
Unfair treatment of BARBER HALL - A 41 year established Black Owned Business in Philadelphia


CONTACT: Arthur Green - LEADER 14th Ward

Email: 1965adams@comcast.net

Phone/Text: 267.986.7948

Press Conference Alert:   Unfair treatment of BARBER HALL - A 41 year established Black Owned Business in Philadelphia

Who: The  Coalition of African American Democratic  Ward Leaders of North Philadelphia, Jake Adams Proprietor of Barber's Hall,

Arthur Green, Leader 14th Ward

What: Re-open BARBER'S HALL and reestablish Jake Adams in his business, grant him due process in the hearing on  Barber's Hall closure

Where: Barber's Hall 1402  W. Oxford, Philadelphia, PA*

When: Monday, June 17, 2024 11:00AM

Why: For forty-one years Barber's Hall has exemplified a good reputation and standing in the Black community near Temple University.  Over the course of that time there have never been any  incidents that would cast them as a nuisance or a negative influence;  nor any situations which should warrant their being  shut down.  However, we are mindful of the fact that Temple University has continued to expand its footprint, and may be behind the sudden closure of what is  mainstay in the African American community. 

Who:     We - the Coalition of African American Democratic  Ward Leaders of North Philadelphia - are requesting Barber Hall be allowed to remain open as a vital and viable part of the community.  And that they be allowed to have a due process hearing, instead of being summarily deprived of doing business and providing a vital outlet for the residents in the neighborhood.

We are, likewise, requesting due process for Jake Adams, as well!  He deserves the respect of any other business owner, as well as the  opportunity to  retrieve his belongings.  After nearly 41 years of continuous peaceful, quality service and interaction with Temple University students, and the Black Community in the surrounding neighborhood, the iconic  club's sudden closure was egregious!   We are asking that Barbers Hall be reopened  so that Mr. Adams can continue his livelihood of providing good, clean wholesome service to the community around Temple University.  Mr. Adams deserves a  due process hearing on the alleged complaint that led to the closing of his business by L & I (Licensing and Inspections); and why it is that, with numerous incidents along the corridor – which have not been consequenced by law enforcement -  why  they decided to enforce a city nuisance ordinance against Barber Hall, which has been a positive, peaceful local haven in the community?

Individuals indicated that the shooting that took place in front of the building did not involve Barber's Hall, or its patrons.   We believe it's a veiled, contrived attempt to take over the business and the neighborhood to clear the way for Temple University to have an even bigger footprint in the community.   Barber's Hall is the only business remaining on that corner of Broad and Oxford.   RiteAid,  KFC, Blue Horizon and The Freedom's Theatre have been closed down and is now a loft building for students

Before Liacouris left he indicated that it was time to institutionalize Temple U, and for decades Black businesses and other services to the neighborhood have been shuttered, forced out, or penalized for "violations."  This might well have something to do with the stadium they want to put on Broad Street in the middle of Philadelphia's African American community, Instead of putting it on their Ambler campus; or on Indiana Avenue, where there are acres of rusted out, abandoned factories.  Thus far the historicity of the African American community as well as some of the most beautiful, historically significant buildings have been destroyed in the wake of Temple's expansion into neighboring communities. As with the focus on shutting down the Africology department at Temple, the closing of Barber's Hall may be a way of sweeping out of the rich heritage African Americans have in Philadelphia.



*NOTE: If it rains, the Press Conference will be relocated to the Democratic City Committee 219 Spring Garden, and held at the same time 11:00AM.

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