By Gloria Dulan-Wilson
Its no new news that Brooklyn has one of the highest foreclosure rates in the five-borough area. In fact it's the highest in the Metropolitan New York Area.
While valiant efforts on the part of local community based organizations to save homes from foreclosure have been little more than a drop in the bucket, the organization still has yet to find a home in a community where it's needed the most, and can do the most good.
On Saturday, March 19, 2011, Bedford Central Presbyterian Church, 1200 Dean Street, corner of Nostrand Ave, will host NACA's (Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America) Home Save Workshop for those who are facing foreclosures, from 4:30 to 6:30; followed by their First Time Homebuyer Seminar, from 6:30 to 8:30, for those who are first time homebuyers and are eligible to take advantage of the free down payment, closing costs and one percent below prime mortgage program. This is a joint effort between The Bedford Stuyvesant Multi-Services Center, Choice2Empower, NAIA, and CitiWorks of New York,
If you, or someone you know, are facing foreclosure, or if you are the victim of a toxic mortgage or predatory lending, this is the place you need to be.
Likewise, for those who have recently completed a HUD approved first time home buyer training program, and have the certification to prove it, this will be of especial interest to you, since most of the preliminary requirements for counseling will have already been completed.
Bruce Marks, founder of NACA, and a native Brooklynite, founded NACA 26 years ago to thwart the redlining taking place in Boston, against many of his fellow union members, most of whom were African American. They were either redlined out of the neighborhoods they wanted to live in, or they were charged higher interest rates for mortgages, even though they had the appropriate credit rating to merit lower rates.
Marks, who coined the phrase "Main Street, Not Wall Street", after the attempted bail out of Bear Sterns, is known for his shock tactics to shake executives out of their remote control attitude towards working class people.
In an effort to make Congress aware of the egregious acts against cash strapped home owners on the part of Chase and other banks, Marks was recently arrested for shouting "Liar! They are not trying to help the home owners; make them tell the truth," at a recently held congressional hearing. He was led out of the chambers in handcuffs. This is the extent to which he will go to defend the rights of the homeowners; and the extent to which his supporters will likewise follow him to ensure that the banks are not allowed to get away with bilking homeowners out of billions of dollars, while they line their pockets with undeserved bonuses.
Below is a partial copy of a letter I received from Bruce today. They are culminating a successful week in Miami Florida, where, as you know, thousands of homes are facing foreclosures. This is an announcement of their week-long Save The Dream for Atlanta, GA. But I thought you might be interested the difference between an organization that takes a perfunctory half-hearted interest in your problems, and one, like NACA, that is vested and dedicated to saving homes.
Dear Homeowners,
NACA’s Save the Dream Tour is returning to Atlanta after an incredibly successful Miami and the West Coast Tour where thousands of homeowners achieved affordable mortgage solutions. We will be at the AmericasMart Atlanta from Thursday March 3rd through Monday March 7th providing same-day affordable solutions.
NACA is determined to achieve your affordable solution. This is your opportunity to get it done. We strongly recommend that you come from near and far, particularly if you are frustrated with your Lender or Servicer due to lack of response, not getting an acceptable solution, not being satisfied with your solution, being denied a solution, or other issues you have with your Lender or Servicer. In addition, we have made changes to our process. Our lines and wait time are shorter. We have implemented a new Ticket Alert System so homeowners do not have to wait long hours. Most importantly, we have many more same day affordable mortgage solutions coming out of our Events than ever before, and a significant number with a principal reduction.
NACA will not rest until we achieve affordable solutions for our at-risk homeowners We expect many thousands of homeowners with an unaffordable mortgage to attend, with thousands achieving same day solutions during the event. These NACA events have been incredibly successful and have become the only viable solution for large numbers of at-risk homeowners. Many homeowners have had their mortgage payments permanently reduced by over $500 a month, and some by over $1,000, often with interest rates reduced to 3% or 2%, and sometimes a principal reduction.
All of NACA’s services are FREE.
* Bring your most recent 30 days of pay stubs or other verification of income (self-employed members please provide six months of bank statements). If you have been working with NACA, you should also access your Web-File to review the most recent updates and your next steps.
Tell your family, friends, neighbors and co-workers. NACA provides the best solution to the mortgage crisis. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose - there is no cost and the major lenders and investors will be on site. Do not miss this opportunity to make your mortgage payment affordable! We look forward in assisting you in achieving your affordable long-term solution.
NACA ATLANTA Save-the-Dream Event:
* Location: AmericasMart Atlanta (250 Spring Street Atlanta, GA)
* Starts: Thursday March 3rd at 8:00 a.m.
* Ends: Monday March 7th at 8:00 p.m.
* Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. everyday
NACA Management
In speaking with Bruce Marks, he indicated that a similar Save The Dream Marathon is being planned for New York as well, in the mid to late spring. In the interim, the workshops are being held for those who have immediate issues that can't wait until then. It also make it possible to register early and receive preliminary assistance prior to the marathon.
So spread the word, and save the date: SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 2011, 4:30-8:30. NACA is coming to Brooklyn
Stay Blessed &
Gloria Dulan-Wilson
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