
In Honor of the great PAUL ROBESON - FBM

By Gloria DULAN-Wilson

Hello All:


I am a lifelong fan of the great PAUL ROBESON - ever since I first heard his voice sing OLD MAN RIVER. 
It's too bad we couldn't clone this FINE BLACK MAN - there are a lot of sisters who would absolutely love to have a Fabulous Brother like him in her life - including yours truly. 
It's obvious the mainstream media and racist caucasoids have been successful in squelching the wonderful movies he's done that were so far ahead of the game that it would have caused street riots in the South to see this brother in all his glory and magnificence. 

I'm share a short list of his works with you.  The caucasoids try to say he was a communist - totally ignoring his other greater body of work in the Cinema and his stance for Black people and liberation. 
There are several other movies starred Paul Robeson where he was cast as the lead - THE HERO - unlike the many demeaning movies made about Black men and women - (Showboat springs to mind). 

There are days when I just binge on his movies.
There is one movie  with Nina Mae McKinney where he is the king of his tribe - she plays his wife  - that is so absolutely fabulous - it is absolutely my favorite Paul Robeson movie.

I hope you can click on the links and watch them and enjoy this wonderful, powerful, FINE BLACK MAN - PAUL ROBESON.  Share them with your family - especially the ones who said they don't like black and white movies.  What they don't realize is that they were done in the early to mid-30s when technology was deemed out of reach of Black people - but we told the stories and made the movies anyway - and did a fabulous job.  At the same time Robeson was making movies for Black people, Spencer Williams and Oscar Michaeaux were doing the same as well.  Robeson had the distinction of being able to be on an equal or superior footing with whites, and telling them off with impunity - probably because his movies were made outside the USA.

I'm a little disappointed that Philadelphia Blacks did not stand up for him when his passport and travel rights were taken away to prevent him from having a larger platform to speak of the evils Black people were suffering in the US.  They also prevented him from singing locally.  He was there for us, but we did not reciprocate.

Enjoy the movies - and if you find any additional Robeson movies that I'm not familiar with (that are non-communistic in nature), please share them with me:  4ECLECTICALLYBLACKNEWS@gmail.com


Stay Blessed &

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