
Primary Elections by State and Date - May 13 - 20: Nebraska, W. Virginia, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Kentucky, Oregon & PENNSYLVANIA - SOMEBODY TELL THEM WHAT TIME IT IS

By Gloria Dulan-Wilson

I did some sleuthing to see which states are having their primary elections, and when.  We talk about getting out the vote, but if we don't know when they're taking place, how can we be effective?  So I found this website that breaks down all the dates and states - READ, SHARE, ACT - We can't just be about the verbal - we have to be pro-active.  A lot of our incumbents' seats are endangered - and it does us no good to just talk about it without being hands on over the next 189 days

2014 Upcoming Elections

The 2014 U.S. Midterm election will be held on Tuesday, the 4th of November 2014. There will be a Total of 39 Gubernatorial Elections (15 Democrat Seats, 23 Republican Seats, 1 Independent Seat) -- 31 Eligible Incumbents, 8 Open Races. Congressional elections (federal and states congress) will be held nationwide. A total of 35 U.S. Senate seats up for election in 2014. Of those seats,21 are held by Democrats and 14 are held Republicans.

2014 Congressional and State Primary Dates

February 2014 Dates
Louisiana -- Orleans Parish Municipal/Parochial PrimaryFebruary,1,2014
March 2014 Dates
Connecticut -- Primary for town committee if valid petition or petitions have been filed. Hours: 6:00a.m. to 8:00 p.mMarch,4,2014
Texas -- Congressional PrimaryMarch,4,2014
Illinois -- GENERAL PRIMARY ELECTIONMarch,18,2014
April 2014 Dates
District of Columbia -- Congressional PrimaryApril,1,2014
Louisiana -- Municipal Primary Election DayApril,5,2014


May 2014 Dates
Indiana -- May 6, 2014 Primary Election DayMay,6,2014x
North Carolina -- Congressional PrimaryMay,6,2014x
Ohio -- Congressional PrimaryMay,6,2014x
Tennessee -- County Primary Election Day.May,6,2014x
Nebraska -- Congressional PrimaryMay,13,2014
West Virginia -- Congressional PrimaryMay,13,2014
Arkansas -- Preferential Primary Election, Nonpartisan ElectionMay,20,2014
Georgia -- Congressional PrimaryMay,20,2014
Idaho -- Primary Elections: Federal, Statewide, Legislative and Judicial Offices ,County Offices,Port District Primary ElectionMay,20,2014
Kentucky -- Primary Election Day - Polls open 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mail-in absentee ballots must be received by clerk before 6 p.m.May,20,2014
Oregon -- Congressional PrimaryMay,20,2014
Pennsylvania -- Congressional PrimaryMay,20,2014
June 2014 Dates
Alabama -- Primary Election dayJune,3,2014
California -- June 3, 2014, Statewide Direct Primary ElectionJune,3,2014
Iowa -- Congressional PrimaryJune,3,2014
Mississippi -- Congressional PrimaryJune,3,2014
Montana -- Congressional PrimaryJune,3,2014
New Jersey -- Congressional PrimaryJune,3,2014
New Jersey -- Primary Election DayJune,3,2014
New Mexico -- Congressional PrimaryJune,3,2014
New Mexico -- PRIMARY ELECTION DAY: Polls open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. County clerk shall accept completed official mailing envelopes containing absentee ballots until 7:00 p.m. June,3,2014
South Dakota -- Congressional PrimaryJune,3,2014
Maine -- Congressional PrimaryJune,10,2014
North Dakota -- Congressional PrimaryJune,10,2014
Nevada -- The Primary Election Day. Polls open at 7 a.m. and close at 7 p.mJune,10,2014
South Carolina -- Congressional PrimaryJune,10,2014
Virginia -- Congressional PrimaryJune,10,2014
Mississippi -- Primary Runoff Election Day(U.S. Senate/U.S. Congress) (if required):Polls open from 7am-7pm.June,21,2014
Colorado -- Congressional PrimaryJune,24,2014
Maryland -- Congressional PrimaryJune,24,2014
New York -- Congressional PrimaryJune,24,2014
Oklahoma -- Congressional PrimaryJune,24,2014
Utah -- Congressional PrimaryJune,24,2014
August 2014 Dates
Virgin Islands -- Congressional PrimaryAugust,2,2014
Kansas -- Congressional PrimaryAugust,5,2014
Michigan -- Primary Election dayAugust,5,2014
Missouri -- Congressional PrimaryAugust,5,2014
Washington -- Congressional PrimaryAugust,5,2014
Tennessee -- Congressional PrimaryAugust,7,2014
Hawaii -- Primary ElectionAugust,9,2014
Arkansas -- Municipal Party Primary Election (City Administrator)August,12,2014
Arizona -- Municipal Party Primary Election (City Administrator)August,12,2014
Connecticut -- Congressional PrimaryAugust,12,2014
Minnesota -- Congressional PrimaryAugust,12,2014
Wisconsin -- Congressional PrimaryAugust,12,2014
Alaska -- Primary Election DayAugust,19,2014
Wyoming -- Congressional PrimaryAugust,19,2014
Arizona -- Primary Election Day August,26,2014
Florida -- Congressional PrimaryAugust,26,2014
Vermont -- Congressional PrimaryAugust,26,2014
Guam -- Congressional PrimaryAugust,30,2014
September 2014 Dates
Delaware -- Congressional PrimarySeptember,9,2014
Massachusetts -- Congressional PrimarySeptember,9,2014
New Hampshire -- Congressional PrimarySeptember,9,2014
Rhode Island -- Congressional PrimarySeptember,9,2014
November 2014 Dates
Louisiana -- Open Primary/CongressionalNovember,4,2014
Note: Laws, rules, and procedures in State and local elections may differ depending on the type of election.

General Elections:

General elections have the most offices and issues on the ballot and usually generate more interest and higher turnout than any other elections.Most offices on the general election ballot are partisan.

Primary and Caucus

Primary elections are one means by which a political party nominates candidates for the next general election. The main difference between a caucus and a primary is that a caucus involves face-to-face interaction between voters, where voters can try to persuade one another to vote for (or against) a certain candidate.

Municipal Elections

In municipal elections, registered voters elect members of their local government, such as mayors, council people, township supervisors and district judges.

School Elections

School elections are held to elect school board members and community college directors

Special Elections

A special election is held when someone who is already in office can no longer serve and must be replaced. All registered voters in the district can vote in a special election.
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November 4,2014 Election

In 189 days
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June is upon us already - and there is a finite time for registration in many states - so let's get with the program.  If you have any 18 year olds who will be eligible to vote by June, get them registered now BEFORE YOU GIVE THEM THEIR BIRTHDAY GIFTS.  And let them know that they will receive the other half of the gift AFTER THEY HAVE ACTUALLY VOTED.

Share this chart with friends, family, enemies, associates - we have to be in it to win it across the board. 
Now that you know - what will you do?


Gloria www.gloriadulanwilson.blogspot.com/ECLECTICALLY BLACK NEWS

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