
The Persecution of Governor Andrew Cuomo: A Prime Example of New Yorkers STUCK ON STUPID - And Other Burning Issues

By Gloria DULAN-Wilson

NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo under persecution for alleged womanizing - is this real or is this conspiratorial? 


I have long maintained that caucasoids are stuck on stupid.  I've also been concerned about the fact that Dems can't see the forest for the trees, and are often prone to shoot themselves in the foot.
There are times that I am convinced that they parallel those creatures who eat their young.

Tragically, they don't know when they're winning.  They don't know how to continue winning, and they have absolutely no clue about loyalty or staying on message.

Here we are in a battle for our very souls, and these bozos decide they are going to go after New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's cajones, and make the insipid declaration that he no longer can govern.
How ridiculous!!  Or did they suddenly become inflicted with convenient amnesia and his adroitly competent handling of the Pandemic that ate New York?   It is as ridiculous as the allegations that he harrassed 200 females during his tenure as Governor of the State of New York - when did he find the time?  Between the TV broadcasts?  While he was trying dispatch much needed assistance to the overwhelemed hospitals, nursing homes, schools, while simultaneously dealing with the predator in chief who was diligently undermining his efforts to save the state?  Worse yet is asking him to step down, not only without a hearing, but also while there are even more egregious things happening - right under their very noses that they have yet to rectify, or reign in.  And also dealing with the fact that the whole thing is specious and conspiratorial - plotted by repuglycons who know how knee-jerk Dems can be (emphasis on jerk), and the penchant for the 15 minutes of fame many have fallen under the spell of, as social media continues to undermine the moral fiber of the country.

This country is in crises - for New York allow themselve to be distracted form the issues at hand, to a pile of BS, shows that we still haven't learned the name of the game.  What crises, you might ask? 

For starters:
1) The liar in chief is still running amok trying to gather forces to overthrow the government!  Why?  Why hasn't he been arrested - cited for alienation and sedition and attempting to overthrow the government and inciting to riot, and supporting enemy cells throughout the US where insurrectionists are being trained to subvert and foist violence in communities of color.

2) You have at least 17 governors throughout the US exacting oppressive, regressive, racist laws to deprive Black people of the right to vote; to prevent Black people and people of color from the privilige of self determination.  If you want to go after governors who have committed egregious, illegal, inhumane crimes against American women, men, children - those are the ones to demand to step down first.

3) You have a Senator, MATT GAETZ, who's allegedly a pedophile and self trafficker, that has yet to be dealt with, despite the full exposure of his egregious exploits - still making decisions - the only reason he's still there is because the repuglycons are afraid they will be in the minority if he is found guilty and forced to step down.  On a similar track, you have Marjorie Taylor Greene, who, if she was in a regular 9-5 job would have been fired, put under psychiatric observation, or institutionalized, being allowed to run amok - much like the predator in chief - terrorizing people who are there to serve their constituents.

4) Covid - Delta Version - is rearing it's ugly head - and NYC dodged the bullet primarily because of the leadership of Andrew Cuomo -  the same Governor these idiots are now trying to impeach - and nobody thought to check whether or not this is a Repuglycon (republican) plot, to weaken the mighty strength of New York - to end up with another Pataki like monster for 9 years because no one really sat down to examin the real motive behind this witch hunt.  200 women?? Seriously?? Then when did he find the time to govern?  What were doing in the in between times.
5) Dems - especially the caucasoids, show their true colors when they are called upon to take a stand - sadly they are weighed in the balance and found extremely wanting.  This was recently cited on the issue of the key infrastructure bill - where NOT ONE BLACK CONGRESSMAN/WOMAN WAS ON THE PANEL!!! But the caucasoids shrugged it off.  They also say the reason they are not for the filibuster - which is egregiously racist - is because even if it does happen, in 4 years, when the repuglycons are back in power, they will just re-instate it.  This came out the mouth of Arizona congresswoman Sinema - who apparently has no interest in maintaining, or expanding the Democrats majority - but has already made a foregone conclusion that the Repuglycons will be back in the majority during the midterm.
It appears to me that the Dems need to take a deep, hard look at who they have in their party; what they really stand for; are they being secretly bought and sold under the table?  It's distressing to hear that Dems are clueless on how to win and then, after winning, how to rule!! 
I am also concerned about President Joe Biden - who, by the way, is doing a good job!  But we need better.  We need show of force, shock and awe, and some serious EXECUTIVE ORDERS to correct and eradicate the four plus years of egregious revisionism and racism leveled by the repuglycons under Boehner (during the Obama Administration), and then tagged team into existence and handed over to McConnell, when Bone-head Boehner finally stepped down.   NEED I REMIND YOU, MR. PRESIDENT, IN MY RECENT OPEN LETTER TO YOU, THAT PRESIDENT LYNDON BAINES JOHNSON USED THE EXECUTIVE ORDERS TO ESTABLISH THE VOTING RIGHTS ACT - YOU NEED TO DO THIS RIGHT NOW!   Be leisurely later - the country is in crises - issue a warrent for T-rump's arrest; put out an APB for his kids; undo all - AND I DO MEAN ALL - the harm he his done including finding a way to FIRE DEJOY FROM THE USPS; or at least set him up so that he has absolutely no power while he is still there - which by the way is a conflict of interest.

I think President Biden needs to spend more time reigning in the onslaught of the mediocre meanstream media minions who are pushing this story and realize this is a trap by the repuglycons to detract from the fact that he needs to be using his EXECUTIVE POWERS to stem the tide of other things that are happening to undermine our very narrow margin majority.  If you can't do it, hire a real political strategist who really knows how to deal with the mediocre media and make sure his message comes through instead of being obviated by bogus anchor people.  

When you turn on the TV the first 15 minutes of the faux news is about T-rump - not Biden. It's a major effort to brainwash American people - the more you hear his name, the more the enters the subconcious of the gullible American viewing public who actually think they are watching the news, when they are really being propagandized.  If you plan of getting your plans done, this is the time to get your PR - or you can kiss the 2022 mid-term goodbye.  Since when was it legal to exact egregious laws to deprive people of their voting rights.  But no one on the news is talking about ethical and constitutional issues that crop up with these governors who are trying to deprive Black people of voting.  If you are going to force governor Cuomo to step down, think again - start with governors in TEXAS, GEORGIA, and other areas across the US that have signed on to this.


It's disingenuous to be talking about asking GOVERNOR CUOMO to step down, while you have a bunch of asshole governors who are committing even more more heinous acts than he's been accused of.

Our so called legitimate news media, as well as Faux/Fox news, are hoping to brainwash enough of us so that in the midterms we don't turn out, and the gremlins regain the majority.

Wake up y'all
You are being hoodwinked - again!
We cannot afford to lose any ground.
Grow a pair and take over for real, not just on paper.
Stop the madness
You got the power of the pen!
Make it happen
We're watching you!!
Stay Blessed
Gloria DULAN-Wilson 

Gloria DULAN-Wilson


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