
Jaime Harrison Needs Our Help to Oust Lindsey Graham in South Carolina

By Gloria Dulan-Wilson

Hello All:

As we get closer to the primaries,  and on to what may be the most crucial election ever - the struggle for the soul of America - there are going to be more and more solicitations for donations and support - count on it!  If we don't support our candidates, whether they are local or national, we can count on things being infinitely worse after November 3, 2020.  

And if you think the only thing you need to focus on is getting rid of the ersatz president, you're dead wrong.  You have to make sure there is a Democratic majority in the Congress - House and Senate both - to not pay attention to these slots is to literally cripple the US - we are now in a death grip under the Repuglycon Party - who are lead in tandem by Mitch McConnell of Kentucky and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina - two former slave holding states, where the racism is still high!   Of course there are other culprits as well that have to be excised by our votes and support, but these two are the ring leaders. 

The fact of life is that you can't get a person of your choice elected without financial support or VOTING.  Like it or not, that's the way it is today.

Thank goodness, President Obama made it possible for people to contribute regardless of what their financial situation.  So whether you pitch in $3.00, $5.00,  $25.00 or more, you can be instrumental in getting the right people in and ousting one of the most heinous regimes since Hitler started Nazi Germany.  

I'm sharing a copy of a solicitation I received from JAIME HARRISON who is running in South Carolina to oust a T-rump supporter, Lindsey Graham.  Graham and McConnell have to go!

Take a minute to click on the part where your name goes, send in your contribution and pass it on to your family, friends, church members, Sorority or Fraternity, associates, co-workers - you get my drift.

Also make sure your family and friends and associates are registered to vote - especially you who are in the areas where voters are being purged - make sure they register again so they are not disenfranchised. 

We aren't going to win just by joking and badmouthing the current incumbent - we have to make this a full on attack.  

This letter of solicitation was made to me.  I'm sharing it with you - please follow up - it's a matter of life and death, sanity and insanity.  

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The South Carolina Senate race is heating up like never before.

And the latest polls reveal I’m only 2% behind Lindsey Graham.

Now Lindsey is terrified -- he and his GOP donors are scrambling to keep his grip in the Senate.

We’re up against an unprecedented wave of far-right money. I need at least $3,423 by 11:59 PM tonight to keep up the fight to defeat Lindsey Graham.

GLORIA, I know I can count on you at this moment. So please, rush $5 now to help me fight back against Lindsey Graham →
5X-MATCH $25 NOW ➞
5X-MATCH $50 NOW ➞
5X-MATCH $100 NOW ➞
5X-MATCH $250 NOW ➞
From dismantling affordable healthcare to defending Trump’s reprehensible immigrant family separation policy, Lindsey Graham has abandoned his principles in order to appease the far-right.

As the next Senator from South Carolina, I promise to always put all Americans -- including America’s most vulnerable -- first.

We have a real chance to demand better leaders who are only accountable to the people they were elected to serve.
5X-MATCH $25 NOW ➞
5X-MATCH $50 NOW ➞
5X-MATCH $100 NOW ➞
5X-MATCH $250 NOW ➞
Together in the fight for the future of our country.

Jaime Harrison
U.S. Senate Candidate
South Carolina

Paid for and Authorized by the Congressional Black Caucus PAC
This message was sent to: eclecticallyblacknews@gmail.com |
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The Congressional Black Caucus works to increase the number of African Americans in the U.S. Congress, support non-Black candidates that champion our interests, and promote African American participation in the political process.

We’re committed to getting African Americans and non-Black allies elected to the highest positions in Congress and activated at the polls to advance issues that matter in our communities.

By joining this grassroots movement, you are helping 
uplift African Americans in the political 
Our campaign is powered by supporters like you. Your grassroots support is critical to combating the Trump Administration and promoting African American participation in the political process. If you'd like to donate to our campaign, please click here.

Donate $5 immediately →

We believe that emails are a crucial way for our campaign to stay in touch with supporters like you.
From the entire Congressional Black Caucus PAC team, thank you for your support!
Stay Blessed & 
Gloria Dulan-Wilson


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