
GUEST EVENT: WAKE UP AND STAY WOKE with Dr. Efaye Williams Wednesdays 10:00AM

By Gloria Dulan-Wilson

Hello All:

If you missed this broadcast, you can go online to www.wpfwfm.org and listen to it later.
Joe Simon was off the chain - because he has moved forward from Rhythm and Blues to become a Bishop and a community activist/leader.  These are the things that don't make the headlines, but are totally relevant to us all.  We need to support her with our listening as well as our donations.

Hope you can join the show.

Dr. E. Faye Williams, MPA, DPA, D.Min, D.Th,  Esq.
President/CEO, National Congress of Black Women, Inc. 
1250 4th Street, SW, Suite WG-1, Washington, DC 20024 

Join me on WPFW/Pacifica Radio, 89.3fm;  wpfwfm.org@WPFWDC
Every Wednesday, 10 am Eastern Time--"Wake Up and Stay Woke"

"It is through our struggles that we gain our victories." Dr. E. Faye Williams, Esq.
"Do you think the Indians celebrate Columbus Day on Indian Reservations?" Dick Gregory
"When the last tree is cut down, the last fish eaten, the last stream poisoned, you will realize you can’t eat money."  Native American Proverb
"It is my duty to protect those I love."  Black Panther
Until the lions tell their own story, tales of hunting will always glorify the hunter.  -- African Proverb

     Please follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @NCBW, and be sure to mention us using #NCBW and  #NCBWBrunch2018 . 

Don't forget to vote in every election!

Click the photo above for a direct link to: wpfwfm.org
I urge listeners to donate to WPFW-FM for our show
"Wake Up and Stay Woke" at 10 am Eastern Time.
-- Dr. E. Faye Williams
Please call-in to the WPFW STUDIO
with your comments on (202) 588 - 0893
Angela Coleman
Blanche Williams n]
Angela Coleman and Blanche Williams
from Sisterhood Agenda
will soon present an award to Dr. E. Faye Williams.
Please tune in to hear their interview for full details.
Bishop Joe Simon
of "Drowning in the Sea of Love, Chokin Kind
and Power of Your Love" fame.
CEO & President at
Minister Joe Simon Outreach Ministries, NFP
Do you have a
DICK GREGORY Story or Tribute?
is a tribute to
Mr. Dick Gregory
and the on-going theme of this show hosted by
Dr. E. Faye Williams.

How did his leadership
impact your life?
Call in and share your thoughts!
(202) 588 - 0893

    "It is through our struggles that we gain our victories."
-- Dr. E. Faye Williams, Esq.

"Do you think the Indians celebrate Columbus Day on Indian Reservations?" 
-- Dick Gregory

"When the last tree is cut down, the last fish eaten, the last stream poisoned,
you will realize you can’t eat money." 
-- Native American Proverb

"It is my duty to protect those I love." 
-- Black Panther

Until the lions tell their own story, tales of hunting will always glorify the hunter. 
-- African Proverb

Don't forget to vote in every election!
For Interviews or more information, please contact:
Reba N. Burruss-Barnes, Publicist, REBAssociates INTL
Tel: (301) 420 - 0000 |

REBAssociates RESOURCE NETWORK INTL =[]= https://www.rebassociatesintl.net/ =[]= | Reba N. Burruss-Barnes, Publicist, 2312 Brooks Drive, Suite 202, Suitland, MD 20746-1014

Dr. Efaye Williams, Esq. is on every Wednesday on WPFW.fM 10:00-11:00AM

Tune in to her and support her efforts to bring us contemporary information of relevance to the Black Community to make sure they WAKE UP & STAY WOKE


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