
ECLECTICALLY BLACK NEWS SPOTLIGHT ON RDEVIA - Benefiting HBCUs Eduation Access, Racial Equality & Social Justice

By Gloria DULAN-Wilson
Hello All:

RDEVIA is a stellar support organization formed by  Black youth who have either attended an HBCU, or are supportive of our HBCUs because of their importance to Black education and culture.  

They have done a great deal in support of the sanctity of our HBCUs and have taken it upon themselves to help ensure that Black youth coming behind them have the opportunity and financial wherewithal to attend and complete their education at an HBCU, by collectively raising funds on their own, and through connection with other entities in order to provide scholarships and sustaining financial assistance for students struggling to complete their education.

RDEVIA has embarked on an inspired mission to raise $31,000 in 31 Days during the month of May.  Their method is to ask each person get  eleven (11) friends to donate $10.00 each, and then each of those individuals, in turn,  likewise gets eleven (11) of their friends to donate $10.00, as well.  RDEVIA is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization, which makes the contributions tax deductible, if any of the contacts would like to make additional contributions. 

In the spirit of that option, I am hoping to raise the bar slightly and, for those of you who are interested, and can get 30 of your friends to each donate $10.00 - it would be absolutely awesome.   I'm also reaching out to Fraternities & Sororities - THE DIVINE NINE to likewise pick up the slack and help those coming behind us to make their donation.   This increases what they are able to raise during the month of May, and  they will be able to distribute even more  funds to youth who are in desperate need of support in the upcoming school year.  Regardless of which method you follow, please chip in and encourage your friends to do likewise.  We are each other's' support system.

As a graduate from LINCOLN UNIVERSITY (PA), the world's first degree granting HBCU, and the mother of three HBCU grads, and now grandmother of one graduate and one just entering, I can say from personal experience, that this is a much needed organization.  They may well stand in the gap between those parents and students who, because a shortfall of funds, end up not attending an HBCU and missing out on the fulfillment of their potential.  

RDEVIA hosted their DEW IN THE MORNING BRUNCH MAY 1, the kick off of their $31,000 in 31 days in May.  I was one of the honorees. But more importantly was the fact that their corporate sponsors were Black Owned Businesses:  BITE ME COOKIES(tm) (yum) and BRICK HOUSE COFFEE(tm). They predelivered them for our enjoyment during the virtual event.

They are reaching out to, and partnering with HBCUs, community groups, churches, and individuals to better identify the need - whether individually or institutionally - so they can provide assistance in so many essential areas: whether it be tuition, food, transportation, equipment material and supplies.  This is peer to peer, grass roots, as well as looking at the needs of colleges that have been systematically and stemically whited out due to lack of funds or recognition.

Rather than the red tape so many have been subjected to  while they are still trying to hold their own, RDEVIA is working to develop ongoing positive relationships; and then, as they graduate, in turn reach back and help others as well.  This is truly the spirit of Black solidarity at work.

For more information on RDEVIA click here: 


The following is a message from Marquise McGriff, the founder of RDEVIA:

Subject: Goal Two Depends On You!
Good Afternoon Visitors,

We hope you enjoyed our Dew in the Morning. I believe wholeheartedly we've assembled a stellar team
and together, we can do anything. So, let's do it!
We're excited to share that we've accomplished Goal 1 of $310 without any public announcements.
Now we need YOU, the Board of Visitors to reach Goal 2 of $3100! 
At minimum, we're asking all 11 Visitors to get 10 people to believe enough to give $31. 
You can do this on your own or by making a page here


While I think what President Joe Biden is doing is excellent, and definitely much needed, given struggles many have faced during and after the Pandemic.  However, it is equally important that we, ourselves become our own heroes.  This is what RDEVIA is about.  Being proactive is self empowering - self empowering is something that has long been missing in the Black family community.  It is so impressive to find youth who are following their own professional goals, but are simultaneously reaching back to others so that they aren't set adrift, or dependent on others.  The more we do, the more we can do. 

This is what is meant by LIFTING AS WE CLIMB. 

I am not only urging you to support by giving $31.00 to assist in this goal; but, now that many families are receiving stimulus funds, they be encouraged to set a portion aside for their children to attend college - and take a portion and donate it to RDEVIA, so they can in turn assist them when their children are ready to attend college. 

Our HBCUs are an integral part of our heritage and our future.  We now have a champion in the form of recent graduates who have received so much value from their HBCU experience they want to pay it forward.  How awesome!

Let's support them!
Make that donation now!!


Stay Blessed &

Gloria DULAN-Wilson

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