

-->By Gloria Dulan-Wilson
Hello ALL:  

2014, as I keep reiterating, is a pivotal year - not one to be viewed from the sidelines, or a wait and see posture; but one where we have to be involved up to our hair lines; especially if we want to see all the things we worked so hard for and voted for to bear fruit.  

I'm reposting this from PFAW = PEOPLE FOR THE AMERICAN WAY - they ae hosting a call in today for an upcoming senate briefing to get Citizens United Repealed.  For those of you who may be unfamiliar with that little gem that was imposed upon us by the Subprime Court - it's the one that says that corporations are the same as human beings, and therefore can donate as much money as they want to a political campaign.  
It's the same subprime court that has tried to reverse our right as citizens to vote; and also gave major corporations the right to imminent domain regardless of what the purpose of building the property was, without your right to recourse, or even equitable compensation.

PFAW has gathered 422,000 signatures thus far - which is ridiculous when you consider how many people the Citizens United law has harmed - that should be ten times the amount. 

I highly recommend - urge - that you be a part of the call this afternoon, and the cause going forward.  

One thing about it - if we do what we're supposed to do with voter registration, petitions, campaigning, and keeping our neighbors and each other informed, in the loop, involved and on the case, we will have major victories on our hands all over the US; we definitely won't be bored, and we can begin to breathe a sigh of relief that President Obama now has the majority and the backing he needs to go forward in helping restabilize this country - therefore us - individually and collectively.

Gloria Dulan-Wilson

On Tue, Jun 3, 2014 at 5:17 PM, Michael Keegan, People For the American Way <alerts@pfaw.org> wrote:
Make sure to add alerts@pfaw.org to your list of "safe senders" or contacts.


petition delivery
PFAW and allies deliver more than two million petition signature at today's hearing. Judiciary Committee Chair Patrick Leahy pointed out the petitions during his statement, calling them "a tangible reminder that Americans are calling on Congress to act."
Join Us for Tomorrow's Briefing Call with US Sen. Tom Udall!
Wednesday, June 4 @ 1pm Eastern Time (12pm Central / 11am Mountain / 10am Pacific)
Dear Gloria,
Today’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on a constitutional amendment to help end the dominance of big money in our elections was big. Our side did great, and you were well represented.
PFAW and ally organizations delivered petition signatures from more than two million Americans in support of an amendment. More than 422,000 of those were from PFAW activists like you, who have signed either our petition specifically supporting Senate Joint Resolution 19 or one of our other actions calling for an amendment more generally.
State Senator Floyd B. McKissick, Jr. of North Carolina testified about what has happened in his state in the wake of Citizens United, showing it to be a case study in why we must urgently address the problem of money in politics. And law professor and Maryland State Senator Jamie Raskin -- who is also a senior fellow here at PFAW -- provided example after example of why the Supreme Court’s majority has been so wrong in decisions like Buckley v. Valeo, Citizens United and McCutcheon, and why limits on election spending comport completely with the letter and spirit of the First Amendment.
Of course, many of the Right’s distortions and straw man arguments were also on display -- especially from Senator Ted Cruz on the committee and, in his testimony, Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.
But before I go any further, I must urge you to join us tomorrow, at 1pm Eastern Time, for our special member telebriefing with Senator Tom Udall, the chief sponsor of SJ Res 19.
The framework of Senator Udall’s SJ Res 19 is providing the starting point for the amendment we will ultimately pass to save our democracy. We are so glad he’ll be able to join us tomorrow for this call and I really hope you’ll be with us as well.
Here are some useful PFAW resources relevant to today’s hearing:
Thank you for all you continue to do in the fight to get big money out of our elections and restore Government By the People.

Michael Keegan, President


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Stay Blessed & 
Gloria Dulan-Wilson

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