Hello All:
I'm sharing this upcoming Philadelphia African American Leadership Development Forum (PAALDF) offer with you as an opportunity - but I have some caveats that I must mention in doing so. And it's something I think all of our Civil Rights organizations need to be mindful of going forward.
First of all, why is it that a Black organization that's supposed to be fostering Black progress is hosting this event at Bryn Mawr instead of either Lincoln University, PA, or Cheyney University, PA? The reason our HBCUs are having difficulties is because our own Black organizations are bypassing them. Lincoln University, PA, by the way, has a Graduate Center at 30th and Market Streets in Center City, Philadelphia.
Secondly, the criteria for the event definitely excludes a goodly number of brilliant Black leaders on the rise in the Philadelphia area: "Potential participants may include but are not limited to presidents, CEOs, executive directors, COOs, deputy directors, vice presidents, CFOs, directors of strategic initiatives, and department or division heads. Organizations must have a minimum annual budget of $250,000 to participate in the program. Preference will be given to applicants from human service, health, and education-related nonprofits."
There are a large number of Black leaders who have small nonprofit organizations who are doing a yeoman's job in Philadelphia who should likewise be included in this formulation - the sad thing is that they are often overlooked. It's time we recognize that the only way we build a critical mass that could be instrumental in the amelioration of a plethora of problems in the Black community - especially in Philadelphia - is to begin to open those doors and cultivate them as well. It does not good to just deal with those who are already in motion. I'm not saying not to support or educate them, I'm saying it's time to broaden the perspective; expand the outreach, and lift others. We don't have the luxury of being exclusive, when we need to be inclusive and comprehensive.
So, I'm hoping that the Urban League will consider this in their future forums.
That said, here's the information.
I am delighted to inform you that we are now accepting applications to be a part of the 2020 Philadelphia African American Leadership Development Forum (PAALDF). This innovative program explores leadership development through the unique perspective of the African American nonprofit leader. This program is supported by United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey’s (UWGPSNJ) Impact Fund. The 2020 sessions commence in March and conclude in June 2020.
This highly interactive leadership development program incorporates six-days of workshops that not only include classic leadership training blended with exposure to regional and national thought leaders but also provide a safe platform for honest and hard-hitting discourse about the achievements and challenges of African American nonprofit executives. Braided into each session is a strong focus on the unique needs, perspectives, issues, opportunities and challenges of African American leaders.
This program is designed to:The Urban League of Philadelphia partnered with the Nonprofit Executive Leadership Institute at Bryn Mawr College (NELI) to develop PAALDF. It was created in response to the findings of the study funded by UWGPSNJ and conducted by the Philadelphia African American Leadership Forum, “How African-American-Led Organizations Differ from White-Led Organizations: Research Report on African American Nonprofit Organizations in Philadelphia.”
- Build greater capacity within African American nonprofit leaders to support the development and execution of their leadership skills
- Build greater capacity among African American nonprofit leadership and organizations to better serve the African American Community
- Cultivate and align African American leadership to create communities of their peers to promote communication and information-sharing across sectors
- Deepen relationships with the broader philanthropic community and public and private sectors in an effort to become less transactional and more transformative
- Expose African American leaders to best practices and strategies for their application
Potential participants may include but are not limited to presidents, CEOs, executive directors, COOs, deputy directors, vice presidents, CFOs, directors of strategic initiatives, and department or division heads. Organizations must have a minimum annual budget of $250,000 to participate in the program. Preference will be given to applicants from human service, health, and education-related nonprofits.
If you would like to apply, or know someone who may want to apply, please read the Program Description and Directions for Application for further details. Applications will be submitted online HERE. Applications will be accepted from organizations throughout Southeastern Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey.If you have questions, please contact: Kathy Epps at kepps@urbanleaguephila.org or 215.985.3220 x236.
Andrea Custis
President & CEO
Urban League of Philadelphia
Philadelphia African American Leadership Development Forum
Powered by United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey’s Impact Fund
Created in 2017, the Philadelphia African American Leadership Development Forum (PAALDF) is an innovative program, which is sensitively designed exclusively for African American nonprofit leaders. It includes classic leadership training content and exposure to regional and national thought leaders in the nonprofit field. This highly interactive program is completely facilitated by African American presenters, panelists, and subject matter experts.
At the heart and soul of PAALDF is a commitment to provide a safe platform for honest and hard-hitting discourse about “Leading While Black.” Braided into each session is a strong focus on the unique needs, perspectives, issues, opportunities and challenges of African American leaders. Throughout the program, we have built in dedicated times for program participants to reflect, connect, goal set and network, in order to reinforce the development of a community of peers.
As the program ends, participants will reflect on what they have learned and how to support ongoing professional development activities and the implementation of their post program action plans. This program is designed to:
• Build greater capacity within African American nonprofit leaders to support the development
and execution of their leadership skills
• Build greater capacity among African American nonprofit leadership and organizations to better serve the African American Community
• Cultivate and align African American leadership to create communities of their peers to promote communication and information-sharing across sectors
• Deepen relationships with the broader philanthropic community and public and private sectors in an effort to become less transactional and more transformative
• Expose African American leaders to best practices and strategies for their application
The Urban League of Philadelphia partnered with the Nonprofit Executive Leadership Institute at Bryn Mawr College (NELI) to develop PAALDF. It was created in response to the findings of the study funded by United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey’s Impact Fund and conducted by the Philadelphia African American Leadership Forum, “How African-American-Led Organizations Differ from White-Led Organizations: Research Report on African American Nonprofit Organizations in Philadelphia.”
Applicants must be working in an executive-level position in the nonprofit, public, or philanthropic sector and have at least seven years of work experience. The professional must be part of the organization’s executive team or work extensively with members of that team on an organizational level. Potential participants may include but are not limited to presidents, CEOs, executive directors, COOs, deputy directors, vice presidents, CFOs, directors of strategic initiatives, and department
or division heads. Organizations must have a minimum annual budget of $250,000 to participate in the program.
Applications will be accepted from organizations throughout Southeastern Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey.
Preference will be given to applicants from human service, health, and education-related nonprofits.
Six days of workshops and panel discussion on topics, such as:
• The Essentials of the African American Leadership Experience (drawing on the PAALF report)
• Visibility, Networking, and Social Access
• Strategic Thinking and Planning For Organizational Effectiveness
• Board Development and Governance
• Effective Financial Planning and Management
• Diversifying Funding For Sustainability
APPLICATION DEADLINE: February 12th, 2020
Applicants complete the online form HERE
PROGRAM DATES: Please note that applicants are required to attend each session.
Workshop days will run from 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM
Session Date
Session I & II Thursday, March 5 and Friday, March 6
Snow Date: Friday, March 13
Session III Thursday, April 2
Session IV Thursday, May 7
Session V & VI Thursday, June 11 and Friday, June 12
A grant from United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey covers the majority of the cost of this program. To cover the remaining costs, accepted applicants will be charged a $750 tuition fee.
If you have questions about the program, please contact:
Kathy Epps, Director of Operations,
Phone: 215.985.3220 x236
Email: kepps@urbanleaguephila.org
121 South Broad Street
P 215-985-3220
9th Floor
F 215-545-2631
Philadelphia, PA 19107
I. Applications are due on February 12th, 2019.
A. Applicants will complete the on-line application form HERE
B. Applicants will attach their resume to the on-line form.
C. Applicants will attach their essay to the on-line form.
D. Applicants will also attach their 501©(3) form to the on-line Form.
E. Applicants are required to submit their direct supervisor’s Nomination Form to the on-line application.
II. Qualified applicants will be invited for an individual phone interview between:
Monday, January 27 – Friday, February 14, 2020
III. Acceptance letters are mailed to participants during the week of February 17, 2020.
Stay Blessed &
Gloria Dulan-Wilson
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