential businesses?   Cuomo wowed his constituents by declaring that New York would make its own hand sanitizer rather than be gouged by unscrupulous companies preying on people's desperation.  

 NEW YORK STATE SHUT DOWN OF NON ESSENTIAL SERVICES https://www.governor.ny.gov/news/during-novel-coronavirus-briefing-governor-cuomo-announces-new-york-state-will-contract-28
PENNSYLVANIA SHUT DOWN OF NON-ESSENTIAL SERVICES:  https://www.lehighvalleylive.com/coronavirus/2020/03/pa-state-shutdown-whats-staying-open-whats-closing-in-coronavirus-fight-what-is-a-nonessential-business.html

Having already undergone 30 days of Quarantine, Japanese children and workers will return to work and classrooms beginning Monday, March 23.  China also announced that Japan has developed an inoculation against Covid19 that they have found to be quite effective in arresting the pandemic.  

What's true and what isn't still remains to be seen - what we do know is that we can work through and survive anything if we stay in faith, work together, cooperate and not allow ourselves to be forced into panic, animosities, and selfishness - we have to realize that we are in the same boat - that this is a temporary situation - and not allow ourselves to be manipulated into doomsday thinking or behavior.

My prayers are with us all - GOD has us in the palm of His Hands -


Stay Blessed, Healthy & ECLECTICALLY BLACK - Gloria Dulan-Wilson


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