
Response to Article: "Which Black Americans Should Get Reparations?"


Hello All:

Just received this from my Lincoln University classmate, Joe Reed - LU 66 -
We rediscovered each other after a long separation - on FB - Yaaaay!!!  And found that we have so much in common about our concern for and love of Black history and Black empowerment.  He keeps me up to date on all his findings and I do the same.  And it has been a rich collaboration - even when there are times that we diverge on ideas.

I just read this article on Darity, which I'm sharing with you - and I admit to be considerably opposed from a "divide and conquer" approach as to who should and should not get reparations - as Black people.  The fact is  there is absolutely no Black person on this planet from the 1500s through yesterday - September 18, 2019 -  who has not been affected and afflicted by racism, slavery, colonization, discrimination and heinous egregious inhumane treatment at the hands of crazy caucasian crackers. 

That said, I also understand the need for some specificity in prioritizing who in the US should be deemed as eligible for reparations.

I said I understand it.  But I don't necessarily support it.  We have been intermarried and intermixed for centuries - both voluntarily, and as breeders to produce more slave children for the slave monsters who were constantly trying to keep us in the fields producing their cotton, tobacco and other products. 

We have had our DNA diluted via white rape to the extent that our gene pool has been altered and distorted - which is why we used to be called "children of the rainbow."  There is a pathology that the meanstream hopes we will fall prey to - fighting amongst ourselves to determine who gets the crumbs from their table.  It amuses them to see us bean counting ourselves they way they used to when were on the plantation.

But we can't go for the okey doke!  We have to make sure that among ourselves that Black is Black is Black is Black - no matter where we came from; our skin tone; our hair texture  - and that our Motherland is our point of origin and the cradle for BLACK people - not for "all" people!!   Sorry y'all who keep trying to guilt white racists into thinking we are all "one."  STOP IT!  NEXT THING YOU KNOW THEY'LL BE TRYING TO CLAIM OUR MOTHERLAND - AND RECOLONIZE US BY RIGHT OF "ORIGINATION" that they are not entitled to.   Africa is the Cradle of mankind and civilization; but then some mongrels left, and in doing so they became altered due to environmental adaptations.

So let's focus on all those of us who were born here from 1619 through 1999 (21 and older) are victims of American racism, and have the right to reparations -  monetarily, educationally, emotionally, socially, and culturally. 

This is my concept - and, yes, it's open for discussion and consideration.  However, I am not concerned about what the white meanstream racists will or won't vote for - we all know that they are in extreme denial.   Don't you find it interesting that they have paid reparations to Germany after WWII, and Israel, as well?  Where are these funds coming from?  And why was it so easy for them to do that, but to have such a difficult time making sure they take care of the debt they owe us.   They didn't ask anyone from Tel Aviv if they were original Israelis, or if the Germans were original Germans, or even if the Japanese were original Japanese. But we are tasked with trying to separate out from each other who is originally Black american former slave and who is not - something they never do when they're discriminating against us - I might add.  They just look at us, look at our skin; lump us into one big category - Black or N-gg-r - and keep pressing (oppressing) on.

I am not concerned about whether or not we were originally born here, have Indian, caucasian, Latino, or Asian bloodline -  Because we are all ECLECTICALLY BLACK. REMEMBER THE WHITE RACIST RULE:  ONE TENTH OF ONE PER CENT OF BLACK BLOOD MAKES YOU BLACK - now that they have to pay up, they want to cherry pick who we are and who we aren't?   And we're going to support them in doing so???  STOP IT!

Who made the decision to make continuous ongoing payments to Israel  every year since WWII?  Congress!!  So where and when did the majority of white America have a say in the matter?  Whose pockets are these payments coming out of?  Ours and theirs.  We're paying to support them.  Why then can't they likewise make ongoing, taxfree payments to those of us who built this country without ever being paid one farthing for our pain, suffering, rape, whippings/beatings, lynching, castration and other egregious acts of inhumanity that have been visited upon us from the first landing in 1619 through yesterday when some unfortunate Black youth was shot in the back by some white cop  somewhere in the US who sees us as the threat and enemy -  and continues unabated? 

In the Bible they say, "You have not, because you ask not."  But make sure you don't "Ask amiss!"  We are supposed to be given "beauty for ashes," "ten times for our trouble;" or "double for our trouble."  Any fool who thinks that does not include MONEY is either stuck on stupid, or afraid.  This country is about money, big time!!  We were once considered their money.  We were their wealth.  We were counted as part of their assets.  The number of slaves they had on a plantation was considered to be part of their power and wealth.  We were their cotton gin (which, by the way, was not invented by Eli Whitney - but by a Black slave, who could not pronounce the word engine - so he shortened it to "gin."  Imagine the money the wealth he would have reaped had he been able to get the patent on that invention!  Zillions - enough to cover all us through the next 12 generations.  There are so many more inventions that we made, but were usurped by white slave monsters (not masters - monsters) who saw us as being their property therefore having no rights.  Not to mention the many medical experiments for which we have been the guinea pigs - that have cured everything from hangnails through gynecological discoveries and treatments.  And let's not forget the syphyllis experiments, Henrietta Lacks Cancer curing cells, and others of which we have no knowledge, that have translated into billions of pharmaceutical breakthroughs.  Still confiscating our genius.

We have to stop that pattern - they owe us BIG TIME - regardless of whether we came on those slave ships, or otherwise.    So don't help our persecuting perpetrators.

BELOW IS THE LINK TO THE REVISED REPARATIONS POST I RECENTLY POSTED ON MY BLOG - ECLECTICALLY BLACK NEWS, AS WELL AS FACE BOOK - IT'S A WORK IN PROGRESS - but I tried to incorporate the financial, emotional, psychological, sociological, medical, educational and other damages we have suffered from.  As sister/friend Joy deGruy said - we suffer from post traumatic slave syndrome - money alone won't solve it - but it will definitely make a difference.

Stop trying to intellectualize the pain and suffering we've endured; stop trying to make it palatable to meanstream people - stop trying to anticipate their anger and fear - let's begin to deal with what it is they owe us - let's make it happen.  Let's make it  BPF - BLACK PEOPLE FIRST -


Stay Blessed &

Gloria Dulan-Wilson

These are some of the predominantly white responses to the article on Darity and who should get reparations.  I've come to the realization that there are also quite a few brainwashed Black people in the US who have drunk the koolaid as well. SMH

In defending his rationale for limited eligibility for reparations, Darity notes that the majority of black immigrants came after the civil rights period in the 1960s. While it is clear that more recently arrived black Americans have faced discrimination — and in many cases have ancestors who were enslaved — Darity said he finds it hard to argue that those who immigrated voluntarily deserve the same reparations as the descendants of those brought to the United States in chains.

Some commets:

47 minutes ago
giving money to the tens or hundreds of thousands of descendants of slaves strikes me as unworkable, mostly because the amount of money given to each would be similar to those settlement awards I receive in the mail - here's your $2!

Better: schools, universities, other such institutions give these descendants tuition benefits or something similar.

1 hour ago
In 1702 they recovered over 1,000 slave bodies out of New York harbor. There was not an African body recovered. They were all Irish. So please figure the Irish into the equation.

1 hour ago
Please document your claim. How were bodies recovered from a harbor in 1702? How did they know they were Irish, and slaves? Your post doesn't make sense.

You are trying to bring up the Irish slave issue. There were a small number of Irish slaves (essentially political prisoners sentenced to labor for life and deported) but virtually all went to the Caribbean, not the US.

37 minutes ago
Check out The History of Torture Chap 13.
Oh and by the way after the Battle of Colladan Scottish prisoners were sold at the slave market in Charleston SC.

1 hour ago

If I can prove that my ancestors never lived in the south, and several served in the Union Army during the Civil War, then my taxes don't have to pay reparations.  Right?  My Mom's grandparents emigrated from Germany in the 1870s.  My Dad's ancestors have been in America since the 1680s, but none of them ever lived south of the Mason-Dixon line.  I have a great article  about my great-great grandmother, who apparently was an ardent abolitionist in the 1850s.

The best argument for reparations is that recent immigrants who are black are better educated and better off economically than descendants of slaves who have been in the U.S. for generations.  Is the Civil War and discrimination the cause?  Or is it Lyndon Johnson and the Great Society programs of the 1960s that destroyed the black culture?

1 hour ago
Perhaps it has something to do with the mass incarceration of black men, who where then used as slave labor in prisons? Or, I don't know... redlining that prevented black families from buying homes? Could have something to do with all those Jim Crow policies that denied black people educations and voting rights.

There was also that whole mass terrorism campaign waged by the KKK where they tortured and murdered anyone who upset their whites-on-top social order.

But sure, let's blame the social safety net. I'm sure that was the cause of the problem.

Silver Laker 2
2 hours ago
The short answer to the headline question as to who should get reparations: NO ONE should get reparations. It's an assinine and unworkable concept and the reasons most are against it are legion.

Joseph Reed, PhD
Program Director
National Science Foundation
2415 Eisenhower Avenue
Alexandria, VA 22314

T: 703-292-5187
F: 703-292-9456


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