
Is D T-Rump a Fake Fool?

By Gloria Dulan-Wilson

Hello All:

He has become the stuff TV comedians and political satirists have based their scripts on.  Saturday Night Live has made Alec Baldwin a permanent guest artist to do T-Rump impressions.  Most FaceBook Posts are about how outrageous and egregious his actions are.  The term "fake news" was coined because of him; his misogynistic views have insulted women cross the board.  When it comes to managing the government he's "all thumbs" literally, making Twitter a weapon of mass deception. And there are a whole lot of red necks getting their jollies off, and feeling pretty aggressive as a result of his seeming ability to make bodacious moves and insulting statements with impunity. And let's not forget the tax thing, or contempt of Congress.

This is one of the few times I'm putting a picture of T-Rump in my Blog - SMH

He makes inane statements and actions appearing to not be aware of appropriate protocols in government, and insults people - particularly women - on a regular basis.  He works on the shock approach, to keep people off balance, unable to anticipate what he's going to do next.  And people have of  course reacted with shock, dismay, frustration, anger and bewilderment, engendering a collective hostility that's beginning to wear on the subconsciousness of America, and fray the unity and stability of our country.

People wonder how can T-rump be so ignorant, evil, mean, oblivious, inhumane?  How is it that he's unaware of the Constitution?  How can he be so callous?  There are several reasons why T-rump is getting away with "murder," treason, and acts that violate the constitution.  How did we get such a dunce for president?  

It's because he's anything but a dunce.  It's because he has the country fooled by his act - and it's a very clever act, a ruse of being ignorant of the rules.  Pretending to be too rich to care.  He refused briefing by President Obama, because if he doesn't "know" the rules, he can violate them easier than he could if he acknowledges that he's been informed.  But, trust, he knows.  T-rump is the consummate Fake Fool. 

T-rump is using this pseudo fool appearance as a psychological sleight of hand to divert Americans attention away from what he's really up to.  Reactionary people tend to get focused on his abhorant behavior, while he is backdooring with other far more egregious and insidious actions - many of which are co-signed by Mitch McConnell and other repuglycons who have backed him so that they can manipulate and control the Congress, Senate, and the US, by extension.

It's a clever act.  And he does it so well.  Don't forget, he's been a TV personality for decades, and has taken deception to the max.  His chameleon like behavior would either be part of a sitcom, or a series on pathological behaviors.  But, it in the final analysis, it's really an act.  And the Fake Fool us flying under the cover of the flag and the nearly sacrosanct role of president of the us. 

So, while many are watching the comics imitate him, and laugh at his shennanigans, let me assure you that T-Rump's behavior is all an act - a very clever one; but an act nonetheless.  He plays the clown - we get the opportunity to say horrible things about him to alleviate our frustration and shock, and he gets away with it, and we become normalized to this weird denigration of the highest office in the land. 

In other words, he's a faux idiot - fake fool -  he's pretending to be an idiot because it allows him to get away with the crap he does.   People say "he's spoiled,"  that "he's a businessman who doesn't know politics,"  because he's used to getting things done his way - etc., etc.; but it's his foil. He knows all too well - but he's a shrewd reader of people and a great manipulator. He does his shit and then gives a "try and stop me" attitude because he knows that most people are either driven by greed or by fear.

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  • T-Rump also understands how to manipulate power - he takes the audacious (outrageous) step, and, if it doesn't work out - so effing what? "So sue me!" - because he knows that they won't or can't. 

    He is playing the bad ass because he knows that it takes a certain kind of audaciousness and viciousness to take him down, and most people just don't have it - especially elected officials.  They're too concerned about appearances to take the actions necessary to save the people they purport to represent.  So they make excuses, have meetings, make dumb statements, and look altogether lame in contrast to his insane. 

    He's the megalomaniac in the house; the Machiavelli of the repuglycon party - he's a sociopath who has been given power that he should never have had; out of control for the most part - cosigned, aided and abetted by those whose ulterior motives are carrying out for them through his weapons of mass distraction (McConnell/Ryan, etc.).  While he seems to have the largest turnover in white house personnel of any president, these are all means by which he pays back his supporters (most of whom are not fit for the position) by appointing them to roles - temporarily - so they can have the title for bragging rights.  

    And while our protestations and angst continues to feed his ego and amusement at the lack of capacity of all those who are supposedly empowered by our votes to represent us to stop him, he is more and more emboldened by our representatives apparent inability to reign him in. 

    All this is not lost on the international scene, either, where the court of world opinion watches as the US self destructs under the reign of a living breathing human velasoraptor.   The US has lost her standing in the world.  The slap in the face he issued Japan, the trade war with China, the insults to France, the dismissal of global warming, and all the other profligate actions that have escalated since the Mueller Report left us high and dry, has set the image of the US back in no uncertain terms.   The collaboration with Putin over his own US advisors would be considered treason, but because we are "reasonable" people in the main, it's hard to fathom that anyone who is the president of the US would do something so egregious and nefarious.  The problem with "reasonable" people is that they can't think outside the box they've been programmed into.  T-rump knows this and uses it against them.  He does his shit and then sits back and laughs up his sleeve as the "reasonable" people scamper about trying to put things right again.

    "Reasonable" people could never imagine America being pushed toward a neo-nazi existence while watching it being constructed right in front of their faces, under their noses - day after day, as more and more liberties and rights are being taken away - health care, quality education, affordable housing.  He does not care who he puts in those positions because the fix is already in - the appointees are just figureheads. 

    But, in the US, things are not so cut and dried.  After the debates of 2016, where Hillary Clinton clearly was the only responsible adult in the room, where she won the popular vote and still lost the election, it's apparent Americans are really gullible.   We've become a country of "reality television" and armchair revolutionaries.   We talk incessantly about T-rump, which he absolutely loves, but we do absolutely nothing about the fact that he is taking the country backwards, while he, his kids and his cronies pocket the profits on the backs of our misery.
If this sounds like a really great horror story - you got it.  The evil giant with the fake hair and small hands is violating the rules in plain sight, doing whatever he wants to the community with impunity apparently getting off scott free.   Oh the horror!!!


Let's not forget that this county loves criminals - Billy the Kid was a psychopath - but they have made him a hero - a romantic hero - even though he killed his own mother.   Let's not forget Al Capone is still a hero even though he engineered the St. Valentine's Day Massacre.    This country supports assholes in power - This country supports monsters - That's why Frankenstein is still so popular; it's why people love watching the Texas Chainsaw Massacre; it's why he said, with complete veracity "I can shoot somebody in cold blood and still be elected president."

T-rump totally understands the warped human psyche of racist white redneck Amerikka, and the post traumatic slave syndrome of Black people.  And he  is so good at manipulating both.  People begin to accept his behavior as the new normal, and the standard by which they measure other people's power.

It's also why, if Nancy Pelosi doesn't put her foot down on his neck, the Democrats will lose its credibility before it even has time to warm the seats. It makes no sense to be in the majority and not be able to get the job done. It's why the voters voted for them. She has to make it happen; and she has to make it happen NOW, and in such a way it's unmistakable that she/we did it. The more this  drags out, the more the public thinks we are powerless. And there will be no way any of the 20 or more presidential wannabes are elected to even dog catcher in 2020.

I do agree that we should have a strategy; but I've also learned the old saying, "Study long and you study wrong," is also true.  The Mueller report has already been a colossal disappointment.  Let's not add insult to injury.  Contempt of congress charges should have been filed immediately after T-Rump or Barr refused to appear.  But to do nothing also does not look good, and does not set well with the collective subconscious minds of America and the rest of the world.

Maybe we need to also get a "bad ass" of our own to go after T-rump as well.  At this point, it's not just about the bad repuglycons and the "good" Democrats; it's about the atrocious repuglycons and the powerful/valiant Democrats. America is looking to be rescued; looking for a hero. It has to be us or fuggeddaboudit!! 



Stay Blessed &



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