
This Just In: Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Temporarily Halted???

By Gloria DULAN-Wilson

Hello All:

Hope all of you are well, happy and progressing - now that we have a real president, we are witnessing progress on all levels - to the extent possible, given the insanity of the remaining repuglycons, who continue to try and thwart his/our efforts to build back better.

As you by now know the efforts to make sure that every American receives the anti-Covid vaccine - as we get closer to President Biden's first 100 days, we are also close to his goal of having at least 100 million Americans vaccinated - as of today, he is currently at 74 million and counting.  

Thus far three major providers have been approved in the US - however one company, Johnson & Johnson/Jansen may have hit a snag as their use has been rescinded pending results of further evaluation due to the side effects of blood clots in several of the recipients - primarily women. 

There have been mixed reports about side effects from their product, prompting the temporary suspension, which, at this writing has now been okayed for resumed administration via Dr. Fauchi and the CDC as late as this evening.  (https://www.cbsnews.com/live-updates/johnson-johnson-covid-vaccine-pause-blood-clot-cases/).

It bears repeating that none of these inoculations are 100% effective, and the side effects are temporary at worst.  As Trevor Noah said in his show Tuesday evening, when you figure that there have been only 6 in 70 million, it's statistically negligible - however, with so many anti vaxxers out there trying to start a panic, it is important to put the situation in perspective.  Minor blood clots versus collapsed lungs, lingering death and a whole host of other horrible events that may ultimately lead to death.   He, and I urge you to not panic or overreact, but to maintain perspective.  And if Johnson & Johnson/Jansen is not for you, you do have alternatives.  I got my Johnson & Johnson on Thursday, March 25 - and have not had any adverse symptoms thus far. 

That  said, the following letter has been sent to all those who have either gotten the Johnson vaccination, or were scheduled to do so from the :

Dear friend,

The Pennsylvania Department of Health today notified all vaccine providers to pause administering doses of the Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) vaccine until at least April 20.
Individuals who have appointments scheduled to receive Pfizer or Moderna vaccination should keep those appointments. If you are not aware of which vaccine type you are scheduled to receive, be assured that effective immediately providers will not be administering the Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) vaccine.
DOH is taking these steps as a precaution until the CDC and FDA have time to review six incidents of rare blood clots that occurred within two weeks of receiving Johnson & Johnson/Janssen vaccine. These six cases occurred in women between 18 and 48 who were among the 6.8 million Americans who received the Johnson & Johnson/Janssen vaccine. It is important to realize that this announcement shows that the federal oversight process of a vaccine’s safety and effectiveness is working and all steps are being taken to protect Americans.
If you received the Johnson & Johnson/Janssen vaccine and have any health concerns, contact your health care provider. People who have received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine who develop severe headache, abdominal pain, leg pain or shortness of breath within three weeks of their vaccination should contact their health care provider. For more information, find the CDC/FDA guidance online: https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2021/s0413-JJ-vaccine.html.

The final word is that the US is resuming the use of the vaccine as of Wednesday, April 14, 2021 following the assessments of harm vs benefits. 
DOH is closely monitoring the situation and will provide additional information as it becomes available from  the CDC/FDA/ACIP.
Warmest Regards,
Stephanie Sun | Executive Director
Pennsylvania Governor’s Advisory Commission on Asian Pacific American Affairs
Office of the Governor                    


Gloria DULAN-Wilson


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