
GUEST ARTICLE: There are 22 GOP Senators Up for Reelection in 2020 - Let's get rid of them all!!!

By Gloria Dulan-Wilson

Hello All:

Okay, here we are again - at a pivotal point in American Voting History - where our votes will clearly make the difference between life and death in the US.  Where, if we stick together and do our jobs correctly, we can truly change the trajectory this country is currently on.  The last time we were at this point was 2010, when the Repuglycons formed the TeaParty thugs, and came together as a unit and a force to thwart everything President Barack Obama -  I hate to say I told y'all so!  But I most certainly did tell you so Black then.  But somehow folks were rolling on the Obama victory, they didn't take it seriously. And whammo slammo!! The Democratic majority we held in 2008, we blew in 2010 and never regained it - that is, until 2018 - and it was hellified from that point forward.
Now we have a chance to regroup and really recoup our majority.  Believe me, the repuglycons are way ahead of the game.  Purging eligible voters from their polls - while we sit around yelling "not fair" instead of strategizing re-registering them to vote.  

Now that we know there are 22 repuglycon seats up for grabs - we had best be getting our best candidates in place to oppose them - there are key people we want to knock out the box.  But, even if we don't get them, getting at least 6 seats onto the Democratic side will make a heck of lot of difference - but we can't wish it to happen, pray it to happen, complain it into happening, or watch and see what happens.  We have to be as proactive and on the case as the repuglycons are.  THAT MEANS EVERYBODY - Black or white. or whatever.  
By the way, somebody please tell the NAACP and other activist groups, that instead of griping about the purges from the voters rolls, we should be doing massive community voter registrations across the country.  So for everyone they purge from the rolls, we should get 10 back on - at the same time; and make sure they get a receipt for their registration and walk away with a valid voter registration card.  If it means helping them update or present their I.D., so be it.  It doesn't preclude going after them in court.  But don't make them wait while you go through that process.  Just get them registered and keep it moving. 

So, we have 10 months to really make this happen - It's not just about the ersatz president - it's about the entire repuglycon party, the system, political apathy and ignorance and proactive involvement in getting our power back.
Not really, which is why I'm sharing the entire post and comments from other readers with you. 
A word to the wise is supposed to be sufficient. 

The 22 GOP Senators Up For Reelection In 2020

22 GOP U.S. Senators are up for reelection in 2020. This gives a tremendous advantage to Democrats who only have to defend 12 Senate seats, especially given the concerns a lot of Americans have about the Trump presidency in battleground states. Below is a Handy List of the 22 GOP Senators up for reelection in 2020

Hover your mouse over the picture to get the name of the Senator.
As it currently stands the U.S. Senate comprises 52 Republicans and 46 Democrats with 2 Independents who caucus with Democrats, so technically 52-48. To take over the U.S. Senate in 2020, Democrats will need a net gain of 3 Senate seats–a very achievable goal.
Of the 12 Senate Democrats up for reelection, Doug Jones of Alabama is the most vulnerable. The other 11 are in states that typically lean Democratic.
On the Republican side the most vulnerable Senators are Susan Collins(ME), Cory Gardner(CO) and Martha McSally(AZ) plus there are two open seats in Kansas and Tennessee where the incumbent Republicans have chosen not to run in 2020. It’s also worth pointing out that even though Texas has traditionally voted Republican in Presidential cycles, the recent cliffhanger between Beto O’Rouke and Republican senator Ted Cruz means incumbent Senator John Cornyn’s seat is not a sure bet for Republicans in 2020. This means Dems have a very good shot at flipping 4-5 GOP senate seats in 2020
Bottom line, 2020 presents Democrats with a great opportunity to recapture the U.S. Senate. Dems however must not be complacent but instead contest every U.S. Senate seat to get as close as possible to the magic 60 number. For those of you very happy with @Emolclause’s activism don’t shy away from the “tip jar” below on your way out.
You may reach the author via email at author@grassrootsdempolitics.com or author@emolumentsclause.com

Replies to “The 22 GOP Senators Up For Reelection In 2020”

  1. Tried to locate a way to contact you directly, and failed. Have to leave a comment, instead.
    Please correct Perdue’s name (you have it as Purdue).
  2. As a registered republican, I will never vote republican again in the 2020 election. You are a disgrace to the American people for not doing your duty and standing up to Trump. He is a liar and you go along with what he says. Take responsibility and remember the oath that you took to stand for the American people.
    Take for instance the gun control. Trump gets a call from the NRA and he backs down on stricter universal background checks. We as the American people are fed up with the Republican congress. What of all the lives that have been slaughtered with the automatic weapons. We need action and these guns have to go. We are no longer in the 17th century where guns were needed for our safety. Do you not have a conscience? Think of the families who have lost their loved ones.

    Do your job or resign.
    A dissatisfied republican voter.
    Beverly A. Buszka
    1. The same here! I was a Republican for 40+ years, until trump came along. I’ve grown so disgusted by the GOP and how corrupt they have come since Trump has been president! The whole party has gone to hell in a handbasket. I can’t officially change my affiliation until trump is up for re-election. But you can better believe I will become a Democrat at that time! My father was a lifelong Democrat, and my sister is a major trump supporter and so is most of her family. He always said where did I go wrong with having 2 daughters being Republican’s! He passed away 14 years ago, so I feel that he’d be pretty happy that I’m changing parties! Needless to say, when they start up with politics, I head out the door! I’m not going to argue with them, and her one son just loves getting under my skin! So why even bother going to family functions when I just get pissed off and leave. It’s a 120 mile round trip, so its just not worth it! So here’s to 2020, and the demise of the Republican party! It’s only 11 months away, and hopefully we can succeed in unseating 22 Republican Senators who are up for re-election at time!!

  3. All Republicans elected before The Trump administration are open border global corporate stooges. They only show their true colors when ever they believe Washington elites have him on the ropes. They’re cagey & corrupt whose only mission is to get open border globalism back on course
  4. These people need voted out! They have done NOTHING but obstruct for the past 10 years….
    Lets get our great country back on track and be the best leaders and supporters again! We need to start taking care of people and stop spreading HATE!
    Vote them OUT
    Stay Blessed &
    Gloria Dulan-Wilson


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