
GDW EVENT ALERT: Lincoln University President Dr. Brenda Allen to Address Philly Alumni Association 1.23.20

By Gloria Dulan-Wilson

Hello All Lincoln University Alumni:

Pennsylvania is the home of the first HBCU in the Nation - Lincoln University, which is located a scant 45 minutes outside Philadelphia. 

Lincoln was founded in 1854,  six  years before the Civil War and the election of Abraham Lincoln.  It initially offered degrees in divinity and missionary work - which encompassed several different skills.  Missionaries were trained in medical fields, education and other disciplines, and were then dispatched to various parts of Africa - which meant that Lincoln's ties to Africa go back nearly 200 years - as evidenced by a fairly large and steady African student body.  As Lincoln evolved and progressed, she offered more disciplines, had a strong ethic and standard of excellence - so much so, it was known as "The Black Princeton," because we produced more than our share of geniuses for such a small campus - isolated in the backwoods, off the Baltimore Pike.

Philadelphia has a fairly large LU alumni population comprised of both African American and African graduates - approximately 6,000 residing in and around the city and contiguous counties - in such fields as education, finance, technology, religion,  art, public service, and other areas.  You'd think, with so many of our illustrious alumni residing in Philadelphia, the regular meetings, which occur the Third Thursday of each month at Lincoln's Graduate Center,  at 32nd and Market, would be packed with standing room only.  But, au contrare mon frere.   At a time when our support is needed more than ever, they are conspicuous by their absence.   And, yes, as an alumni of LU, I'm calling my classmates, and those who came after me, out.   It's sad that we aren't more supportive of the school that made it possible for us to do what we do.  

Every year that Lincoln has a graduating class is a historical event.  We are literally making history as we enter into our 166th year!  There are other HBCUs who are no longer with us.  We are the deciding factor and we must not take this lightly.  We are the legacy of those who came before us, and those who come after us.

One evening out of the month so that others can come behind us and continue the growth, development and tradition that Lincoln University risked its life to preserve - if it sounds like I'm trying to "guilt" you into attending the Alumni meetings, you are absolutely right!! Somebody has to do it.  I just can't stand the if-I-coulda-woulda-shoulda scenario I hear when it comes to other HBCUs that become extinct because of lack of support from their Alumni.  It's happening now, more than ever.  And we have to be realistic about who is responsible for making sure we continue through to our bi-centennial.   I think as Alumni of the world's first HBCU, we need to set the standard, tone and example. 

Dr. Brenda Allen, President of LU, will be addressing us on Thursday, January 23, at 7:00 PM 
You are "invited" to attend.  I'd like to say it's mandatory attendance - but, you get my drift.  This is her annual update of the state of the Campus.  We need to know this because we pay a pivotal role in the expansion of our beloved Alma Mater.

Dr. Brenda Allen, President Lincoln University - Class of 1981

And, don't keep this invite to your self - reach out to your classmates, your frat brothers and sorority sisters - Let's see who can bring the largest number from your alumni year.  

For those of you who've never attended our Alumni Meetings, it's held at 3020 Market Street, on the 4th Floor.  I'm going to look for you to be there, front and center. 


The invitation is below - please respond so we can be sure we have sufficient refreshment for all attendees.  

Stay blessed & 
Gloria Dulan-Wilson - LU '67 (First 16 Coeds)
Need your evite? Let me know!


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