
IMO: Afghanistan, Haiti, Cuomo, President Biden, Among other issues

By Gloria DULAN-Wilson

Hello All:

I just love the Monday Morning quarterbacking being bandied about on TV and the media that are saying that the  President's handling of the US troup withdrawal from Afghanistan was botched or messed up, without a clue in how to do it right, and what it takes to be insipid.  None of the commentators - including yours truly - have the right, capacity, expertise or ability to do this particular job.  The only thing President Biden could do under the circumstances - given the principals involved, the Taliban and the Afghanistan, was to pull the bandaid of quickly. 

The warning had already been given  by president Bident - the US is pulling out ALL TROOPS from Afghanistan by the end of August, giving ample time on their part to get visas, make arrangements  to leave - relocate, or reconcile - but when August came about, it was as much the responsibility of the Afghans, as any one else, to be ready with a plan to not be there.  They probably had been accustomed to previous presidents relenting, changing their minds and expanding the number of troops, instead of making good on the threat.  Not doing so was the fault of the Afganis - not the US - and certainly not President  Biden.

I have long had a strong objection to weaponizing primitive cultures.  These cultures have existed from Biblical days - they have never come into the 20th century, let alone the 21st, and their feudal wars are centuries old - not just the span of decades.  They are taking age old superstitions and weaponizing them, using their etnic angst to override any sense of restraint; any semblance of humaintarianism - a word that does not even enter the vocabulary of those who see each other as non-human, and whose concept of victory is complete annihilation and destruction of the other tribe.  These people hate each other from a visceral level.  These people are looking for total subjugation - a/k/a slvery - one of the other.  The Afghans would do the same if the shoes were on the other foot.

This was not a "civil" war.  This is an internecine war. (destruction on both sides) - there is no winner; there is no education, there is no food; there are no homes; there are no hospitals, there is not kum-bah-yah moment for either of the two sides.  All the US has been doing is truly delaying the inevitable.  The best we can really do for all concerned is take all the weapons from both sides, and make them duke it out with sticks, knives, and rocks - which is totally appropriate for people not ready for the 21st century.  If, in the interim, principles of humanity,  liberty, equality, fraternity, (stuff Americans and others are still learning, by the way) as well as how to use technology for the benefit of all concerned - along with a basic education (which should include history about both cultures) could be taught to both Adult and Children, perhaps this could have turned around this insipid conflagration everyone is talking about on the news.

So stop saying President Biden did a terrible job. Or that he could have controlled the outcome.  WTFU y'all!  America has more than fulfilled her commitment to the Afghans.  Unless you want us to spend an additional 20 years there, it's time to regroup and focus on things needed here in the US.  In addition to that, the controversy about where to relocate those  people who were instrumental in working for the US is still workable. Whether or not to relocate them all to the US, is not the best idea, and  is something that needs to be given more consideration.  Perhaps relocation to some of the Territories under the US would be a better option.  Stop trying to make America look like the bad guy just because we don't have the capacity to absorb thousands of people from other cultures into the US.  Possibly, shared asylums with other allies might well a positive solution  so we don't have to assume the brunt of the burden. 

At this point the only thing we can really do is pray for the Afghan people - for the Taliban - for the country (such as it is) - for peace - but stand back and let them either figure it out, or wipe each other out in the process.

In the interim, right here in the US, some pretty violent, egregious stuff is going on right under our very noses - the evisceration of our Voting Rights by racist, renegade, backwards governors; the media's denigration of President Biden on a regular basis by the ersatz news media, while pretending to criticize the ersatz former president; the egregious renegade governors getting away with desecration of our constitutional rights with impunity; while one governor who has been the backbone of the party has been kicked to the curb by his own party instead, of being rallied around and given an opportunity to have his say.  These incongruent actions are getting to the subconscious minds of many voters who wonder if the Dems know how to win and then how to maintain a win.  
There is such a thing as being too nice, too diplomatic, too patient, too lenient when you are dealing with vipers in your own government.  While I don't agree with what's happening between the Afghans and the Taliban, they at least know who their adversary is, and know when things have reached the point of being non-negotiable.   When you have the winning hand, YOU HOLD ALL THE ACES - YOU PLAY THEM RIGHT THEN, OTHERWISE, YOU SLOW YOU BLOW; YOU SNOOZE YOU LOSE - THE POINT OF NEGOTIATION PASSED - TIME TO MAKE IT HAPPEN - NOW

So, let the Afgans and the Talibans duke it out! or get over their inbred ethnic tribal hatred, and figure out a way to live together and build something beautiful. 

Let's take care of our business right here in the USA, lest we end up with similar circumstances ourselves. 

The tragedy is that there are far too many inborn tribal problems across many othe cultures that appear to continue to linger to the detriment of their country and culture.  Sadly, thus far the caucasoid tribes appear to be the only ones that have successfully reigned in their intratribal differences and consolidated their efforts, talents and have successfully built modern day empires.  A nod to them  for that. 

We are now dealing with some of their renegades (operating under the guise of congressmen, senators, governors, news commentators, commercial sales reps, and just plain old subversives) who are trying to deprive us of our rights and abilities to do the same by passing predatory laws, by hosting mediocre TV media reports, and by sabotaging those very principles that are due us that they have accorded to themselves.  Ironically and unfortunately, the tribe that is supposed to be in our corner appears to have some major divisions of their own, and we are having difficulty dealing with who is really working our behalf.   
Sadly, the current political system is in dire need of an enema - possibly a high colonic.  Like the Taliban, the adversarial system of the right wing nut side of this tribe is determine to destroy everyone, and has utilized every negative means in their power to make it happen.  The guise of civility was seriously and scurriously breached on January 6, 2021 when, under the instigation of the ersatz predator in chief, they assaulted the Nation's Capitol.   Their underhanded tactics have been given more than neccessary coverage via the meanstream media,  where the bogus "analyses" have sufficiently given the rightwingnuts more free publicity than they deserve (it's called programming the subconscious mind of the voters by keeping the negative news before them to the exclusion or diminution of the others.  They further exacerbated the problem by making sure they dominated the news, used the methodology of the big like to garner attention, and host hostile events that are violent and ignorant in nature.  Slick way to steal the midterm and putting back under the heel of the Repuglycons.  

Now that their gloves are off, and their underbelly has been revealed, this is no time for playing nice, extensive bogus negotiation, or letting this slide.  The leader for our tribe has the power of the pen - a mighty weapon that he can wield mightily if he uses his gut, his common sense, and follows in the foot steps of predecessors who made bold moves when the adversaries were licking their chops looking for a defeat. I.E. USE THE EXECUTIVE ORDER - IT'S YOUR BEST WEAPON AND BEST DEFENSE AGAINST THE NEFARIOUS SEDITIOUS, TREACHEROUS MACHINATIONS OF THE REPUBLICAN/REPUGLYCON MISCREANTS!

What is our role and responsibility in this?  To stay the course, to advance our influence, to teach and train, to practice power, to educate our base, to expose mediocre media propaganda (b.s. news) messages as faux news, and to become our own central power.   We have to make sure they don't undo all we've done and to triply expand all that we need to do to further secure our rights and enhance our lives.

I'm closing this out by saying following:

Governor Andrew Cuomo should/must rescind his resignation and force a hearing.  It's ironic that they could force him out of office, but not deal with the egregious blatant overreach of racism on the part of elected officials, clearly and flagrantly in violation of the constitution of the US - who daily heap on some new atrocity in defiance of the law.  Why isn't anyone arresting them?  Why aren't they being forced to step down? Why aren't they arrested and forced out like Cuomo?

God Bless the People of Afghanistan, the people of the US, Africa, and our beloved Diaspora.  

God please help our Haitian Brothers and Sisters to help themselves in the rebuilding of a powerful nation (without the interference of caucasoids); and curses to all who would thwart our efforts to retain our rights regardless of who they are or where they are.

Stay Blessed &



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