
Rest in Peace Dear Brother/Friend Richard Williams - Lincoln Lion Gone Home

By Gloria DULAN-Wilson
Hello All:

It is with a great deal of sadness that I learned of the transition of my dear classmate, brother, friend Richard β€œChubb” Williams.  I received the news from our classmate, and his Kappa Brother, Tom McGill.  We were classmates during the exciting and turbulent 60s, and shared the same major.   "Chubb", the Rabble Name by which he was affectionately known to all of us who attended Lincoln U, was part of our  Emeritus Class of 1967.  He loved us, loved his family, loved his Fraternity, KAPPA ALPHA PSI, loved Lincoln U - but most of all,  he loved life.

He was a lifelong educator and community activist, always looking to help others succeed.  After a long valiant struggle with complications of diabetes, where he rose and fell several times over the years, he finally made his transition to the realm of the Ancestor/Angels.  I am so proud to be counted as one of his friends for life, spanning more than 50 years.  I am going to miss the conversations we had throughout the various states and stages of our lives- from Sociology classes together under Shabby Foster, thru child rearing challenges, retirement, Kappa fundraisers, and receiving our Emeritus Medallions from LINCOLN U in 2017.  He was part of the behind the scenes effort that saved LINCOLN a from hostile takeover in 2020.  Despite illness, he stayed on top of it, and stayed involved.  Like a true Lincoln Lion,  he never did anything by halves. He was whole soul all in.
I am going to miss my Brother/Friend πŸ˜”
My condolences to his sons, grandchildren, family, former students, Fraternity Brothers, and his Classmates of 1967 πŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΏπŸ’”πŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΏ.
We know that his spirit is still with us.
I have so much appreciation or this wonderful brother πŸ˜”.   Thanks for the friendship, and for naming me one of KAPPA ALPHA PSI’s Women of Achievement. Thanks for all the talks down memory lane, and for being such a Fine Black Man - inside and outπŸ™πŸΏ  He is reunited with his lovely wife and lifemate and smiling down on us all.

This is a picture I took of Rich when he received his Class of 1967 EMERITUS MEDALLION in October, 2017.  Love the look of joy and pride on his face.
Stay Blessed &
Gloria DULAN-Wilson
LU EMERITA Class 1967

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