
GDW EVENT ALERT: Rainbow Push Wall Street Project - March 10-12 - Has been postponed

By Gloria Dulan-Wilson

Hello All:  

Upcoming Events
Mar 10 - Mar 12Rainbow PUSH Coalition · Chicago, Illinois
You like Rainbow PUSH Coalition

I know most of us are accustomed to attending the Rainbow Push Coalition's Annual Wall Street Project Conference in NYC in January.  A few years ago, it was moved to February, appropriately during Black History Month.   This year the 23rd Annual event is March 10th through the 12th.  

Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr.

I'm like a homing pigeon.  I can't wait to participate in what I consider the most pivotal event of the year in Black intelligentsia.  Rev. Jackson never fails to come up with epoch making information, resources, presenters.  His research team is impeccable.   You leave with an arsenal of information that is applicable to your future success - irregardless of whether you are involved in a business venture, personal development, educational endeavors, political aspirations, international interactions, health, sports, entertainment, or whatever - The Rainbow Push Wall Street Project covers all the bases.

Most of you know that Rev. Jackson is a personal hero of mine - and has been for years.   Prior to the inception of the Wall Street Project, he had been mostly perceived of as an activist - a very effective and innovative activist, whose reach was international.  Most of us were not aware of the fact that he was also a phenomenal economist, with broad base knowledge in the realm of investments, development, pension funding, and other arenas Black people are not ordinarily aware of.  In his interest to bring about financial parity between main stream America and most African Americans whose background in the realm of finance is limited - both by lack of experience and resources, as well as lack of education, of the requisite family background that provides them with the silver spoon that makes it possible to reap the benefits available in the investment realm, he launched the Wall Street Project.   Many of us still don't get the connection.  The fact that we have been deliberately excluded from those major decision making realms that ultimately impact us - from home ownership, investing, educational accessibility, etc.  

I first became aware of Rev. Jackson's economic prowess when David Dinkins was running for Mayor of New York City.  New York was facing a major economic downturn, and Rev. Jackson recommended that Dinkins utilize the New York Pension Funds for upgrading the faltering economy and the educational system.  It was a brilliant plan that would have totally turned the entire economic downturn around.  Allies of both Mayor Dinkins and Rev. Jackson, also supported the concept.  However, sadly enough it was not implemented.  However, I became aware of a side of Rev. Jackson that I think few of us realized - his superior knowledge of  the realm of Finance and financial literacy.  It also indicated why he would have been a fantastic President of the U.S.  

He has channeled that wisdom, knowledge, understanding and resources into the Rainbow Push Organizations signature events - of which the Wall Street Project is pivotal.

My post started out to urging you to participate in the upcoming 23rd Annual event.  However, I just received communication that it had been postponed to a later date owing to the impending pandemic of the Coronavirus, which is currently causing most major gatherings to either cancel or reschedule - see advisory below.

In the interim, while we're waiting for updated information, I'm including some of the initial information about the programs that will be included in the upcoming 23rd event.  And for those of you who need additional information, check out their FaceBook Page.  Hopefully the links I've provided below will be instrumental in expanding your knowledge base on what they've been involved in and will be doing.

In the interim,
Stay Blessed & 

Gloria Dulan-Wilson 



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Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr. Delays 23rd Annual Rainbow PUSH
Wall Street Project Economic Summit to Protect Delegates and Attendees from Possible High-Risk
(New York, NY) March 4, 2020 Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr. announced today that he and Rainbow PUSH Coalition have been closely monitoring and evaluating the expanding impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) or organizational and travel operations. To ensure the safety of attendees at the upcoming Summit, the social justice organization is taking necessary measures to protect the health and well-being of all stakeholders who planned to participate in the upcoming Rainbow PUSH Coalition & Citizenship Education Fund’s 23rd Annual Wall Street Project Economic Summit (“Wall Street Project”).  “We regret that due to the global health concerns, and ongoing travel restrictions being instituted over the ongoing spread of COVID-19, we have decided to postpone the Wall Street Project,  originally scheduled for March 10 through March 12, 2020 at the Sheraton Hotel Times Square in New York City,” says Rev. Dr. S. Todd Yeary, senior vice president of Rainbow Push Coalition.

Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr. and the entire team at Rainbow PUSH want to prioritize everyone’s health and safety during this period of high public health concern.  The Wall Street Project Economic Summit draws hundreds of delegates and attendees from various countries on the continent of Africa and in Europe.  “Amid this global public health emergency, we are committed to protecting our delegates and attendees from heightened health risks associated with public gatherings and international travel,” says Rev. Jackson, the organization’s founder and convener of the Wall Street Project Economic Summit.  Over the past days, New York State officials confirmed six cases of COVID-19, and New York is one of 13 U.S. states with confirmed cases of the virus. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there is now a total of at least 80 confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus nationally, with dozens new diagnoses expected.

Rev. Jackson noted, “We can’t keep COVID-19 from becoming a global pandemic, but the more we can do to protect ourselves, slow the spread of the disease, the less severe the impact will be.”  He added, “We want to make sure we do our part to protect our friends and partners, and not add to the complexity of managing and monitoring essential containment measures. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused by the delay and appreciate everyone’s understanding and support. In the meantime, we hope that everyone stays safe and healthy.”

Alternative dates will be confirmed once the current public health crisis has subsided.  The organization hopes to reschedule the Summit for early June 2020  ##### 





































































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