
IMPEACH AND REMOVE: Time to Learn the Constitution of the United States

By Gloria Dulan-Wilson

Hello All:

I recently watched Speaker Nancy Pelosi address the press and the world about the plans to go forward with the impeachment of T-rump, the ersatz president of the US.   If you wonder why I use the adjective "ersatz" in relation to T-rump and the presidency, allow me to give you the definition:

Now that we have that understanding, I will continue with my subject.  The Constitution of the United States of America.  

There are those of us who think the Constitution is a brilliant document - and you are absolutely correct!   It was forged together by brilliant minds coming from various backgrounds to bring forth a country that basically was invaded by a different factions and nationalities; and was designed  to bring the disparate groups together.  And to that end, it succeeded immeasurably.  Of course the major flaw was the omission of Black people in the original equation - and the relegation of those same Black people to a subhuman level.  Something that we are still trying to make sure is rectified equitably because of all the heinous outcomes that emanated from that oversight.

Horrible as it was/is - the saving grace is that the Constitution of the United States also included the capacity to be amended - and, in keeping with the times, has done so through the ratification of the congress and the representative states.  The constitution is basically fluid - but still standing after nearly 300 years.

That said, if you thought I learned this information on Google, you're sadly mistaken.   I, and so many of us who attended public school before the 1980s,  had a real education that included Readin' Writin' 'Rithmetic, Science, Sociology, Music, Art and above all CIVICS.  

Yes, when we were kids we actually studied the Constitution of the United States.  It was mandatory.  We learned the Declaration of Independence, the Gettysburg Address, and so many other pillars of our country.  They were also mandator.  And,  just for those of us who are Black like me, I also learned about Crispus Attucks, Denmark Vesey, Harriet Tubman, Soujourner Truth, Nat Turner, George Washington Carver, Phyllis Wheatley, Frederick Douglass, Abraham Lincoln,  Sequoiah, and all those who were at the same time trying to make sure we had our fair and equitable share.  In Oklahoma, it was mandatory in our Black schools.

But the important thing was that we learned about the constitution - the good, bad, ugly and unique that no other country before or since has ever come up with - and, thank goodness still governs much of what this country is about today.

The members of the repuglycon party have systematically worked to dismantle this constitution, and along with it, our constitutional rights.    The educational system has all but eliminated Civics from the education of our youth - so that they are horribly ignorant of their rights and responsibilities.  People from other countries are more knowledgeable about our constitution than we are.  In fact, while they have to know it in order to become citizens, we sit here in our resplendent ignorance and smugly think that we have it covered.  So when someone comes and challenges it, we are so ignorant, we don't know how to handle it - we leave it to the court of public opinion, meanstream media, and outside hostile influences to make the distorted definitions for us.

Americans, under the guise of being hip and liberated, and social media savvy are now dumb as a box of rocks!!! And the real evidence of this is not just the current incumbent ersatz president, but the fact that the repuglycon party was able to hijack the government by blocking President Obama's right and responsibility to recommend a Supreme Court Justice - by the shut down of the government in order to thwart a Black president based on their racist attitudes; and the seating of an ersatz president after it was learned that he had conspired with outside hostile forces to hijack the votes in order to steal a legitimate election.  The fact that he was allowed to continue to destroy the government shows how ignorant and insipid Americans have become.  The fact that it has become the butt of most late night talk show jokes, international laughing stock from high respect; and obvious cronyism with those deemed to be foreign enemies - means we don't even know that every day that he is in office is a flagrant violation of this Constitution.

So for those of you who don't know the constitution, I am providing a link here for you 


And please don't give me the fact that it didn't include Black people - I covered that in my previous statement.  Right now, we have some serious business - and of course, you all know that Black people have always been the consciousness of this "bass ackwards" country!  We've always had to save the day.  The one thing I absolutely love about the great Don King is that he took the time to learn this constitution forwards and backwards, so that when they tried to pull anything on him, he know exactly what violation it was, and threw it back into their faces.  The same with the master Black Statesman, Adam Clayton Powell - who used it to pass more laws right under their noses than anyone before or sense.  They actually had to violate the constitution to get around it - and he was able to be reinstated because they were found in contempt.

My peers, of which there are many, look at you guys, who attended school from the 80s forward, and shake our heads.  As I listened to C-SPAN's call in this morning, most of the callers were caucasion, and said some of the dumbest stuff ever.  It was appalling to realize how backwards our educational and civic system has gone.  And how deliberate it was to dismantle our knowledge base.

So take the time to read all 7 ARTICLES of the Constitution.  Take time to learn about the 27 AMENDMENTS and how they affect you.  Start looking at why it is that the Democrats are fulfilling the Constitution, while the repuglycons would have preferred that you suffer along in ignorance.

And if you think this is just about a presidential election - you are sadly mistaken.  This is about not allowing this ersatz president, the repuglycons, Putin, and any other foreign or domestic enemy to overthrow this country, take it down the toilet, and other horrific things that are beginning to spiral out of control as we speak.

READ AND LEARN the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES - because, unless you expatriate to another country, it's still relevant to you.  By the way, once you decide the grass is greener in other countries, let me remind you - because I learned it the hard way - there are many tropical paradises out there, but most don't have equitable governments. And, as you well know, there's always trouble in Paradise.

After you learn it - demand that your children or grandchildren's schools begin to teach it and re-establish civics classes.  Have the kids do mock impeachment hearings - we did when were in school.  Teach them what the statements mean to them and why there are children whose constitutional rights are being violated by the current ersatz president by being separated from their parents and held in shelters - traumatized because of this violation.   (I know, we did it to the Japanese during WWII - I did not say the practitioners were perfect - and all the more reason that we don't allow this to continue).

So while you're watching the hearings, and have a tendency to think T-rump is being railroaded, make sure you have a Constitution Bible or companion book at your side so that you will be able to understand why these hearings are necessary, constitutional, and if they had  not been held, Congress itself would be in violation.  

Learn the constitution, because ignorance is not bliss, and the consequences are painful.  And while arm chair critics are sitting there pontificating in behalf of T-rump, they don't even realize that they are being manipulated out of their rights.  They actually think that they are upholding some sort of "independence." 
Let's STOP THE MADNESS - Learn the Constitution - Learn your rights and responsibilities - as well as those who we put in place to represent us.  Quiet as it is kept, this is not the united states of rednecks - or "Maga-maggots."  

We have the right and responsibilit to know this and what it means to and for us!
We have The right and responsibility to Vote.



Stay Blessed &

Gloria Dulan-Wilson


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