
Marianne Williamson passes the litmus test as a viable presidential candidate

By Gloria Dulan-Wilson

Hello All:

I recently received a poll asking whether Marianne Williamson should drop out of the race - and I marked NO!

I know that many of us are watching the debates and have been following with interest the two African American Candidates - Cory Booker and Kamala Harris - as well as the two apparent white front runners - Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren.  But the real game changer, as far as I'm concerned, and the one they fear the most, is MARIANNE WILLIAMSON -

She is the wild card in this equation, because she has come to make Americans - Black and white - face their own morality.  I've followed this wonderful lady for decades - devoured several of her books; attended her seminars at the LEARNING ANNEX in NYC - interviewed her - and know that she is the genuine article.  So much so that the other candidates are really afraid of her because of the contrast between what they say, and who she is and where she's coming from.

The Polls don't really mean anything to me.  I do my own homework independently.  I know that most Americans talk out of two sides of their faces - one where they pontificate on their christian beliefs; the other where their red necks shine through, or the residual uncle Tom undermines any stand they may make for Black issues is overshadowed by their desperate need to win in a race that is clearly decided on the basis of whether or not they can appear as non-threatening to whites as possible.

10 years ago I posted a piece on how to make sure that we got our 40 acres and a mule in modern day dollars.  And the formula that Marianne Williamson is pretty close to the one that I set forth; which means she did her homework and really set forth what it would take to begin the healing.  Not that dollars alone is going to erase all the trauma; but it does begin to level the playing field.

If I am going to support either of our Black candidates, they have to show as much support and concern for our reparations as they do for everything else.  Concomitantly, we had better be about the business of making sure that we are all fully registered to vote and back the one who is really going to back us.

They want to push Marianne Williamson out of the running.  They are afraid that she will raise bar to the level of proof they don't want to deal with.  If America is, as they profess, truly a humane, christian country - they have to stand for Marianne Williamson's continued participation as a viable candidate for President.

I know the debates are set to weed out the candidates and whittle it down to a more manageable number.  And that we certainly must  do - but I don't want us to shoot ourselves in the foot, or throw out the baby with the bathwater. 


Stay Blessed & 


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