
GUEST POST: THE WEEK: The president is unwell - Yuh think??? LOL

By Gloria Dulan-Wilson

Hello All:

Okay, I'm kinda violating my "no T-rump on Sunday rule."  But I had to post this one - It's kind of similar to the Emperor who has no clothes - I'm just wondering when the critical mass will come together sufficiently to actually take action and put the bozo out.  

It seems that it takes white America a long time to make it happen - it's like the sloth on the TV commercial who spent so much time drawing one part of a clue on the pictionary game.  Yet here we are another "awakening" article - something that we, as BLACK PEOPLE, knew from Day One - from the HILLARY DEBATES; knew from the campaigns leading up to the debates - and now we're getting these brilliantly written, but late show,  articles that wax eloquent - but have no advice about how to get us out of this shit without having to slough through seven more months of this hellacious existence.  

We need to be cleaning up this mess - but we are sinking deeper and deeper into his primordial ooze.  

By the way, just for the record, when the perpetrator is Black and does the things T-rump has done and continues to do, he would be labled a criminal, insane, and would have been ejected, arrested, charged with treason and crimes against humanity.  They would have had him out in a heartbeat!  In a New York Minute.  There would be absolutely no question - and all these theses that are now emerging in the media would be full of recommendations of how to get rid of him or her.

However, since T-rump is critically caucasian - he's simply labled as "unwell," or "spoiled" or like a "child" - WTF??? WTFU white people!!! We have - This megalomaniacal menace has wrecked the economy, the country, the safety nets, the CDC - education, environment - you name it, he's screwed it - taking the reputation and the respect that the US used to have down the toilet.  

Do you want to know the real reason there's a run on Toilet paper in the markets?  To wipe up all the shit T-rump is putting out!!  And now we get the "The ersatz president is 'unwell'" how genteel!!

Anyway, it's still a pretty good article, with some eyeopening  info - yes, we already knew this - making us smarter than they'd like to give us credit for - information.  

And, for the record, the real PANDEMIC IS DONALD T-RUMP from the day he took the oath of office to destroy the US.  I wonder why nobody caught that?  Hmmmm..



April 24, 2020

The president is unwell

By Windsor Mann

JSYK:  I removed T-rump's picture from my post - I will not allow abomination on my site - not apologizing 

The only thing worse than a pandemic is having Donald Trump as your president during a pandemic.  Tens of thousands of Americans have died.  Tens of millions have lost their jobs.  President Trump, meanwhile, has indulged in self-pity, touted an unproven drug, bragged about the TV ratings of his press briefings, and expressed interest in the idea of people injecting disinfectants into their lungs — or, as we used to call it, committing suicide.

Every day, we have to worry about the president's mental health when he should be worrying about our physical health.

After saying he wanted "the governors to be running things," Trump said his authority was "total."  "The president of the United States calls the shots," he explained.  Three days later, he told governors, "You're going to call your own shots."

To the extent that Trump has a plan, it is to take credit for everything the governors do well and to blame them for everything he does poorly.  On Wednesday, he faulted Georgia's Republican governor for reopening businesses too soon.  This was five days after Trump called for several states to be "liberated" from the guidelines he himself had issued the day before. Governors can't do anything right.  If they reopen businesses, Trump will blame them for deaths.  If they keep businesses closed, he will blame them for a bad economy as well as deaths.  By doing nothing, Trump hopes to be blamed for nothing.

Too late.  He failed to prepare for the pandemic even though — and also because — there was a book outlining how to prepare for a pandemic.  Trump doesn't read much, know much, or learn much.  He feels much and talks much.

"I'm not a doctor," Trump said, "but I'm a person with common sense."

Apparently, it's common sense to call hydroxychloroquine "a very special thing" and to say that "a lot of people are saying" that patients should take the unproven drug.  According to a White House official, these people include "so many people in New York — friends, Wall Street guys, real estate guys."

When not heeding the medical advice of real estate guys, Trump relies on his own epidemiological clairvoyance.  He told Fox News' Sean Hannity he had a "hunch" about the coronavirus death rate.  "Personally, I would say the number is way under 1 percent," he said, adding, "I don't believe you need 40,000 or 30,000 ventilators."  As Joel Stein said, "Sometimes you just know in your gut how many ventilators each hospital will need in a pandemic."

Trump's "war against the invisible enemy" is a war against the scientific method.  We cannot attack the coronavirus.  We can only hide from it and defend ourselves with gloves, masks, and hand sanitizer.  This takes time.  The only way to win is to wait.

Trump doesn't want to wait.  Just six days after he called himself "a wartime president," he said the war had "been going for a while" and that it should end by Easter (19 days later).  Why Easter?  Because, he said, "Easter is a very special day ... for me."  Trump makes everything about him, even the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The president's subordinates are tasked with protecting his ego first and Americans' lives second.  His trade advisor Peter Navarro said on Fox & Friends, "I bet on President Trump's intuition on this."  He said "this" because hydroxychloroquine was too hard to pronounce.  Dr. Deborah Birx, coordinator of the White House's coronavirus task forcesaid that Trump is "so attentive to the scientific literature and the details and the data."  This is true if Fox News chyrons count as scientific literature.

In the Trump administration, telling the truth is a fireable offense.  Dr. Rick Bright, the director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, was removed for questioning the president's recommendation of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for the coronavirus.  Now medical researchers have to worry about getting fired for not recommending ingesting bleach.

While visiting the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention last month, Trump boasted, "I really get it.  People are surprised that I understand it.  Every one of these doctors said, 'How do you know so much about this?'  Maybe I have a natural ability.  Maybe I should have done that instead of running for president."

He should have.  Our hospitals would be in much better shape if Trump were in one of them.



Stay Blessed & 

Gloria Dulan-Wilson


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