
GDW EVENT ALERT: WAKE UP AND STAY WOKE wpfw.fm 89.3 will Host Amb. Arikana Chihombori-Quao - December 11, 10:00AM

By Gloria Dulan-Wilson
Hello All:   

This week the special guest on WAKE UP AND STAY WOKE is none other than the dynamic 
Leader and Voice for Africa 
Ambassador Arikana Chihombori-Quao
former Ambassador of the African Union to the United States 

Dr. Efaye Williams - Hostess of WAKE UP AND STAY WOKE
While the rest of the world has been watching the ever evolving impeachment proceedings against Donald T-Rump, and the indictments against Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu, there has also been major changes shaping the future of Africa, which is going to have far reaching consequences on the autonomy of the Continent.
On October 7, Dr. Arikana Chihombori-Quao, Ambassador the United States from the African Union, was summarily fired from her post by Faki, without the knowledge or consent of the 55 member African Union.  The African Diaspora was and is outraged!

Dr. Arikana Chihombori-Quao  (Photo by Gloria Dulan-Wilson 12/06/2019)

However rather than it being a catastrophe,  and a means by shutting her up,  it has created a firestorm of anger and  has awakened Africa's desire and demand for progress and independence  -  much to the dismay of the French who have been routinely ripping oppressed African countries off to the tune of 85% of their revenue, and to neocolonials who are seeking to regain their stranglehold on Africa, her trade and her people.

The African Diaspora Congress was formed and circulated petitions internationally originally to reinstate her to her post - but now are looking at an even broader based goal of African unity and interpendence - thus far 106,000 signatures have been garnered, and more to come.

Please click on the link to sign:    https://www.change.org/p/african-leaders-and-presidents-reinstate-african-union-ambassador-chihombori-quao

On Wednesday, December 11, 2019, Dr. Efaye Williams, host of WAKE UP AND STAY WOKE, will have as her sole special guest, DR. ARIKANA CHIHOMBORI-QUAO,
with guest co-host Gloria Dulan-Wilson on WPFW.FM Radio - 89.3  

The Call in Number for WPFW is 202.588.0893

You can tune in on your radio, or click on www.wpfwfm.org on your computer.

They will be discussing the newly formed AFRICAN DIASPORA CONGRESS
Plans for the future expansion of Africa's autonomy and economy
Dr. Arikana's vision for the realization of an African Wakanda throughout the 55 countries and more.
Resource map of Africa - Which is also the biggest source of Cocoa, Coconuts, and other marketable products

"Africa is hungry for change and this is the time for us to *Re-Direct African Affairs* for the good of the Continent and its people. The African Narative needs to be told from our perspective. We owe it to our children and future generations."

Dr. Arikana Chihombori-Quao

November 7 thru the 9 the African Diaspora Congress held a Convention in Dallas Texas *to mobilize the African Diaspora, strategize on the African Diaspora's role in the "THE AFRICA WE WANT" and introduce the opportunities* available on the African Continent through the recently launched *African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).* An initiative that is about to create one of the largest free trade areas in the world by bringing Africa to the world stage as *One economic block, One continent and speaking with One voice.

Stay Blessed &
Gloria Dulan-Wilson

Dr. E. Faye Williams, MPA, DPA, D.Min, D.Th,  Esq.
President/CEO, National Congress of Black Women, Inc. 
1250 4th Street, SW, Suite WG-1, Washington, DC 20024 
202/678-6788; E-mail: drefayewilliams@gmail.com

Join me on WPFW/Pacifica Radio, 89.3fm;  wpfwfm.org@WPFWDC
Every Wednesday, 10 am Eastern Time--"Wake Up and Stay Woke"

"It is through our struggles that we gain our victories." Dr. E. Faye Williams, Esq.
"Do you think the Indians celebrate Columbus Day on Indian Reservations?" Dick Gregory
"When the last tree is cut down, the last fish eaten, the last stream poisoned, you will realize you can’t eat money."  Native American Proverb
"It is my duty to protect those I love."  Black Panther
Until the lions tell their own story, tales of hunting will always glorify the hunter.  -- African Proverb

     Please follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @NCBW, and be sure to mention us using #NCBW and  #NCBWBrunch2018 . 

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