
Tanzania Kicks China Out - Sort Of

By Gloria Dulan-Wilson

Hello All:

This is very interesting - it seems that Tanzania is leading the way again!! Julius Nyerere had to do something similar decades ago when he nationalized the economy and put out East Indians who had almost literally taken over the country after having been brought in by the British as a buffer to keep Africans from learning skills Brits felt would be used against them.

Now, Tanzanian President John Magufuli is doing the same thing.  EXCELLENT!! It is so overdue!! I truly hope the rest of the continent follows his example and begins to do the same.  This is the time for AFRICA RISING!!  (see link to youtube video below)

I must say that I am disappointed to learn  that former Tanzanian president Jakaya Kikwete was the one who made the horrific deal with the Chinese and literally sold the soul of the country.  I had the pleasure of meeting and interviewing him when he visited the US in the 90s.  He appeared to be a very positive, progressive leader.  Unfortunately, he's not the only one - the invasion of Africa has literally inundated the continent - by stealth, predatory loans, false promises and conspiracy. 

Africa did not invite China in to the country.  There was no big "come in and exploit us" sign or advertisement on Africa.  No!  What had happened was...Back during the late 80s and early 90s, there was a lot of buzz about the emerging Chinese economy and how it would rival and dwarf the US economy.  There was also buzz about how the US needed to deal with the Chinese economy.  Somewhere in there, there were negotiations and outreaches from the US to China - and a deal was made, wherein the US, who at the time was having major financial difficulties, sold the so called "African debt" to China in order to bring massive funds to the treasury.  
Most people were not aware of the transaction - certainly not Africa - but suddenly, all the conversation, threats and negotiations to collect the bogus debt went away.  Sadly, no one in Africa asked why.  They were just glad to not have to deal with that, and not have to tiptoe around the US whenever they needed aid or assistance.
Then, China suddenly began making overtures to African countries.  They started showing up as though they were there to "help" - and Africa, not knowing what had transpired, or if they did, not grasping the seriousness of the situation - viewed the initial interactions as friendly and positive.  

They came like Greeks, bearing gifts - but did not see the Trojan horse of invasion and take over that was attached to the offer.

The deals were almost too good to be true.  After years of poverty, and stingy aid from the US, Africa was finally going to be able to get what they needed to develop their continent and help their people gain a better standard of living.  Sadly, before they knew it, Chinese workers were brought in to do the labor - no Africans were hired' Chinese were brought in to do the management - no Africans were hired.  Deals on the table where the interest rate started of as favorable, were later found to have an escalation clause that most leaders did not understand - neither did their prime ministers.  Africa looked up to find that they had sold their souls and country to the devil.  

Now is the time to cut bait, and kick out the perpetrators and do a massive reboot of the country - and take over the factories, buildings, bases using Home Grown African Intelligence and labor. The training and expertise necessary to do so are obtainable via other sources.  In law - possession is 9/10th - meaning what was built in AFRICA stays in Africa.  Especially when the deals that were struck were predatory to begin with.  

The only recommendation that I would make to President Magufuli, is put them all out - and like your esteemed predecessor, they leave with only what they can carry on their backs or in their hands.  Likewise, I would hope that the rest of Africa would take a cue from him and begin to rid themselves of the pariahs from China.  In fact, it would be the perfect time for all of the African Union to band together and eject them from all the countries - assisting each other in doing so - making a unified front.  This is the time for and African renaissance - what you don't know, you will learn; what you don't have, you will build. 

As the great Marcus Garvey, a man who truly believed in the intelligence and primacy of Black people, once said: 

Please watch the video:  So proud of President Magufuli:

Stay Blessed, Woke, Healthy, Well, Safe, Empowered &
Gloria Dulan-Wilson


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